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1、 1 / 18综合写作一、须知1、学习要点听力材料要点的确定文章结构的确定 转述语意的技巧2、如何确定要点1 主题句2 被重复的语意(同根词,同义词,相同词,反义词)3 原因和结果,结论4 被解释的词汇5 带有倾向性和表变化的词6 被强调的语意(最高级,比较级,绝对词汇, 修辞问句,特殊停顿和特殊符号如引号破折号等)7 问题和答案8 重要例子9 比较和比喻10 表示转折的词汇后面的语义3、如何结构全文总分式(重点推荐)LRR(推荐) RLR 总分总式(可用) 2 / 18并列式(可用 )4、如何结构段落每个段落必须同时包含下列要素:阅读的观点演讲的观点两者的关系二、记笔记的方法1、用大写首字母

2、代替专用词汇和反复出现的词汇2、用单词的前三四个字母记笔记3、用汉语记笔记4、用同义词记笔记5、用数字和符号记笔记6、用发音的辅音记笔记三、1、寻找并记录要点的训练方法第一步:看着阅读和听力材料,寻找要点。第二步:先寻找阅读材料中的要点, 接着边听边记要点,并且在需要的时候暂停录音。第三步:寻找阅读材料中的要点,边听边记要点,中间不停顿。2、表示相反关系的词和短语Refutechallengedoubtdenyrebut differ fromcast doubt on contradictopposeobject to disagree with 3 / 18Becontradictoryc

3、onflictingopposingcontraryopposite to be different fromIn contraston the contrary3、如何对付阅读中的陌生名词*只在阅读中出现的专用名词不重要。*在阅读和或演讲中出现两次和以上的专用名词很重要。4、不必揪心的项目同时出现大量数字不重要。同时出现大量列举不重要。叙述历史事实,故事情节和发展过程不重要。5、精彩句型The lecture discusseswhich refutes the main idea in the reading that The professor made the point that o

4、n the contrary in contrast however, the writer demonstrated a differentcontradictory idea thatContrary to the belief in the passage that the professor says thatThe professor refutes the viewpoint showed in the passage that by saying thatThe reading material denies(refuteschallenges?) the listening m

5、aterial.(?)The lecture contradictsrefutes is contrary to is the 4 / 18opposite of the idea in the reading ( by saying that)The professor made the point that The reading , in contrast, held a different view by stating thatThe listening material contradicts the reading material regarding the issueprob

6、lem of As regardsIn terms ofthe listening material contradicts the reading material.Another important point showed in the listening material is that but the reading presents a conflicting idea thatFinally, the professor stated that .which challenges the standpoint made by the writer who said that.In

7、 general, the professor discussed the problemissue of that the reading viewed in a contraryopposing different angle.According to the lecture on the other hand while the reading stated that These two ideas are contradictory to each other.6、对材料的指称The speakerlecturerprofessor listening materiallecturet

8、alkThe writerauthor reading materialwritingpassage 5 / 187、时态的运用一般现在时态 or 一般过去时态注意:框架部分时态的一致性;学术内容的时态要根据上下文来确定例如:The writing said that antibiotics are useful in thatThe listening material said that antibiotics were useful. 6 / 188、综合写作训练1、Zebra mussels:阅读材料:Zebra mussels are spreading rapidly from E

9、ast Europe, where they initially originated, to the vast areas of North America. This unique fresh-water ecological system, wherever they happen to travel. To make it even worse, few effective measures have been developed so far to control the explosion of zebra mussels.First, as demonstrated in his

10、tory, the invasion of zebra mussels has for all time been unstoppable. This is because zebra mussels are so smart that they have long adapted to fasten themselves to human vehicles. For example, ever since 19 century, ships traveling on fresh water routes in East Europe have been found cattying tons

11、 of zebra mussels on the bottoms. Of course, this is not the only way mussels can travel with ships. Thousands of these little creatures actually hide and multiply those in the “ballast water”- water intentionally filled in to balance the ships.Second, zebra mussels always dominate new areas soon af

12、ter their first successful invasion. This shellfish has been considered a hardy creature, because they can easily adapt into almost any environment and still keep their amazing reproduction rate during the procedure of adaptation. Whats more, since zebra mussels are 7 / 18new to the ecological syste

13、ms of North America, hardly any predators of this shellfish are known.Third, the pollution caused by zebra mussels waste can first reduce the quality of a water body and soon after that, the overall fish number dwelling in it. In addition, zebra mussels devour food and nutrition which would otherwis

14、e feed many other local fishes.听力材料:Female Professor:Well, this is the popular belief of zebra mussels. But wont say that they are really such a big threat. On the contrary, most information mentioned in this passage has been exaggerated. The spread of zebra mussels is, of course, stoppable, if prop

15、er measures are taken.First, yes, in history, people didnt stop zebra mussels invasion. But that was because people didnt have the knowledge then. Now we how to deal with the ballast water for sure. For example, when ships travel on the sea waters, they can empty all the fresh ballast water and then

16、 refill an equal amount of salt water. Because although zebra mussels are hardly shellfish, they are fresh water species anyway and salt water kills them almost immediately.Second, they say the mussels can dominate the whole ecological system of North America? That is pure nonsense. Of course, because the mussels are new to America, they have no predators now. 8 / 18But it doesnt mea


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