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《英文版加我的 (自动保存的)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英文版加我的 (自动保存的)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、IntroductionDotA is the abbreviation of Defense of the Ancients, it can be translated into ancient relics guard(远古遗迹守卫).There are two teams fighting, usually 5v5, the purpose of the game is to guard ancient relics and destroy opposite sides ancient relics.1.Teamwork(团队配合)This is the largest charm(魅力

2、) of DotA, have you heard of ” No brother ,no DotA(无兄弟不 DotA) ”? If you have a group of good friends, if you have enough spare time, if you decide to play something, then DotA is your excellent choice. As a team game, team coorperation is related to the control of rhythm(节奏控制) and the victory of the

3、 game, GANK(游走抓人), CARRY(后期), SUPPORT (辅助), each position must play their respective roles, GANK suppress(压制)the opposite side, drive rhythm(带动节奏), CARRY farm quickly, lay the foundation, SUPPORT complete the vision(视野), lay the auxiliary. And at the later period of the game, teamwork is more import

4、ant, the success or failure of a group-war directly decide the outcome of game. Thus, wonderful tacit teamwork often become the highlight of the game(比赛亮点).2.Changeful(富有变化)The largest characteristic of DotA is that a wide variety of heroes, flexible equipment line(装备路线). For example, in the current

5、 version 6.74c, there are a total of 108 heroes, each hero has its own special advantage and sign skills, Other popular warcraft map, such as Zhensan(真三) and Chenghai(澄海)3C,because of their mode- fixed and the maps slowly update, prompted(促使) a large number of players like ZSMJ, YYF move to DotA. In

6、 addition, like the extremely popular game三国杀,the author Icefrog also widely accepts Fans advice, dedicates to the shaping of hero and prop and the update of map.3. Operation, Consciousness, Strategy(操作,意识,策略)In the world of DotA, level and equipment are not everything, the most important is players

7、 Operation, consciousness, strategy. Good consciousness helps hold the rhythm of the game, exquisite operation(细腻的操作) helps finish the difficult GANK and the kill, and effective strategy helps promote cooperation(促进配合).4. Passion and Excitement(激情刺激)Passion and excitement is the theme of DotA, when

8、you devote yourself to a battle, from first blood to holyshit, complete triple kill, even rampage(暴走).At Downwind innings(顺风局) abusing opponent completely, while at Innings against the wind(逆风局) accumulating equipment(积累装备), having a big reversal(逆转). The cast of skills and connect of control skills

9、 when the group war, all of these make dotaer happy.5. Lasting appeal(耐玩)DotA is a starting slow game, you may need a half of a year to master the keys. We are constantly learning .Not only do we enjoy the little bit improvements joy, but also enjoy the sense of play a high levels accomplishment. Fi

10、ghting is endless, when you enjoy the fight, you never know what the next combat will be. A dotaer not only likes to play, but also likes to appreciate others game, watching others show is also a kind of enjoyment. When two dotaers get together, there are many topics about DotA to talk. They are exc

11、ited in sharing their experience or joy.6.Running after stars(追逐明星)There have been foreign teams seeking hegemony(称霸) during early versions(版本) of DotA.With Chinese DotA teams rise, more and more young people begin to pay close attention to DotA and play, then generates a lot of DotA events, DotA fa

12、ns have their own DotA idol, they pay attention to them, and begin to run after them, take them over, this is also the charm of DotA.Why girls support boys play DOTA?1、Strong sense of enterprise 强烈的事业心 When he is playing DOTA , watching him from the side , you will find that he can pay for his inter

13、ests with all energy.找一个机会在他全神贯注玩 DOTA 的时候,从侧面好好观察他,你就会发现他可以为自己的爱好付出一切精力。2、The spirit of never yielding 永不服输的精神 Every DOTAer has the experience of being bullied and bulling others . To find a boy who is easy to be defeated in DOTA is difficult. The game so, life is so.每一个 DOTAer 都有过从被人欺负到欺负别人的经历,想要在

14、玩 DOTA 的男孩里找一个容易服输的人很难。游戏中如此,人生也如此。 3、The good gentility 良好的绅士风度 Even if being bullied to have all the tears in the heart and DOTAer will always say GG after the game , because he will get back in the next one. As time past, DOTAer will develop good character of modest and prudent.就算被人欺负到心里全是眼泪,打完一局

15、后还是要说 GG,下一盘再找回来。久而久之,DOTAer 都会养成谦虚谨慎的良好性格。4、Long patience 超长的耐心 When in backward,a DOTAer will look for every opportunity to pull, patient to adjust their mentality, patient to remit and GANK,even steal tower, then give the opponent a fatal blow.一个 DOTAer 会在局势落后的时候,全力寻找每一个可以翻盘的机会,耐心的去调整心态,耐心的去打钱、GA

16、NK,甚至偷塔,然后再给对手致命一击。5、 Powerful psychological burden超强的心理承受力 DOTA is a world full of the variability, The each DOTAer develop a spirit of fearless .We always experience ups and downs in our lives.DOTA 是一个充满了变数的世界,每个 DOTAer 都养成了无畏的精神。人生总要经历坎坷和。 6、Very careful非同一般的细心 As a DOTAer, one of the basic skills in the game is to watch their competitorss action, day after day, year after year, his observation will be like Sherlock Holmes.做为 DOTAer,基本功之一就是在游戏中的观察对手的走位和行动,日复一


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