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1、随着出国体检的不断增多,用英语书写报告必须掌握,现提供常用词汇: 一、部位 location: 同侧 ipsilateral;对侧 contralateral;患侧 affected side;健侧 intact side;近侧 proximal side;远侧 distal side; 移位 deviation,shift,displacement;无移位 nondisplaced;抬高 elevation;下降 descent,fall; 邻接 abutting,next to,secondary to; 二、范围 extent: 局限 localized,regional;弥散 diff

2、use; 三、分布 distribution: 单侧 unilateral;双侧 bilateral;对称 symmetric;不对称 asymmetric;孤立 solitary;散在 scattered;融合 confluence;中心性 central;偏心性 eccentric;周围的 peripheral; 四、数目 number: 单发 solitary,single;多发 multiple; 增多 increase;减少 decrease; 五、大小 size: 大 large;小 small; 稳定 stability(stable);扩大 enlargement;扩张 dil

3、atation;膨胀 distention;缩小 shrink;体积缩小 loss of volume;狭窄 stenosis,narrowing;闭塞 occlusion,obliteration,emphraxis;doubling time; 六、形状 shape: 点状 punctual,punctate;斑点状 mottling,stippled;粟粒状 miliary;结节状 nodular;团块状 mass;圆形 circular,round,rounded;卵圆形 oval;椭圆形 ellipse;长方形(椭圆形)oblong;分叶状 lobulated;片状 patchy;条

4、索 stripe;线状 linar;网状 reticular;弧线形 curvilinear;星状 stellate;纠集 crowding,converging;舟状 boat-shaped,navicular,scaphoid;哑铃状 dumb-bell;不规则形 irregular; 细致 fine;粗糙 coarse; 变形 deformity;增粗、增厚 thicken;变细、变薄 thinning;变平 flattened; 七、边缘 border,margin,rim,edge;轮廓(外形)outline,contour; 光滑 smooth;锐利 sharp,well-defi

5、ned,well-circumscribed;清晰 clear,distinct; 模糊 hazy,indistinct,ill-defined,obscured,silhouette out;毛刺状、针状 spiculated;分叶的 multilobulated; 八、密度、回声、信号 密度 density(dense)(X 线成像): 透亮 lucency(lucent),transparent; 阴影 shadow;不透光 haziness,opacification,opacity,opaque;致密 density(dense); 低密度 hypodense,low density

6、;高密度 hyperdense,high density;混杂密度 mixed density; 回声 echo(echoic)(超声成像): ultrasound 超声 ;ultrasonography 超声成像 ;gray scale 灰阶 ;real time imaging 实时成像 B-mode ultrasound B型超声 ;color Doppler ultrasound 彩色多普勒超声 sonogram (echogram) 声像图 ;probe 探头 ;acoustic shadowing 声影; * 无回声 anecho,弱回声 poor echo,低回声 hypoech

7、o,low level echo;等回声 medium echo,iso-echo,高回声 hyper echo,high level echo,强回声 strong echo; 信号 signal(磁共振成像): 低信号 hypointensity;高信号 hyperintensity; 九、性质: 囊性 cyst(cystic);空洞 cavitation,cavity;壁 wall(mural);外壁 outer surface of the wall 渗出 exudation;浸润 infiltration;实变 consolidation; 增殖 hyperplasia(hyperp

8、lastic);实性 solid;结节 nodule;肿块 mass; 纤维(化) fibrosis(fibrotic); 钙化 calcification(calcified);头部急诊平扫 Emergent Head Scan; 头部急诊增强 Emergent Head Enhanced Scan 头部平扫 Head Routine Scan ;头部增强 Head Enhanced Scan 眼部平扫 Orbits Routine Scan ;眼部增强 Orbits Enhanced Scan 内耳平扫 Inner Ear Routine Scan ;内耳增强 Inner Ear Enha

9、nced Scan 乳突平扫 Mastoid Routine Scan ;乳突增强 Mastoid Enhanced Scan 蝶鞍平扫 Sella Routine Scan ;蝶鞍增强 Sella Enhanced Scan 鼻窦轴位平扫 Sinus Axial Routine Scan ;鼻窦轴位增强 Sinus Axial Enhanced Scan 鼻窦冠位平扫 Sinus Coronal Scan ;鼻窦冠位增强 Sinus Coronal Enhanced Scan 鼻咽平扫 Nasopharynx Routine Scan ;鼻咽增强 Nasopharynx Enhanced S

