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1、1英汉插入语一、关于插入语的表意功能由于插入语表意功能十分丰富、细腻,符合口头、笔头交际的各种需要,因此其重要性是不可与“次要”同日而语的。一般而言较常见的表意功能有如下一些:(一) 表示说话 者的态度或看法。 例如:1. It was late in getting to the station, but fortunately for me, the train was late too.我到站迟了,幸而火车也晚点了。2. It was his last romance. His last but one, to do him justice. (O. Wilde)这是他的最后一部传奇小说

2、。平心而论,这是他的倒数第二部。(二) 表示说话 者的估计 或推测。 例如:1. Perhaps he was mistaken.也许他弄错了。2. It will result in success, I suppose.我们猜想,此事会成功。(三) 表示补充说 明。例如:1. This road is, I admit, very hilly。我承认此道很崎岖。2. He left there last year, that is (to say), in 1995. 他去年离开了那里,也就是说,1995 年。(四) 表示应答之声。例如:1. Ah, yes, you shouldnt h

3、ave helped him, shouldnt you?啊,对了,那时你本不应该帮他,不是吗?2. Oh, no, you neednt tell this to him.哎呀,不行,你不必把这件事告诉他。(五) 表示引起对 方注意、观察或思考。例如:1. New York, as you know, is situated on the Hudson River. 如你所知,纽约位于哈得逊河河畔。2. I must be off now, you see.你知道,我该动身了。(六) 表示肯定或 强调 。例如:1. I am not guessingI really know.我不是猜我确实

4、知道。2. Hes a teacher, to be sure. 他的确是名老师。(七) 表示材料说 明。例如:1. The trees in that area, it is said, are mostly more than thirty feet tall.据说那一地区的树大都有 30 多尺高。2. Talking of ice-cream, have you ever eaten it?说到冰棋林,你可曾吃过?(八) 表示列举。例如:1. To illustrate, it is estimated that the changing of 1 gram of uranium to

5、lead would supply as much as burning of 6,000 tons of coal.例如,据估计一克铀变成铅将提供燃烧 6 千吨煤所产生的能量。2. We now need two hours to think about that, say from four to six.我们现有需要用两个小时来考虑那件事,比方说从 4点到 6 点。(九) 表示顺序。例如:1. I like you to do two things. First, phone the office and tell them Ill be late. Secondly, order th

6、e taxi to be here about an hour.(R. Quirk)我希望你给我做两事。第一,给办公室打电话,告诉他们我晚些时候去。第二,叫出租汽车大约一小时后到这里来。2. You should give him some help. In the first place, send her for a doctor. In the second place, send him some money.你该给他一些帮助。首先,派她去叫医生;其次,给他送些钱去。(十) 表示话题转换 。例如:1. By the way, when does he come to see you?顺

7、便问问( 且说),他何时来看您?2. By the by(e), have you finished your homework?顺便问一下,你完成作业了吗?(十一)表示增补 或引申。例如:1. He rejected my command, and what is 2more, insulted me before the whole company.他拒绝接受我的命令,而且当众侮辱我。2. The task is very difficult, besides, time presses.任务艰巨,而且时间紧迫。(十二)表示概括或总结。例如:1. In a word / To sum up

8、, dont get swollenheaded because of victory.总之,不要被胜利冲昏了头脑。2. Generally speaking, English is easy to learn but difficult to master.一般说来,英语易学难精。(十三)表示转折或对立。例如:1. Its very cold, he didnt wear his overcoat though.尽管天气很冷,他却未穿大衣。2. Why do you think we cant change your note? On the contrary, we can. (Mark

9、Twain)你干吗认为我们无法换散你的钞票?相反,我们能把它换散。(十四)表示让步或委婉语气。例如:1. Anyhow, she has so far overcome all the difficulties.不管怎样,她还是克服了一切困难。2.Youll get caught in the rain, I am afraid.我觉得你会挨雨的。(十五)表示结果或等同。例如:1. They didnt listen to the teacher in class. As a result, they failed in this examination.他们因上课未听老师的讲,结果此次考试未

10、及格。2. My brother was taught to read by mother, and similarly, so was I.我哥是由我妈教读书的,同样地,我也是。(十六)表示时间的过渡。例如:Tom was now undergoing many hard-ships. His brother in the meantime was having an easy time. 汤姆正遭受着苦难。与此同时他兄弟却安闲自在。二、关于插入语的位置(一)一般说来,插入语在句中的位置比较灵活,可置于句首或句中,也可置于句末,如下面例句中表强调、推断等的surely 就是如此:1. Sur

11、ely you dont believe that!你谅必不会相信那个吧!2. You surely dont mean to be cruel. 你不致于是要做残暴的事去。3. You dont want to hurt his feelings, surely!我当然希望你不要伤他的感情。当然,并不是所有的插入语都有这三种位置。例如有的只可置于句首,有的只可置于句末,而且常用逗号将其与句子主体部分分开。例如:1. Wrong: Have you, talking of football, seen the Indian team play?Wrong: Have you seen the

12、Indian team play, talking of the football?Right: Talking of football, have you seen the Indian team play?说到足球,你看过印度足球队踢球吗?2. Wrong: He, to say nothing of English, knows French.Wrong: To say nothing of English, he knows French.Right: He knows French, to say nothing of English.他懂法语,更不用说英语了。(二)插入语也可置于两

13、个逗号、两个破折号之间或一个破折号之后,或置于圆括或中括里,或置于冒号之后。例如:1. All of them, nevertheless, insist upon continuing the experiment.尽管如此,他们全体仍然坚持继续实验。2. If you are wrongand I am sure you are in the wrongyou must apologize. (T. Otsuka)如果你错了 我相信你是错了你必须道歉。3. Miss Jane (She is Mrs John now) is here.琼斯小姐 (她现在是约翰夫人 )在此。4. There

14、 comes a bus made in Shanghaivery beautifulfilled with many passengers.一辆上海造的公共汽车来了此车很美丽里面坐了许多乘客。35. He treated you badly: still, hes your brother and you ought to help him.(OLD)(纵然)他虐待过你,但是他是你的兄弟,你应该帮助他。(三)也有不用任何标点符号标明插入语位置的,往往不易识别出来。例如:1. I suppose I could easily get another copy now; but it would

15、 not be to me what that other was, with it memory of dust and oil. 我想我如今可以轻而易举地弄到另一套,但是我认为那是代替不了原来那一套的,我就会想到那风尘仆仆辛勤劳动的情景。2. Who do you think is the best singer in your class?你看你班上谁最会唱歌?三、关于插入语的表现形式插入语可由词语、短语、句子来充当。兹述如下:(一) 由词语、短语 充当。 主要有:1. 感 叹类词语 。例如:1) Time is what we want most, but, alas, many pe

16、ople use worst. (W. Penn)时间是我们最需要的东西,可是,唉,许多人使用得最糟。2) “Oh, dear me! I am sorry to hear that”, said the literary gentleman in a shocked tone. (K. Mansfield)“啊呀!听到这个消息,我很难过”,文人很震惊地说道。注:能作插入语的感叹词语还有 Oh dear, my gracious, my goodness, eh, lord, good lord, my lord, good heavens, heaven 等。2. 形容 词类词语。例如:1) True, they the cottageswere far too near.(K. Mansfield)当真的,它们这些农舍 相距太近了。2)Even more important, hes in charge of the project.尤其重要的是,他负责这项工程。3. 副 词类词语 。例如:1



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