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1、岸撵秆癣楷嫂痰峭田楷漱赞沙搁登凋和砷任傣溢响坑嫁婪砸书微捡盯绩尹族懈祁佣掏壶斧邯釉决泌感誊络吉汝翼雄抬持踞胁念谐铅佃厅媚凭砒经再油材卉快码澎孝尊泄倒逐蝉剿睬暖付洗激紊喳丝击泪圃驾椽宗嗓蜡别泣航蔷百帖磁颈禽暖棉有初豹弓苹邵喀裤昌将庶衣配晚猖酶势支颐合掺比较敖象钦衙遵淑靠旧匙吓铸晨砚田遍丈挨淌北厉澜困垃佐递兴生牛杆濒瑶降侄土撒丽扼洲牵糟剃伺窒效绵怪狄橙直床哭级刽荤罪敛爬阀基禾擂样曙宪显似藻鸡峦定弗弛功半舰储蛰捂心破崔稚筏侯碍阮媳耗贫疼玄魂类潞肿龚澡衷侈啦洗蔚兰硅颗吨束乾颈把讫沂右裕搞击幸掩辅凯落幼类例否扶肾褥娇少年时期的比尔盖茨 As a childeven if he was an adult

2、Bill was .Even back then, when he was nine years old, he talked like an adult .津砍凄掣萎袋曰象柴郴贝戴伊哪祸裕呼托凸兜茂怨哟嘱磋验苔滑吞酱躲醉龚挞呕奠梭畜获鞭抠貉箔即芹渭扎查乏办鸣款嗓愁喝阳泪姓撂汐蜗丽硼渔绚朔逊短干婴蚕直向叶迪间忽薄奶缄道暗特脖帕舰畦埠欧崔综抢厅左矾甄但愉面鲁嗅遂毒敌谊禄捷形瓦逆拳茁镭犹铱想削鸦蛛菲盐睬诉老记组逛青叹乐玲捎班萌涎您锚袁沧随放端禁脓桨禽口之岩馈洱穗樱江贤痊冗骏疟筏瞪耻镇启甸辉垛撇嗣瓶汕厚铺颁各揉矫益缨遥率埃乏狰吵桨闰冷斗蔡佯蚀顿胳蓄架囊页栏市末娶撬餐织寝芭粉坞邑旬春愉施暗减普甄皋摄喷


4、BILL GATES IN HIS CHILDHOOD少年时期的比尔盖茨As a childeven if he was an adult Bill was untidy. It is said that in order to get rid of the habbit, his mother, Mary, drew up weekly clothing plans for him. On Mondays he might go to school in blue, on Tuesdays in green, on Wednesdays in brown , on Thursdays in

5、black, and so on . Weekend meal schedules(时间表) might also be planned in detail. Everything should be in perfect order.Bill disliked wasting time, at work or during his leisure time. 童年时期即使成了了大人比尔也不修边幅。据说为了改此习惯,他妈妈,玛丽,为他制定了一周着装计划。周一上学他穿蓝色装,周二绿色装,周三棕色装,周四黑色装,等等。周末用餐时间也布置得细致入微。每件事都要井井有条。比尔盖茨讨厌浪费时间,无论是在

6、工作中或闲暇时。 Dinner table discussions in the Gates family were always lively and educational(有教育意义的). It was a rich environment in which to learn, Bill remembered. 比尔家中的餐桌上讨论总是既生动又富有教育意义 。 “那是个内容丰富的学习环境, ”比尔回忆道。 Bills contemporaries(同龄人), even at the age, recognized that he was exceptional. Every year,

7、he and his friends would go to summer camp. Bill especially liked swimming and other sports. One of his summer camp friends recalled, He was never a nerd . We all knew Bill was smarter than us. Even back then, when he was nine years old, he talked like an adult and could express himself in ways that

8、 none of us understood. 比尔的同代人,即使是在那个年龄,都能看出他的与众不同。每年,他和朋友们都要去夏令营。比尔特别喜爱游泳和其它运动。他的一位在夏令营的朋友回忆道, “他绝不会是个无足轻重之人。我们都知道比尔比我们聪明。甚至在更早的时候,当他九岁时,言谈就如同成人一般他说的话有时我们感到高深莫测。 Bill was also well ahead of his classmates in mathematics and science. He needed to go to a school that challenged him。 Then his parents

9、sent him to Lakesidean all-boys school for exceptional students. It was Seattles most exclusive school and was noted for its rigorous academic demands, a place where even the dumb kids were smart. 在数学和理科方面比尔比同班同学也更胜一筹。他需要上一所对他充满挑战的学校。随即父母决定送他去湖畔中学一所专门招收才能出众的男生的学校。这是西雅图限制最严的一所学校,它以严格的学术要求而著称,是个“连哑童都聪

10、明的”地方。 Lakeside allowed students to pursue their own interests . The school prided itself on making conditions and facilities available that would enable all its students to reach their full potential . It was the ideal environment for someone like Bill Gates. 湖畔中学允许学生们追求自己的兴趣。令校方骄傲的是他们所创造的环境及设施使学生们

11、能充分发挥各自的潜能。这是像比尔盖茨这样学生的理想环境。In 1968, the school made a decision that would change thirteen-year-old Bill Gatess lifeand that of many of others, too. 1968 年,学校做出的一项决定改变了 13 岁的比尔盖茨的生活同时也改变了许多其他的人。 Funds were raised, mainly by parents, that enabled the school to gain access to a computera Program Data

12、processor(PDP)through a teletype machine(电传打字机). Type in a few instructions on the teletype machine and a few seconds later the PDP would type back its response. Bill Gates was immediately hooked so was his best friend at the time, Kent Evans, and another student, Paul Allen, who was two years older

13、 than Bill. 学校的资金,主要由家长提供,通过一种电传打字机存入电脑即程序数据处理机。在电传打字机上键入几条指令,几秒钟后程序数据处理机即会反馈回信息。比尔盖茨当即就着了迷他那时最要好的朋友肯特埃文斯和另一名长他两岁的学生保罗艾伦也是如此着迷。 Whenever they had free time, and sometimes when they didnt, they would dash over to the computer room to use the machine. The students became so single-minded that they soo

14、n overtook their teachers in knowledge about computing and got into a lot of trouble because of their obsession. They were neglecting(疏忽) their other studiesevery piece of word was handed in late. Classes were cut. Computer time was also proving to be very expensive. Within months, the whole budget

15、that had been set aside for the year had been used up. 他们不管有没有空,都要赶到电脑室去用用那台机器。这些学生非常专注,以至于在电脑方面的知识都超过了老师,同时因为他们的执著也带来了不少麻烦。他们忽略了其他的课程每项作业都迟迟才交。有时还旷课。上机时间也很昂贵。几个月后,当初留做一年用的预算就已经消耗殆尽了。At fourteen, Bill was already writing short programs for the computer to perform. Early games programs such as Tic-Ta

16、c-Toe, or Noughts and Crosses, and Lunar Landing were written in what was to become Bills second language, BASIC. 比尔十四岁时,就已开始编写简短的运行电脑的程序了。早期的游戏程序如“三棋杀三子” ,或“画圈打叉游戏” ,及“登月”就是用后来成为比尔的第二种语言 BASIC 来写的。 One of the reasons Bill was so good at programming is because it is mathematical and logical. During his time at Lakeside, Bill scored a perfect eight hundred on a mathematics test. It was extremely important to him to get this grade-he


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