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1、1课 时 计 划课 题 Unit 1 Our School Lesson 1 第 1 课时 总 1 课时教 学目 标词汇:first ,second ,third,fourth,fifth,sixth,eighth,ninth,tenth.eleventh.twelfth.句型:Where is your classroom ? On the third floor.功能:运用所学句型描述学校各种教室所在的楼层重 点难 点1.New words of part 3 and the sentences of part 22.Where is your classroom ? On the thi

2、rd floor。教 具 1.Some pictures of new words.2.a recorder师生活动过程.Warm-up1.GreetingsT:Hello,boys and girls. Nice to see you again.S: Nice to see you again, too.2. Sing the songs:“Ten Little Baby Ducks”.Review the numbers1.one.two.three.four.five.six.seven.eight.nine.ten.eleven.twelve2. Spell the numbers.

3、Presentation1.Unit 1 Our School Lesson 1 2.Show a picture of the school building and say:This is our classroom building. Where are the teachers offices? Learn the word “office” .Offices.our teachers offices3.Show the picture and ask :How many floors? Can you tell me? Lead to answer:There are six flo

4、ors. Translate the floor.4.Point to the picture and say :This is our dining room. Its on the first floor.This is our classroom. Its on the fifth floor. Learn first -twelfth.5.The teacher says:Liu Dong will go to school soon.Chen Ling is showing him around the school. How do Chen Ling show Liu Dong a

5、round the school?教 学 随 笔2师生活动过程6.Listen to the tape carefully and pay attention to the meaning of the text.7.Read after the tape. Practice1. Read the new words.2.Look and say.3.Ask and answer. Homework1.Read the text. 2. Activity Book Lesson 1教 学 随 笔教后记3课 时 计 划课 题 Unit 1 Our School Lesson 2第 1 课时 总

6、2 课时教 学目 标( 1 ) 能够听、说、认读单词:first ,second ,third ,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth,eleventh,twelfth 及其缩写形式。( 2 ) 学习日期的表达方式。( 3 ) 学习句型:When is your birthday ? My birthday is August 2nd . 2.能力目标: 能运用所学句型询问他人的生日, 并能做简要回答。重 点难 点1.重点:听,说,认读序数词 1-12。句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is.2.难

7、点:日期表达法。教 具 Some pictures of the words .a recorder 师生活动过程Warming up 1Greetings2. Sing the songs:“Happy Birthday to You”Review 1.Spell the words:first -twelfth2.Ask and answer :Where is our school library/computeroom/.? It is on the .floor.3.The twelve months.Presentation1. Unit 1 Our School Lesson 2

8、 2 Show some pictures of the holiday and ask students to say the holidays. 3. T: When is New Years Day? Ss: Its in January .T: Yes. January first . Pay attention to the phrase :January first 1月 1日4.Ask students to say the other holidays in the same way5.T: My birthday is May 2nd.When is your birthda

9、y?Lead to answer it . When is your mothers /fathers birthday? September 7th./December 8th.6 .Read after the tape教 学 随 笔4师生活动过程. Practice1.Read the text.2.Ask and answer.3.Learn to write. 4.Do a survey.Name Birthday. HOMEWORK1.Read the text. 2. Do the exercise on page 7.3. Activity Book Lesson 2.教 学

10、随 笔教后记5课 时 计 划课 题 Unit 2 Emotions Lesson 3 第 1 课时 总 3 课时教 学目 标1.知识目标:能够听、说、认读单词: happy,angry,tired,sad,scared,proud,winner, garden2.学习句型:Im very happy. He/She is very sad. 并能熟练运用。3.能力目标:(1)通过模仿课文录音,培养英语语感。(2)能够听、说、读、写本课表示表情的形容词,以及相关句子。(3)能运用所学的语言知识进行交流,并运用于日常生活中。重 点难 点1.让学生在语言复习、语言学习和语言活动中听、说、认、读生词和

11、句型。2.正确掌握单词:scared、proud 的发音。教 具 磁带和卡片等师生活动过程.Free talk1T:Whose birthday is in February? Ss:T:When is your birthday? Ss:2Sing a song:Happy Birthday.New Lesson1Lesson 3 Emotions “ emotion” means “表情、情绪”eg:happy,I am very happy.Learn the words:proud,angry,sad,scared,tired2Learn proud,winner,angry(1) L

12、ook some Olympic pictures: proud, I am very proud(2)Show He Wennas picture. T: She is the winner. She is very proud. She is from Fujian. Im very proud. We are very proud.(3)Show Lindans picture :He is the winner. He is very proud. I am very proud. We are very proud.(4) “angry”,I am very angry. Angry

13、,angry.(5)happy,proud,angry,winner3Learn the words:scared,sad,tired,garden(1)Show some pictures of Wenchuan earthquake ,lead to say :I am very scared. I am very sad. He is very tired.教 学 随 笔6师生活动过程Learn the word “garden”.(2)practice:scared,sad,tired,garde、4Learn the text1Learn to say. 2Look and say.

14、 3Look and write. .Homework:1Listen to the tape 3 times.2Using these emotions to make some sentences.教 学 随 笔教后记7课 时 计 划课 题 Unit 2 Emotions Lesson 4 第 1 课时 总 4 课时教 学目 标1.知识目标:能够听、说、认读单词:ask ,answer,elephant2.学习句型:Miss Kangaroo wanted to see her.Mr. Elephant was very angry.Mr.Cat ,Mr,Dog and Miss Kang

15、aroo were all scared.3.能力目标:(1)通过阅读课文,培养英语语感。 (2)掌握课文的一些相关的信息。重 点难 点动词的过去式教 具 磁带,卡片等师生活动过程.Warm-up1.Greetings. 2. Sing the songs:“A Happy Song ”.Review 1.Show some pictures and review words: happy, tired, sad, proud, scared ,angry2. Say some sentences:I am happy/tired/angry/proud/scared.Presentation1. Unit 2 Emotions Lesson 42. Show a picture and ask : Do you like elephants?Ss: Yes.Learn the word elephant.3.T: There is a story about Mr, Elephant, Mr Dog, Mr Cat and Miss Kangaroo.What happened to them?Lets learn Lesso


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