高一英语必修三一单元using language学案

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1、英语学案 使用时间:年 月 日制作人: 审核人:1Book 3 Unit 1 Using language A Sad love StoryLearning aims: 1. To know the story of between Li Fang and Hu Jin on Valentines Day.2. To master some language points in this passage.Learning key points: The comprehending of the main idea and detailed information of the passage.

2、Learning difficult points: Understanding some language points.学习指导即时感悟【回顾预习】1. 心碎的_ 2. 下班以后 _3. 出现 _ 4. 取笑 _5. 守信用 _ 6. 期盼 _7. 屏住呼吸 _ 8.向.道歉 _9. 借咖啡消愁 _ 10. 很明显._11. 擦桌子 _ 12.结婚_13.一年一次 _ 14. 动身回家_ 15.提醒 _ 16. 在回家的路上 _ 17.扔掉 _ 18. 情人节_【自主 合作 探究】Step1 Fast Reading. How many characters are mentioned i

3、n the story ?Who are they?. When and where did the story happen?. What are the relationships between characters?Step 2 Careful Reading1. Read the passage and choose the best answer.(1) What happened to Li Fang on Valentines Day? ( )A. His girlfriend say goodbye to him.B. His girlfriend cheated him.C

4、. His girlfriend didnt appear as expected.D. He didnt see his girlfriend at all.(2) What did Li Fang bring for Hu Jin? ( )A. Nothing. B. A rose C. Some books and chocolates. D. Some roses and chocolates.课前请预习本篇课文,预习文中重要短语课中请仔细阅读文章,了解主要内容,掌握重点英语学案 使用时间:年 月 日制作人: 审核人:5(3) Why did the manager of the co

5、ffee shop turn on the TV?A. Because he knew what Li Fang needed.B. Because he was waiting for Li Fang to leave.C. Because he lost his love.D. Because he wanted to comfort Li Fang.(4) What program did the manager of the coffee shop and Li Fang watch? ( ) A. A sad love story B. A happy love story.C. A

6、n interesting story. D. A humorous story.(5) Why couldnt Niulang follow Zhinv to the Heaven?A. Because he lost his way.B. Because he lost heart.C. Because he had to take care of the babies.D. Because the Milky way stopped him.(6)When Li Fang passed the tea shop, what happened to him? ( )A. The manag

7、er of the shop called him. B. Hu Jin called him.C. Another girl met him. D. He went into the tea shop.(7) Why didnt Li Fang meet Hu Jin earlier?A. Because Hu Jin didnt want to see him without a gift.B. Because Li Fang was watching TV at a coffee shop.C. Because they waited for each other in differen

8、t places.D. Because Hu Jin lied to him.2. Read the passage again and tell the following sentences true or false.(1) The girl Li Fang loved and waited for didnt turn up. But he didnt lose heart. ( )(2) Hu Jin with her friends was laughing at Li Fang on Valentines Day.( )(3) The Goddess got very angry

9、 because her most lovely daughter got married to a human secretly. ( ) (4) Zhin and Niulang are separated by the Milky Way. ( ) (5) People want the weather to be fine on Qiqiao Festival because they hope that Niulang and Zhin are able to meet. ( )Step 3 Language points句型用法 英语学案 使用时间:年 月 日制作人: 审核人:1L

10、earning about language points1. turn up (1) 出现;露面;到达 (2)调大(音量等) ;把开大一点turn around 转身;回头turn down 调低(音量,热量等) ,拒绝考虑,拒绝(某人)turn out 结果变成; 结果弄清楚是原来是turn to sb. for help 向某人求助2. keep ones word 守信用;履行诺言break ones word 失信; 食言; 失约have a word with 和说话 have words with. 和 争吵leave a word (with) (给)留下话; 留下口信word

11、 came that 有信儿来说3. hold ones breath 屏住呼吸catch ones breath (因恐惧、震惊等)一时停止呼吸,屏息;喘气take a deep breath 深呼吸out of breath 上气不接下气4. drownin把.浸在. He would drown his sadness in coffee.drowning adj.落水的;快要淹死的drowned adj. 淹死了的;溺水而死的5. set off (1)出发;动身,相当于 set out. 如果表示“出发去某地 ”,要用 for 加表示地点的名词。(2)引爆,燃放(爆竹等)5.It i

12、s/ was obvious that 很明显 在此句型中 it 为形式主语,that 引导的句子是真正的主语6. forgive(过去式 forgave 过去分词 forgiven)vt/vi.宽恕,饶恕,原谅英语学案 使用时间:年 月 日制作人: 审核人:1forgive sb. for sth./doing sth. 原谅某人某事【当堂达标】选词填空dress up, play a trick on, as though, in memory of, look forward to ,turn up, hold ones breath, keep ones word, set off,

13、remind of, drown in, make from1. He is always waiting for something to_.2. You may depend upon what he says, for he is a person who always_3. The race was so close that everyone was _at the finish.4. Having bid farewell to their friends, they _for home.5. The film _him _what he had seen in China.6.

14、_the dead soldiers, a grand memorial was built on the spot of the great campaign.7. The girls all _to attend the evening party.8. The children _their children.9. It looks _it is going to rain.10. We are _taking part in the opening ceremony.11. He decided to _ his sorrows _ work.12. Some paper _ bamboo.【总结提升】1. 我肯定他在会议上出现,因为他是一个守诺言的人(turn up; keep ones word)_2. 大家都很清楚他在撒谎。(obvious)_



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