英语小论文indian reservation

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1、Indian reservation【Abstract】Indian reservations are the areas administrated by North American tribes. This article introduces the American Indian reservations in the area, The origin and development of the reservations, laws, policies, and the tribes living conditions and customs .【Key Word】 idian;

2、reservation; tribe; 1. IntroductionAn Indian reservation is an area of land managed by a Native American tribe under the United States Department of the Interiors Bureau of Indian Affairs. There are about 310 Indian reservations in the United States, meaning not all of the countrys 550-plus recogniz

3、ed tribes have a reservation some tribes have more than one reservation, some share reservations, while others have none. In addition, because of past land allotments, leading to some sales to non-Indians, discussed below, some reservations are severely fragmented. Each piece of tribal, individual,

4、and privately held land is a separate enclave. This jumble of private and public real estate creates significant administrative and political/legal difficulties.The collective geographical area of all reservations is 55.7 million acres (225,410 km), representing 2.3% of the area of the United States

5、 (2,379,400,204 acres; 9,629,091 km). The Navajo Indian Reservation compares to West Virginia. Reservations are unevenly distributed throughout the country; the majority are west of the Mississippi River and occupy lands that were first reserved by treaty or granted from the public domain. 1Because

6、tribes possess tribal sovereignty, even though it is limited, laws on tribal lands vary from the surrounding area. 2 These laws can permit legal casinos on reservations, for example, which attract tourists. The tribal council, not the local or federal government, generally has jurisdiction over rese

7、rvations. Different reservations have different systems of government, which may or may not replicate the forms of government found outside the reservation. Most Indian reservations were established by the federal government; a limited number, mainly in the East, owe their origin to state recognitio

8、n. 3The name reservation comes from the conception of the Indian tribes as independent sovereigns at the time the U.S. Constitution was ratified. Thus, the early peace treaties (often signed under duress) in which Indian tribes surrendered large portions of land to the U.S. also designated parcels w

9、hich the tribes, as sovereigns, reserved to themselves, and those parcels came to be called reservations. 4 The term remained in use even after the federal government began to forcibly relocate tribes to parcels of land to which they had no historical connection.At the present time, a slight majorit

10、y of Native Americans and Alaska Natives live somewhere other than the reservations, often in big western cities such as Phoenix and Los Angeles. 52. History2. 1. BeginningsIn 1851, the United States Congress passed the Indian Appropriations Act which authorized the creation of Indian reservations i

11、n modern day Oklahoma. Relations between settlers and natives had grown increasingly worse as the settlers encroached on territory and natural resources in the West.By the late 1860s, President Ulysses S. Grant pursued a stated Peace Policy as a possible solution to the conflict. The policy included

12、 a reorganization of the Indian Service, with the goal of relocating various tribes from their ancestral homes to parcels of lands established specifically for their inhabitation. The policy called for the replacement of government officials by religious men, nominated by churches, to oversee the In

13、dian agencies on reservations in order to teach Christianity to the native tribes. The Quakers were especially active in this policy on reservations. The civilization policy was aimed at eventually preparing the tribes for citizenship.Reservation treaties sometimes included stipend agreements, in wh

14、ich the federal government would grant a certain amount of goods to a tribe yearly. The implementation of the policy was erratic, however, and in many cases the stipend goods were not delivered. 2.2. ControversyThe policy was controversial from the start. Reservations were generally established by e

15、xecutive order. In many cases, white settlers objected to the size of land parcels, which were subsequently reduced. A report submitted to Congress in 1868 found widespread corruption among the federal Native American agencies and generally poor conditions among the relocated tribes.Many tribes igno

16、red the relocation orders at first and were forced onto their new limited land parcels. Enforcement of the policy required the United States Army to restrict the movements of various tribes. The pursuit of tribes in order to force them back onto reservations led to a number of Native American Wars. The most well known conflict was the Sioux War on the northern Great Plains, between 1876 and 1881, which included the Battle of Little Bighorn. Other famous wars in


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