考研写作-大作文 名人名言

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《考研写作-大作文 名人名言》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《考研写作-大作文 名人名言(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、应试技巧1写作补充重大原则!1. 用最没可能出错的语法时态(一般现在时)描述图片 & 写出观点句 加进模板2. 看清图片!不要跑题3. 心灵健康!不要反党反人类3. 别展现自己的深邃思想,考研作文给分不看这个!4. 而且,玩深邃常常死得很惨,很惨5. 从头到尾写三段总分总(具体见下)开始动手写!1. 每段都顶头写(不留那两格) ,两段间空一行2. 考研大作文归类成三种:社会现象类(画的是社会问题糟糕物)(写作思路:看图说话为什么这种现象会产生怎么解决它 )精神品质类(画的是雷锋尸变,哦不,是雷锋重生之类的好家伙)(写作思路:看图说话它为什么重要大家都来提倡它 )正反对比类(今年基本不会考)(写

2、作思路:看图说话列举优点 缺点你支持哪边 )三个放一块能看出不管写哪种 都要看图说话!第一段总起:看图说话 模板 (加粗的部分 全都不用自己写 )第零 句话(引入话题) (适用于社会现象 /正反对比):It is a striking fact that . has aroused public attention. (搞不懂它干嘛用的童鞋不必写)第一句话(图片的简单描述)可选:We see in the picture (烂)This is a very interesting picture of (一样烂)As is vividly depicted in the set of draw

3、ings, flowers in the greenhouse cannot withstand wind and rain.The set of drawings present us with a scene that flowers in the greenhouse cannot withstand wind and rain.In the set of pictures we could see clearly that flowers in the greenhouse cannot withstand wind and rain.It is obvious that the nu

4、mber of fishes shrank drastically due to excessive commercial fishing, as is vividly portrayed in the pictures below.第二句话(图片的进一步描述)可选:More specifically / More precisely / To put it more exact, there was only one boat but numerous / a vast number of / piles and piles of / a host of / a multitude of f

5、ish in 1900. On the contrary / In contrast / However, there were piles and piles of fishing boats but only one fish in 1995. 第一二句话的又一个实例:应试技巧2简单描述In this drawing we could see clearly that there is a small lamp against the background of full darkness.进一步描述More specifically, there is a flame on the la

6、mp, while it looks like a smiling face which is giving out light.Just as the caption indicates, “爱心是一盏灯,在越黑暗的地方越明亮。 ”上方的图片里有小标题,就这样写但假如小标题属唐僧类型(一大堆字儿)就别写了会被考官砍死的第二段展开:这时,要分出三条攻略路线(根据三种不同类型)不管哪种都得搞得层次鲜明(加个承接短语):开头:To start with In addition Equally important这个原因,另一个原因:For one thing, For another, On th

7、e macro level, on the micro level 攻略路线一 社会现象类文章第二段:第一句:说明这个图表达的一个什么样的社会现象/问题 (八选一)1)In fact, this kind of 文化全球化/ 偶像崇拜/不尊重老人 is not uncommon nowadays in our society. 2) In fact, what this picture illustrates is a phenomenon that has long existed in todays China.That is, 文化全球化/偶像崇拜/不尊重老人 etc.3)In fact

8、, this seemingly simple cartoon subtly discloses a prevailing phenomenon that has long existed in nowadays society. That is, 文化全球化/偶像崇拜/ 不尊重老人 etc.4) The artist of the cartoon apparently intends to draw our attention to the prevailing social phenomenon that 偶像崇拜;不赡养老人 etc.5)In effect, this cartoon i

9、s a miniature of a prevalent phenomenon that . 偶像崇拜;不赡养老人 etc.6) Conspicuously, this cartoon symbolically characterizes a status quo that 偶像崇拜;不赡养老人 etc.7) With the advent of 21st century, peoples living standard has been much improved. Yet, a discordant situation has emerged nowadays: 偶像崇拜;不赡养老人 et

10、c.8) What does the cartoonist want to tell us? Actually, this drawing shows us a social phenomenon that偶像崇拜;不赡养老人 etc.第二句:对于社会现象进一步展开描述(三选一)1) Unfortunately, in contemporary China, especially in some metropolis, this sort of phenomenon is becoming increasingly common and eye-catching. 2) Confronted

11、with .,numerous citizens, particularly youngsters, incline to . rather than .3) A case in point is . (举例展开,这种方法适合牛人) 第三句:现象产生的原因;或者现象的好处;或者现象的坏处。原因如下:(三选一)1) Why, you may wonder, is 偶像崇拜;不赡养老人 so severe in todays China?2) Why, you may wonder, does this phenomenon arise?3) Two fundamental factors, in

12、 my mind, could account for 偶像崇拜;不赡养老人.应试技巧3好处如下: (二选一)1) Obviously, 偶像崇拜;不赡养老人 might give rise to/bring about/exert a host of/a multitude of/numerous/countless(单词四选一)favorable / positive / desirable / beneficial (单词四选一)influence/effects/consequences.(单词三选一)2) Undoubtedly, no one could fail to notic

13、e the favorable / positive / desirable / beneficial (同上)influence/effects/consequences that 偶像崇拜;不赡养老人 bring to us.坏处如下:(二选一)1) Obviously, 偶像崇拜;不赡养老人 might give rise to/bring about/exert a host of/a multitude of/numerousunfavorable/negative/undesirable/harmful influence/effects/consequences. 2) Undo

14、ubtedly, no one could fail to notice the unfavorable/negative/undesirable/harmful influence/effects/consequences that 偶像崇拜;不赡养老人 bring to people.第四句与第五句:第一个原因与第二个原因 或第一个好处与第二个好处或第一个坏处与第二个坏处1) One reason is that . Perhaps the primary reason is that .2) On the one hand, . On the other hand, .3) For on

15、e thing, . For another, 社会现象类文章第三段第一句 说明宏观的解决方案 (二选一)1. I gradually realize that the authority and mass media need to advocate 2. I personally believe that the authority and mass media need to advocate 第二句 说明微观的具体措施 (二选一)Equally important = Likewise = Similarly In the meantime = Meanwhile = Simultan

16、eously 1. Equally important, every one of us might as well 2. In the meantime, it is every individuals duty to 第三句 用一个万能的名人名言来结尾Just as Benjamin Franklin put it, “Never leave that until tomorrow, which you can do today.” Yes, we can! 应试技巧4攻略路线二 精神品质类文章的第二段:第一句:说明这个图表达的一个什么精神或者品质 (六选一)1. Apparently, the purpose of this drawing is to emphasize the importance of co


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