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1、核能与核安全Nuclear energy and nuclear safety1、什么是核能核能是通过转化其质量从原子核释放的能量,是 20 世纪人类的一项伟大发现,并已取得了十分重要的成果。核能是人类最具希望的未来能源。人们开发核能的途径有两条:一是重元素的裂变,如铀的裂变;二是轻元素的聚变,如氘、氚、锂等。重元素的裂变技术,己得到实际性的应用;而轻元素聚变技术,也正在积极研制之中。可不论是铀,还是氘、氚,在海洋中都有相当巨大的储藏量。核反应可以通过各种各样粒子轰击来诱发。What is nuclear energy. Nuclear energy is released from the

2、nucleus through the conversion of its quality, it is one of the greatest human discovered in 20th century, and has achieved important results.Nuclear energy is one of the most promising future energy。Ways of developing nuclear energy have two : one is the fission of heavy elements, such as the fissi

3、on of uranium and the other is the fusion of light elements, such as deuterium, tritium, and so on.Fission of heavy elements techniques, have been practical application, And light elements in fusion technology, is also being actively developed . But whether it is uranium, or deuterium, tritium, are

4、quite enormous reserves in the ocean .Nuclear reactions may be induced by bombardment with a wide variety of particles.2、核能的应用人类对核能的现实利用始于战争。核能的战争用途在于通过原子弹的巨大威力损坏敌方人员和物资, 达到制胜或结束战争的目的, 中国也有自己的核弹,氢弹,核潜艇。Human reality uses of nuclear energy began in the war. War uses of nuclear energy is through the p

5、ower of the atomic bomb damage to the enemy personnel and supplies to achieve the goal of winning or the end of the war, it also has its own nuclear bomb, hydrogen bomb, nuclear submarines.目前人类对核能的开发利用主要是发展核电,相对与其他能源,核能具有明显的优势。 核电站的开发与建设开始于 20 世纪 50 年代.1954 年,前苏联建成实验性核电站;1957 年,美国也成功建成核电站。 20 世纪 60

6、年开始,世界各国的经济得到了快速发展,电力需求也以十年翻一番的速度迅速增长。此时,核电的安全性和经济性得到验证,相对于常规发电系统的优越性鲜明地显现出来,给核电发展提供了一个广阔的市场。核电迅速实现了标准化、批量化的建设和发展。The human development and utilization of nuclear energy is mainly developed nuclear power, relative to other forms of energy, nuclear energy has distinct advantages. Development and cons

7、truction of nuclear power plant began in the 1950 of the 20th century.。In 1954, the former Soviet Union built an experimental nuclear power station ; in 1957, the United States had successfully built nuclear power plant. Beginning in 60 of 20th century, the rapid development of the economy in the wo

8、rld, demand for electricity in ten years to double the speed of rapid growth.At this point, the safety of nuclear power, and economics be verified, relative to the advantages of conventional power generation system clearly visible, provide a vast market for nuclear power development.Nuclear power ra

9、pidly implement standardized, mass - building and development.现在拥有核能发电的 30 个国家中,由核能供电的份额变化较大。从法国高达占 78%,到比利时占 54%、韩国占 39%、瑞士占 37%、日本占 30%、美国占 19%、南非占 4%和中国占2%。In the 30 countries that now have nuclear power generation from a larger share of nuclear power change. Up to 78 per cent from France, Belgiu

10、m 54, South Korea 39, Switzerland 37, Japan 30, United States 19, South Africa 4 and China 2.此外放射治疗也是核能应用的一种。Besides radiotherapy is one of the applications of nuclear energy.3、大家对核能的顾虑我们普通人对核电站的认识基本偏向负面。人们担心的核电站容易发生最大的问题就是安全问题。事故条件下可能产生的辐射后果是其中的一个最关键因素。1986 年苏联切尔诺贝利核电站事故,2011 年的日本福岛核电站事故加剧了人们堆核电站的担

11、心。Concerns of the members of nuclear energyWe ordinary people know the basic bias negative for nuclear power plants. Biggest problem is the concern that nuclear power plants vulnerable to security issues.Conditions likely to have radiological consequences of the accident was one of the most critical

12、 factor. The Soviet Union in 1986 of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Accident, Japans Fukushima nuclear power plant accident in 2011, fuelling fears of a nuclear power plant.4、核能的优点核电是浓集、清洁、安全和经济的能源。首先,核能是高度浓集的能源,特别适合于缺乏常规能源而又急需用电的地区,不受燃料运输的限制。如我国的东南、华南地区。Advantages of nuclear energy.Nuclear power

13、 is concentrating, clean, safe and economical energy. First, nuclear energy is a high concentration of energy, especially suitable for lack of conventional energy sources and electricity - starved region, not limited by fuel for transport.As Chinas southeast, the South China region.同时核能是清洁的能源,有利于保护环

14、境。核能发电不像化石燃料发电那样排放巨量的污染物质到大气中,因此核能发电不会造成空气污染,不会产生加重地球温室效应的二氧化碳。Meanwhile, nuclear power is clean energy and to protect the environment. Nuclear power generation Unlike fossil fuel power plants that emit huge amounts of pollutants into the atmosphere, so nuclear power generation does not cause air po

15、llution, without increasing the Earths greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide.而且核能经过几十年的发展和完善,核电站已成为最安全的部门之一。我国核工业 30 多年的安全记录就是良好的佐证。从第一座核电站建成以来,全世界投入运行的核电站达 400多座,30 多年来基本上是安全正常的。虽然有 1979 年美国三里岛核电站事故和 1986 年苏联切尔诺贝利核电站事故,但这两次事故都是由于人为因素造成的。而事故的直接原因是由于在进行某一试验时违反操作规程。日本大地震造成的福岛第一核电站泄漏事故再次引起全球的集体关注,由此核安全的问

16、题再次进入人们的视野。福岛事故的最根本原因是东京电力公司因为经济原因在事故一开始时不愿意向堆芯注入海水所致,待到一周后再想注水时已经晚了,堆芯因为聚集了大量的热能和放射物最终引起了爆炸。And after decades of development and improvement of nuclear energy, nuclear power plants has become one of the security sector. The safety record of Chinas nuclear industry for more than 30 years is a good example.Since first nuclear power station is built, more than 400 nuclear power plants in operation around the world, but they are basically safe and normal in more than 30 years。Althou



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