10、can 腮腺平扫 Parotid Routine Scan ;腮腺增强 Parotid Enhanced Scan 喉平扫 Larynx Routine Scan ;喉增强 Larynx Enhanced Scan 甲状腺平扫 Hypothyroid Routine Scan ;甲状腺增强 Hypothyroid Enhanced Scan 颈部平扫 Neck Routine Scan ;颈部增强 Neck Enhanced Scan 颈部动态增强 Neck Dynamic Enhanced Scan;肺栓塞扫描 Lung Embolism Scan 胸腺平扫 Thymus Routine S

11、can ;胸腺增强 Thymus Enhanced Scan 胸骨平扫 Sternum Routine Scan ;胸骨增强 Sternum Enhanced Scan ;胸部平扫 Chest Routine Scan 胸部薄层扫描 High Resolution Chest Scan ;胸部增强 Chest Enhanced Scan 胸部穿刺 Chest Puncture Scan ;轴扫胸部穿刺 Axial Chest Punture Scan 上腹部平扫 Upper-Abdomen Routine Scan ;中腹部平扫 Mid-Abdomen Routine Scan 上腹部增强 U

12、pper-Abdomen Routine Enhanced Scan 中腹部增强 Mid-Abdomen Routine Scan 腹部穿刺 Abdomen Puncture Scan ;轴扫腹部穿刺 Axial Abdomen Puncture Scan 颈椎平扫 C-spine Routine Scan ;胸椎平扫 T-spine Routine Scan 腰椎平扫 L-spine Routine Scan ;盆腔平扫 Pelvis Routine Scan 盆腔增强 Pelvis Enhanced Scan ;骶髂关节平扫 SI Joint Scan 肩关节平扫 Shoulder Joi

13、nt Scan 上肢软组织平扫 Upper Extremities Soft Tissue Scan 上肢软组织增强 Upper Extremities Soft Tissue Enhanced 肘关节平扫 Elbow Joint Routine Scan ;腕关节平扫 Wrist Joint Routine Scan 手部平扫 Hand Routine Scan ;髋关节平扫 Hip Joint Routine Scan 膝关节平扫 Knee Joint Routine Scan ;踝关节平扫 Ankle Joint Routine Scan 下肢软组织平扫 Lower Extremitie

14、s Soft Tissue Scan 下肢软组织增强 Lower Extremities Soft Tissue Enhanced ;足部平扫 Foot Routine Scan 血管造影和三维成像 头部血管造影 Head CT Angiography ;颈部血管造影 Neck CT Angiography 心脏冠脉造影 Coronal Artery Angiography ;心脏冠脉钙化积分 Cardiac Calcium Scoring Scan胸部血管造影 Chest CT Angiography ;腹部血管造影 Abdomen CT Angiography 上肢血管造影 Upper E

15、xtremities CT Angiography 下肢血管造影 Lower Extremities CT Angiography 五官三维成像 3D Facial Scan;胃三维 3D Stomach CT Scan;结肠三维 3D Colon CT Scan颈椎三维 3D C-Spine;胸椎三维 3D T-Spine;腰椎三维 3D L-Spine;肩关节三维 3D Shoulder Joint肘关节三维 3D Elbow Joint;腕关节三维 3D Wrist Joint;髋关节三维 3D Hip Joint膝关节三维 3D Knee Joint;踝关节三维 3D Ankle Jo

16、int头部常规增强 Head Routine Enhanced Scan;头部动态增强 Head Dynamic Enhanced Scan垂体平扫 Sella Routine Scan;垂体增强 Sella Enhanced Scan上腹部平扫 Upper Abdomen Scan上腹部普通增强 Upper Abdomen Routine Enhanced;上腹部动态增强 Upper Abdomen Dynamic Enhanced中腹部平扫 Mid-Abdomen Scan中腹部普通增强 Mid-Abdomen Routine Enhanced;中腹部动态增强 Mid-Abdomen Dynamic Enhanced肾脏平扫 Kidney Routine Scan;肾上腺平扫 Adrenal Routine Scan肾脏普通增强 Kidney Routine Enhanced Scan;肾脏动态增强 Kidney Dynamic Enhanced Scan胰胆管造影 MRCP;尿路造影 MRU;腹和盆腔联合扫描 Abdomen & Pelvis Scan颈椎


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