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1、笔试部分 一 找出画线部分发音与其他 3 项不同的选项 5% A B C D ( )31. her sister ruler under ( )32. too who over room ( )33. line mine which kite ( )34. what whose white where ( )35. yellow blouse now trousers ( )36. there where their theyre ( )37. father mother after ask ( )38. family black man table ( )39. clothes coat b

2、oat color ( )40. shirt banana American Teacher 二 根据要求写单词 5% 41. one (序数词) _ 42. twelfth(基数词) _ 43. take (现在分词)_ 44. run (现在分词) _ 45. she (名词性物主代词) _ 46. he (宾格) _ 47. child (复数 ) _ 48. foot (复数 ) _ 49. are (过去式 ) _ 50. swimming(原形) _ 三 英汉互译 10% 51. 下课后52.in the corner _ 53. 在月日54.blow out _ 55. 跑步比赛

3、56.near the birds cage _ 57. 保持安静58.make noise _ 59. 刚才60.fold it in half _ 四 单项选择 20% ( ) 61. Its eleven thirty now. Its time _ A. have lunch B. to lunch C. to have the lunch D. for lunch ( ) 62. Lisa is in the bedroom, She _ with her mother. A. is saying B. is speaking C. is talking D. is travelin

4、g ( ) 63. _ Li Ming often late for school? A. Does B. Do C. Is D. Are ( ) 64. My father takes _ to Shanghai to see my grandparents every year. A. I B. I and my sister C. me D. My ( ) 65. There is _ old man in the story. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 66. A: _ does he often go to Hangzhou? B: By air. A.

5、When B. What C. Why D. How ( ) 67. I can speak English _ buy my sister isnt _ at it. A. good; good B. well; well C. good; well D. well; good ( ) 68. A: Would you like _ orange juice? B: No, thanks. A. an B. any C. some D. little ( ) 69. - Do you watch TV? -_. A. No, I do. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I do.

6、 D. Yes, you do. ( ) 70. I am very cold, can I _? A. take off it B. take it off C. put it on D. put on it ( ) 71. Lets go to the cinema, shall _? A. us B. you C. we D. they ( ) 72. The men standing under the tree _ not very old. A. am B. is C. are D. be ( ) 73. We often play _ volleyball after _ sch

7、ool. A. the, the B. a, the C. / , the D. / , / ( ) 74. _ is your favorite fruit? A. Whats B. Which C. How many D. How ( ) 75. Liu _ _ a goal now. A. is got B. has get C. have got D. has got ( ) 76. Were you at school last weekend? _. A. Yes, I were. B. Yes, I was C. No, I werent. D. No, I was. ( )77

8、. He quick walks to the note and _ it up. A. gives B. picks C. pick D. pickes ( )78. What _ you like as a birthday present? A. do B. Would C. would D. are ( )79. Whens your birthday? A. My birthday is 16th of October. B. My birthday is the 16th of October. C. My birthdays on the 16th of October. D.

9、My birthday is on 16th of October. ( )80. Su Hai wants _. A. take some photos B. to take some photo C. take a photo D. to take photo 五 用单词的适当形式填空 % 81. We usually use _ (knife) to cut bread. 82. There _ (be) some water in that bottle just now. 83. _ Linda _ (do) her homework ? Yes, she is. 84. There

10、 are 5 basketball _(play) in every team. 85. _ (be)you at home last night? Yes, I was. 86. We _ (not to) morning exercise when it rains. 87. _ (not speak) to your mother like that. 88. I _ (not have) any time to do it. 89. The moon _ (go) around the earth. 90. At _ (one), I didnt know him, but now I

11、 do 六 根据要求改写句子。10% 91. Simon has lunch at school every day. (改成一般疑问句) _ Simon _ lunch at school every day? 92. The teddy bear costs me 60 yuan. (对画线部分提问 ) _ _ does the teddy bear cost you? 93. The blue one is not for Tom.(对画线部分提问) _ _ is for Tom? 94. I have some bread for breakfast every day. (改成否定句

12、) I _ _ _ bread for breakfast every day. 95. We didnt go to school last Friday. ( 改成同义句 ) There were _ _ for us last Friday. 96. He likes surfing the Internet. ( 对画线部分提问 ) What _ your brother _? 97. Id like a cartoon as my birthday present. What _ _ as _ birthday present? 98. Was he in his room? (改为

13、复数形式) _ _ in _ room? 99. Tiger teams score is 2. Lion Teams score is 2, too (合并句子 ) The score is _ _. 七 从 II 栏中选择 I 栏的合适应答 5% I II ( )100. Can I go in? A. Its on the 1st of November. ( )101. Are they in your bag? B. Id like a VCD. ( )102. Was is there just now? C. Yes, please. ( )103. Whens your birthday? D. Its the 2nd of May. ( )104. Where are your earphones? E. It means “no smoking”. ( )105. What does that mean? F. No, you cant. ( )106. What date is it? G. Theyre next to the diary. ( )107. Whats the score? H. Yes, it was. ( )108. What would you like


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