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1、在现代细胞生物学教学中,还要通过改善教学课件,以对高职教学方式进行改进,以下是小编搜集整理的一篇探究高职细胞生物学教学现状的论文范文,供大家阅读查看。细胞生物学是现代生物学的重点之一,该学科在高等职业教育中得到迅速的发展,不断积累及更新知识。因此,细胞生物学的教学也必须适应时代的发展,以满足时代的发展需求。但在现代高职细胞生物学教学中,依然存在许多因素对教学质量造成影响。因此需要采取一些可行的方法对当前的教学方法进行改进,以提高高职细胞生物学的教学质量,从而推进细胞生物学教学的发展。1 细胞生物学的教学现状目前,在我国高等职业院校教育中,细胞生物学是一门重要的学科,但该学科在教育中还未受到足够

2、的重视,且存在许多问题,对教学质量造成极大的影响,如教学模式单一、教学模式落后、师资队伍水平较差、教学内容更新较慢、学生基础水平较低、课时较少等问题。由于这些问题的存在,导致教师在教学还是采用传统的填鸭式教学方法,使学生被动地学习,不仅激发不起学生的学习兴趣,也会导致学生无法很好地掌握更多的细胞生物学知识,对高职细胞生物学的教学质量及对高职学生技能的培养造成极大的影响。2 高职细胞生物学教学的改进策略2.1 增设“专家讲座”教学鉴于我国高职细胞生物学的教学现状,可对课程教学进行大胆的尝试,即邀请专家通过开设知识讲座的形式对学生进行授课,一般为 34 次/学期“。专题讲座”教学内容的确定应该由教


4、生物学的学习兴趣。讲座的目的就是为了交流、互动及探讨,而专家讲座教学不仅是对生物知识的交流,还能有效掌握细胞生物学的发展方向,从而充分调动学生的主观能动性,有利于其对课本知识的掌握,从而提高高职细胞生物学科的教学质量。2.2 组织课堂互动及探讨在我国高职细胞生物学教学中,一般都是以教为主、以教师为主体的教学方法,只有在教学中进行一些简单提问、练习及互动,不利于激发学生的学习兴趣。因此,为了提高细胞生物学的教学质量,以对传统的教学方法进行改进。在教学中以学生为中心,以学生为教学活动的主体,采用互动的课堂教学,但互动教学的内容与方法必须科学、巧妙,不易耗费学生过多的时间与精力。而且,开展互动教学也


6、活元素的探讨与互动,有利于激发学生对细胞生物学学习的兴趣。另外,在教学过程中对于一些具有扩展性的问题,可提前布置给学生,以学生提前思考,在上课时已报告的形式进行互动,使教学内容体现出开放性、实用性及新颖性,从而实现良好的课堂互动教学效果。同时,还可以通过信息网络、课外书籍等渠道收集一些材料进行问题的设置,以根据学生的基础特点挑选一些难度适宜的问题进行互动,可采用小组合作的形式进行分组探讨,以培养学生的互动与协商能力,从而提高学生对教育知识的掌握程度。2.3 引进视频、动画教学模式在高职细胞生物学的教学过程中,通过为学生提供大量的教学材料,如教学视频、动画等,加强细胞生物学的直观教学,以转变传统

7、的单调、沉闷的课堂教学气氛,使学生能更好地理解与掌握抽象概念,从而刺激学生对知识的汲取,以改善学生的学习效率。通过网络、国外教材等途径收集教学视频,并在教学过程中适当穿插到课件中进行展示。如在细胞内膜系统教学中,通过建立三维立体以将披网格蛋白小泡立体、形象展示出来,不仅体现出教育艺术的美感,还能使学生感受到生命的美感,有利于加深学生的印象,提高其对知识的掌握度,且更具说服力。再如在细胞骨架内容的教学中,通过提供丰富多彩的视屏教材,如采用 GFP-tubulin 展现出微管的动态不稳定性,微管作为运输轨道等证明都通过视屏材料与试验事实告知学生,不仅说服力更强,且能有效提高学生的学习热情。3 结束

8、语综上所述,通过对我国高等职业教育中细胞生物学科的教学现状进行分析,以根据高职细胞生物学教学中存在的问题采取有效的改进策略,如增设“专家讲座”教学、组织课堂互动及探讨及引进视频、动画教学模式等,对当前的高职细胞生物学教学进行改进、优化及调整,以培养学生的思维能力,激发学生的学习兴趣及积极性,最终提高高职细胞生物学的教学质量。In the modern teaching of cell biology, but also by improving teaching courseware, to improve higher vocational teaching way, the followi

9、ng is a small collection of a paper explores higher vocational teaching of cell biology and model essay, for everybody to read look at it.Cell biology is one of the highlights of modern biology, the discipline in higher vocational education rapid development, knowledge accumulation and update. And t

10、he cell biology teaching must also adapt to the development of The Times, in order to meet the development needs of The Times. But in the modern higher vocational teaching of cell biology, still exist many factors affect the quality of teaching. So you need to take some feasible methods to improve t

11、he current teaching methods, to improve higher vocational teaching quality of cell biology, and so as to promote the development of cell biology teaching.1 cell biology teachingAt present, the education of higher vocational colleges in our country, the cell biology is an important subject, but the s

12、ubject hasnt been enough attention in the education, and there are many problems, cause great influence to teaching quality, such as the teaching model of the single, backward teaching mode, teachers level is poorer, teaching content updates slower, the low level of students, class time is less and

13、so on. Due to the existence of these problems, teachers still adopt the traditional cramming teaching method in teaching, make students study passively, not only cant afford to stimulate students interest in learning, can also lead to students cant very well to master more knowledge of cell biology,

14、 cell biology teaching quality in higher vocational colleges and the cultivation of the students skill in higher vocational colleges caused great impact.2 improvement strategy of cell biology teaching in high vocational colleges2.1 add expert talks teachingGiven in cell biology teaching in vocationa

15、l colleges in our country, but bold attempt to the teaching, namely invites experts by setting up knowledge lecture to the students in the form of teaching, is commonly 3 4 times/semester. seminar the determination of the teaching content should be determined by the teacher to think, and discuss wit

16、h the students. Considering the students mastery of knowledge accumulation and teaching , seminar is usually arranged in the second half of the semester. In the draft curriculum content and under the premise of knowledge, the knowledge points and its frontier progress, to knowledge service. Expert lecture teaching is not only to the effective open, optimization and utilization of education resources, also can effectively help students expand their thinking, broaden


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