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1、GL060807出口买卖合同Export business contract购货方(以下简称甲方):女王婚纱进出口有限公司Buyer (hereinafter referred to as party a) Queen wedding Import&Export Co.,Ltd供货方(以下简称乙方):上海老凤祥有限公司The supplier (hereinafter referred to as party b) Shanghai LAO FENG XIANG Co.,LTD经甲乙双方充分协商,特订立本合同,以便共同遵守。 Through full consultation between

2、both parties, the contract is concluded, in order to abide by.第一条 产品的名称、品种、规格和质量 The first product name, varieties, specifications and quality1、产品的名称、品种、规格: 产品 单价 数量 金额 1, the products name, varieties, specifications, product unit price amount产品product单价The nit price数量The number of金额The amount of天生一

3、对之系列一钻石戒指$1330.00 200.00 $266,000.00CIP NEW YORK总金额(小写):$266,000.00Total amount (lowercase)总金额(大写):TOW HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SIX THOUSANDTotal amount (capital)2、产品的技术标准(包括质量要求) ,按国家标准执行; 第二条 产品的交货单位、结算方法、运输方式、到货地点2, product technical standards (including quality), according to national standards impleme

4、ntation; The second product delivery unit location, settlement method, the mode of transportation, the arrival of the goods1、交货方法:The warehouse to the airport; 1, the method of delivery: party b delivery;2、结算方法:L/C; 2, settlement methods: cod;3、运输方式:AIR ; 3, the mode of transportation: air transport

5、;4、交(提)货方式及地点:SHANGHAINEW YORK。4, (2) goods and location: the buyer fuqing trading location第三条 对产品提出异议的时间和办法Article 3 the disputed the product time and way1、甲方在验收中,如果发现产品的品种、型号、规格、花色和质量不合规定,应一面妥为保管,一面在 30 日内向乙方提出书面异议。1, party a in the acceptance, if it is found that the product varieties, type, spec

6、ification, design and color and quality of illegal, one side should be completed for safekeeping, within 30 days after a written objection to party b.2、甲方因使用、保管、保养不善等造成产品质量下降的,不得提出异议。3、乙方在接到需方书面异议后,应在 10 日内负责处理,否则,即视为默认甲方提出的异议和处理意见。 2, party a due to the use, storage, poor maintenance, such as the d

7、ecline in product quality, may not be challenged. 3, party b after received the buyers written objection, should be responsible for dealing with in 10 days, otherwise, the default party a shall be deemed to be put forward objection and processing opinion. 第四条 违约责任 Article 4 the liability for breach

8、of contract1、 乙方不能交货的,应向甲方偿付不能交货部分货款的 2的违约金。1, party b cant delivery, shall pay to party a cant delivery part payment of 2% of the liquidated damages.2、 乙方所交产品品种、型号、规格、花色、质量不符合规定的,如果甲方同意利用,应当按质论价;如果甲方不能利用的,应根据产品的具体情况,由乙方负责包换或包修,并承担修理、调换或退货而支付的实际费用。2, party b pay in product variety, model, specificat

9、ion, design and color, and quality not in conformity with the provisions, if party a agrees to use, shall be for the monitoring ; If party a cant use, should the particular case according to the product, the party b shall be responsible for replacement or repair, and is assumed repair, change or ret

10、urn money to pay the actual cost.3、 甲方中途退货,应向乙方偿付退货部分货款 2的违约金。 3, midway return, party a should pay return part of payment for goods to party b 2% of the liquidated damages.4、 甲方自提产品未按供方通知的日期或合同规定的日期提货的,应比照中国人民银行有关延期付款的规定,按逾期提货部分货款总值计算,向乙方偿付逾期提货的违约金,并承担乙方实际支付的代为保管、保养的费用。4, and party a to the product

11、 not according to the supplier to inform the date or the date of delivery stipulated in the contract, shall be according to the regulations on deferred payment of the peoples bank of China, according to the absolute value of captain part payment for goods to party b pay overdue delivery penalty due

12、to breach of contract, and party b actually paid for safekeeping and maintenance costs 第五条 不可抗力 Article 5 the force majeure1、 甲乙双方的任何一方由于不可抗力的原因不能履行合同时,应及时向对方通报不能履行或不能完全履行的理由,以减轻可能给对方造成的损失,在取得有关机构证明以后,允许延期履行、部分履行或者不履行合同,并根据情况可部分或全部免予承担违约责任。 1, party a and party b any one party is unable to perform t

13、he contract due to force majeure reasons, shall be promptly notified to the other party is unable to perform or not perform the reason, in order to reduce possible losses to the other side, after it has obtained a relevant institutions certificate, allow performance, to perform or not perform the co

14、ntract, and according to the situation can be partly or entirely exempted from be liable for breach of contract.第六条 其它 Article 6 the other1、 按本合同规定应该偿付的违约金、赔偿金、保管保养费和各种经济损失的,应当在明确责任后 10 日内,按银行规定的结算办法付清,否则按逾期付款处理。但任何一方不得自行扣发货物或扣付货款来充抵。 1, according to the provisions of this contract should pay liquid

15、ated damages, damages, keep maintenance and various economic losses, shall, within 10 days after clear responsibility as stipulated in the bank settlement way to pay, or else the overdue payment processing. But any one party shall not to detain or deduct the payment for goods.2、 本合同如发生纠纷,当事人双方应当及时协商

16、解决,协商不成时,任何一方均可请业务主管机关调解或者向仲裁委员会申请仲裁,也可以直接向人民法院起诉。 If the contract dispute, the parties shall negotiate and resolve timely, do not talk things over, any party can please business mediation or apply for arbitration to the arbitration commission, the competent authority may also directly bring a suit in a peoples court.3、 本合同自签订之日起生效,合同执行期内,甲乙双方均不得随意变更或解除合同。合同如有未尽事宜,须经双方共同协商,作出补充规定,补充规定与合同具有同等效力。 This contract shall take effect



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