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1、1SBIBUnit13 Healthy eatingWords and expressionsjunk n. old useless things 垃圾You should get rid of all the old junk in the room. 你该把室内的所有破烂清除掉。 junk food 垃圾食品fat n. a substance like oil which is used in cooking 脂肪;油脂 They have a lot of fat under their skin. 它们的皮肤下面有很多脂肪。 vitamin n. special programme

2、of food for people who are ill, etc.特种饮食 The physician put him on a special diet. 内科医生给他吃特定的食物。 calorie n. (=calory) 卡路里;卡(热量单位)keep up with walk or drive as fast as another person or thing so that you are together 跟上 She had to run to keep up with them. 她得跑着才能跟上他们。 pace n.c step 步;步调He stepped back

3、ward a pace or two. 他后退了一两步。 make a choice choose 做出选择There were so many cakes that it was difficult to make a choice. 糕点那么多,以致挑选起来很困难。 nutrient n. a source of nourishment, especially a nourishing ingredient in a food营养物 adj. providing nourishment 有营养的nutrition n. nourishment 营养 nutritious adj. 有营养的

4、protein n. body building substance essential to good health in such foods as milk, eggs 蛋白质 Protein is the base of life. 蛋白质是生命的基础。 muscle n. that part of flesh which can be tightened and loosened to move parts of the body 肌肉 When we walk, we exercise our leg muscles. 我们走路时,锻炼腿上的肌肉。 bean n. a vegeta

5、ble seed we can eat 豆 calcium n.钙dairy n. 牛奶场;乳制品product n. a thing which is produced a result or work or growth 产品;成果 Coffee is Brazils main product. 咖啡是巴西的主要产物。 carbohydrate n. a substance made up of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon, such as sugar 碳水化合物(如糖) Sugars and starchier are carbohydrates. 糖和淀粉是

6、碳水化合物。 fiber n. 纤维;纤维制品 synthds of carbon 有机的 organi supplement n / v. 增补;补充fit adj. healthy 健康 adj. suited for 合适Keep fit, study hard and work well. 身体好,学习好,工作好。 2The weather is not fit to go out in. 这种天气不宜外出。 unit n. one person, one thing; one group 单位;单元 The family is often taken as the unit of s

7、ociety. 家庭通常被认为是社会的组成单位。 digest v. change (food) into a state in which the body can use it 消化 Food is digested in the stomach. 食物在胃里消化了。 gain v. get sth. more, not to lose 增加;获得 The masses gain experience through struggle. 群众通过斗争可以取得经验。 sleepy adj. tired; wanting to sleep 困乏的;瞌睡的 I feel sleepy,so Im

8、 going to bed. 我感到困倦,要去睡觉了。 refuel v. 补给燃料;补充能量now and then now and again; occasionally 时而;不时brain n.c the grey substance in the head, with which one thinks 脑 Th brain is the organ of thought. 大脑是思维器官。 n.c mind; intelligence 头脑(常用复数) I wis;薄片;切片Please cut a slice of bread for me. 请给我切一片面包。 dice v. 把

9、切成小方块 n. 小方块stir vt. move a spoon, etc, round and round to mix something 搅拌;搅起 Have you stirred your tea? 你的茶搅和过了吗? Unit 14 FestivalsWords and expressionstheme n. subject; something to talk or write about, etc.主题;题目 What is the theme of the opera? 这个歌剧的主题是什么? dress up wear ones best clothes 盛装;打扮Let

10、s dress up and go out to the theatre. 我们穿戴整齐到戏院看戏吧。 They dressed their children up for the New Years Day. 他们给孩子们穿上好衣服过新年。 parade n. a procession; a march for display 游行 The parade will begin at 10. 游行十点开始。 Arabic adj. 阿拉伯人的holy adj. 神圣的Easter n.u 复活节symbol n. mark, sign or picture that shows somethi

11、ng 象征;符号;记号 The letter V is a symbol of victory. 字母“V”是胜利的象征。 bunny n. 兔子(儿语)fighting n.u 战斗;打仗Fighting broke out between the North and the South. 南北两方发生了战争。 conflict n. a fight; a struggle 争斗;战争 He was wounded in the conflict. 他在战斗中负伤。 n. a clash between ideas, feelings, etc.; a disagreement 冲突It i

12、s in conflict with the provisions of the existing treaty. 这与本条约的有关规定相抵触。 argument n. quarrel; fight; tk between people with different ideas 辩论;争论After a long argument, we decided where to go for our holiday. 3经过长久的争论,我们把休假的地方决定下来了。 destruction n.u breaking something totally 毁灭;破坏 The strong earthqua

13、ke left death and destruction behind it. 强烈的地震留下了死亡和破坏 opinion n.c what you think about something or somebody 意见;看法My opinion is different from yours. 我的看法与你的不同。 in ones opinion 按照某人的看法major adj. bigger; most important; very great 主要的;重大的 Be careful, there is a major road ahead! 当心,前面有一条主要公路! probab

14、ly adv. most likely 很可能 Do you think you can do it? Well, probably I can.你认为你能干这个吗?哦,我很可能干得了。 honour vt. 尊敬;给以荣誉Would you honor us by sharing our dinner tonight? 今晚你是否肯赏光与我们一道用餐 ? ancestor n.c forefather 祖先;祖宗 John is descended from noble ancestors. 约翰为名门后裔。 principle n. rule for living 原则;原理 We sho

15、uld follow the principle of seeking truth. 我们要遵循实事求是的原则。 unity n. the state of being a united whole 团结;统一 Unity is strength. 团结就是力量。 community n. group of people who live in one place, have the same interests, etc.团体;社区New quay is a fishing community. 纽基是一个渔业社区。 nation n. a country with one governme

16、nt 国家 All nations, big or small, should be equal. 国家不分大小,应一律平等。 n. a large group of people with the same race and culture 民族 The Chinese nation is brave and hardworking. 中华民族是勤劳勇敢的。 self-determination Xself n. determination of ones own fate 自主;自我决定purpose n. plan; intention; what you are going to do 目的;意图 Wha



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