维修保养合同样本 service contract

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《维修保养合同样本 service contract》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《维修保养合同样本 service contract(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Service Contract维保合同The contract is signed between:合同双方:Party A: Party B: 1. Routine Maintenance常规保养According to the local regulation Preventative Maintenance Schedule, Party B will attend the job site to do the maintenance regularly.根据当地法规规定并遵照预防性保养计划表,乙方会定期到现场执行保养工作。1.1 Comprising all maintainable

2、 equipment and appurtenances including both electrical and mechanical components and wiring with the exception of those parts specified as exclusions in Clause 7 hereof, hereinafter referred to as the Equipment.保养内容包括所有可保养的电梯、扶梯设备,包括电气和机械部件和配线,但本合同条款 7 中所述之设备除外。以下简称为“设备” 。1.2 Party B shall provide t

3、rained employees to service and maintain the equipment in a safe condition.乙方应指派受过专业培训的技术人员在安全的环境下进行设备保养和服务。1.3 Party B will systematically adjust lift 12 times a year, lubricate as required, and if conditions warrant as a result of ordinary wear and tear, repair with no additional charge.( But excl

4、uding: Elevator; full replacement or traction machine, motor and ropes; Escalator: handrails)乙方会每月 2 次系统地进行电梯调整,润滑,并在条件需要的情况下免费对正常损坏和磨损进行修理和替换。1.4 To check guide slider or guide rollers regularly to ensure smooth and quiet operation ,except the guide rollers, should to keep guide rails properly lubr

5、icated.定期检查导靴滑块或导靴滚轮以确保设备平稳运行。除导靴滚轮以外,应保持导轨适度润滑。1.5 To check all wire ropes as often as necessary to maintain an adequate factor of safety, to equalize the tension on all hoisting ropes.必要时经常检查所有的钢丝绳,以确保设备足够安全和所有曳引钢丝绳张力保持平衡。1.6 Party B will grease and lubricate the equipment for free and the lubrica

6、tion oil is free too.乙方将对设备进行润滑和加油并免费提供维护保养润滑用油。1.7 To examine once a year all safety devices accord with country relative safety standard.配合甲方参与当地政府质检部门每年进行一次检查,以符合国家相关安全标准。1.8 After each maintenance, Party B will submit the maintenance report to Party A. Party A should make an immediately check an

7、d sign the report if it acceptable. In case of any question, Party A can require Party B to recheck and readjust the equipment.每次保养之后,乙方要向甲方提交保养报告。甲方应立即进行检查,确认后签字。若甲方有疑问,可要求乙方对设备存在的问题复查和再调试。2. 24 hours Emergency response services24 小时急修服务2.1Party B will provide a 24-hour emergency service in the eve

8、nt that the equipment breakdown. We will arrive on site within 45 minutes for a call back, and 30 minutes in the event of a trapping 乙方为电梯故障提供 24 小时紧急服务。我们将在收到急修电话的 45 分钟内赶到现场,在 30 分钟内赶到现场解决困人问题。2.2 When the reported nature of a malfunction is not detrimental to the safety of persons and nor of sign

9、ificant effect on the service provided by the Equipment, then attendance to the same shall be carried out during Party B next visit to the Premises pursuant to (routine maintenance).当通报的故障对人身安全没有危害,对设备运行也无显著影响,则维修将在乙方下次常规保养时执行3. Equipment Schedule and price设备列表及价格NO. 编号 Unit ID 设备号 Technical specifi

10、cation 技术规格 Quantity 数量 Unit Price 单价3.1 This contract expensive will be RMB,at first yeal,any expensive of increased equipment or parts wasting and fault increase shall be adjusted each subsequent year by _% from second year till _year本合同第一年度维保费用总金额为 RMB ,,第二年度至第_年度,因设备运营年限增长,导致电梯部件损耗及故障机率提高,各年度维保合

11、同金额将以_%每年的增长幅度予以调整。4. Commencement Date and Duration of Agreement合同起始日期和合同期限This Agreement will commence on the ,over on the / / and continue for a term of XX years and then be automatically renewed for an equivalent period unless ninety (90) days before the end of the current term either party noti

12、fies the other that the Agreement is not being renewed.此合同从 年 月 日起生效, 年 月 日结束,期限为年。除非在当前合同到期前90 天一方告知另一方不再续签合同,否则合同自动更新为相等年限的新合同。5. Payment Term付款方式5.1 The maintenance fee mentioned above should be paid 2 times per year ,every time should to pay XXXXX , and the final payment should be paid before xx

13、xxxxx上述保养费用按每年 2 次分期预付,最终款项需要在 前支付。5.2 In case of Party A fail to pay the maintenance fee on time, Party A shall pay off all the maintenance fee and 2% of this sum of as penalty to Party B for the delay of 2 week after the payment time provided by this contract.如甲方未能按付款期限向乙方支付维修保养费用,每超过合同所规定的付款期限二周,

14、甲方除付清应付维修保养费外,还应向乙方支付当期应付维修保养费总额的 2%。Party Bs Bank Account:乙方银行帐户:6. Additional Maintenance Requested by Party A甲方要求的额外维保Party B shall not, unless specifically requested in writing by, and at the expense of Party A:乙方将根据甲方书面要求并支付费用的情况下执行以下维保:6.1 Carry out any statutory safety tests (other than as sp

15、ecified in Clause if here of), increase new attachments, carry out structural or other alterations, or make any replacements with parts of a different design which, after the commencement of this Agreement, become necessary as a result of directions from statutory authorities or Party As insurers or

16、 as the result of new or amending legislation; 自合同生效日起,法定权威机构,或甲方保险公司,或新的或修改过的法律提出,应执行的法定安全检测(除了此合同条款中明确注明 ),增装新配件,修改结构或进行任何变动;6.2 Carry out repairs, renewals or replacements necessary by any cause beyond the control of Party B except ordinary wear and tear; 除了正常磨损和损坏,执行超出乙方控制范围所致的磨损和损坏的修理,更新或替换;6.3 Any equipment damaged by reasons of nature


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