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1、Unit One I comprehension check(i)1D 2D 3D 4B 5C 6A 7C 8B 9B 10 DII Vocabulary Study(i) 1 permanent 2 had assembled 3 discharging 4 meekly 5 apprentice 6 partiality 7 obscure 8 exalted 9 intruding 10 cordially 11 ambition 12 gallantly(ii) 1 transient 2 faded out 3 blew up 4 ruthless 5 trivial 6 in a

2、twinkling 7 under way 8 tranquil 9 gorgeous 10 for the time being 11 conspicuous 12 exaltedIII Cloze1-5 BDCAB 6-10 ADABB 11-15 DBDAA 16-20 CCDCBSupplementary ReadingsA 1-8 ABCABCCCB 1-8 BDCCAABBUnit Two I Comprehension Check(i) 1 D 2C 3A 4B 5C 6D 7C 8D 9B 10CII Vocabulary Study(i) 1 advocated 2 extr

3、avagant 3 vulnerable 4 guru 5 potential 6 dispel 7 shunned 8 acclaimed 9 enthusiasts 10 stave off 11 attendant 12 ventured(ii) 1 eradicated 2 enthralled 3 obsolete 4 disproved 5 foster 6 ludicrous 7 apparent 8 avert 9 displaced 10 compatriots 11 endeavors 12 hailed III Cloze !-5 CBDAD 6-10 CDBAC 11-

4、15 BBCCD 16-20 ABCACSupplementary ReadingsA 1-6 CDABCAB 1-6 TFFFTTUnit Three I Comprehension Check(i) 1-5 BCACB 6-10 CDDAA (ii) 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5F 6 T 7 F 8 F 9 F 10 TII Vocabulary Study (i)1 sank 2 clear 3 rainfall 4 drought 5 Flowering 6 loose 7 pores 8 graze9 spine 10 trapped 11 venture 12 fertil

5、eII (ii)1 barren 2 moisture 3 distant 4 is (highly) unpredictable 5 harsh 6 sharp 7 emerges 8 store 9 scheme 10 readily 11 highly 12 traditionalII (iii)1 in 2 out 3 to 4 against 5 from 6 at 7 of 8 on 9 on 10 on 11 from 12 away, into 13 On 14 in 15 in III Cloze1-5 C B D A B 6-10 D B C C A 11-15 A C D

6、 A C 16-20 C A D A BSupplementary Reading A 1-5 D B D C CB 1 L 2 K 3 I 4 H 5 E 6 A 7 G 8 C 9 DUnit Four I Comprehension Check(i) 1-5 CDADD 6-10 BACDAII Vocabulary Study (i) 1 Physical 2 accumulation 3 diversity 4 precipitated 5 muscular 6 pathological7 symptomatic 8 vigorous 9 psychologically 10 Anx

7、iety 11 restored 12 refreshed(ii) 1 manifestations 2 resume 3 precipitate 4 consequence 5 diverse 6 a skimpy 7 taxing 8 prolong 9 overlooked 10 vigor 11 enhanced 12 relapseIII Cloze1-5 A C D C B 6-10 B C C B D 11-15 C D C B A 16-20 A D C D BSupplementary Reading A1-6 A C B D A ASupplementary Reading

8、 B1-6 T F F T T FUnit Five I Comprehension Check (i) 1T 2F 3T 4F 5T 6T 7F 8 T 9T 10T(ii) 1 B 2 A 3 A 4C 5D 6D 7C 8 B 9A 10 B II (i)1 uniform 2 distinguish/ recognize 3 ascertained 4 recognized 5 unique 6 outlet 7 tactile 8 rigid 9 secure 10 acquisition 11 fruitful 12 foundationII (ii)1 determined 2

9、cumulative 3 innate 4 warped5 train 6 underlie 7 zest 8 imposed9 precept 10 a marked 11 forbidding 12 consistencyII (iii)1 for 2 for 3 to 4 in 5 on 6 on 7 out 8 as 9 at10 beyond 11 in /at 12 As 13 about, from 14 to 15 upIII Cloze1-5 A D B B A 6-10 D D C B A 11-15 C C A D B 16-20 D C A B ASupplementa

10、ry Reading A 1-5 ABDBCSupplementary Reading B1-5 BCDAD 6-10 BCBBAUnit Six I Comprehension Study(i) 1-5 BDCAA 6-10 BCABAII Vocabulary Study (i)1.As a matter of fact 2.are plagued 3.versus 4.have been reflecting on 5.positive 6.is implementing 7.will enroll 8.has been enriched9. aspiration 10.academic

11、 11.well-informed 12. commitment toII (ii)1.relevance to 2. voice 3.plague 4.enhanced 5.reflected 6. otherwise7.aspirations 8. rated 9.strengthened 10.has been decliningII(iii) 1. d 2. e 3. f 4. h 5. g 6. c 7. a 8. bIII Cloze 1-5 BBACB 6-10 BCAAD 11-15 CBABD 16-20 BBCCBSupplementary ReadingsA. 1D 2D

12、 3C 4B 5D 6B 7A 8DB. 1 F 2 F 3 T 4F 5 F 6T 7T 8F 9T 10TUnit SevenI Comprehension Check (i) 1-5 BCDAD 6-10 CDCDAII Vocabulary Study (i) 1 downsized 2 dynamic 3 yield 4 had guaranteed 5 inflict 6 budget 7 priority 8 accelerating 9 shirk 10 vitally 11 jeopardize 12 criteria (ii) 1 aggregate 2 excessive

13、 3 scrutiny 4 reap 5 opined 6 casualties7 inception 8 prosperity 9 paradox 10 tangible 11 life expectancy 12 vistasIII Cloze 1-5 CDBCA 6-10 BCBBA 11-15 DDABA 16-20 BCCDCSupplementary ReadingsA 1-6 BDCADBB 1 F 2F 3T 4F 5T 6TUnit Eight I Comprehension Check(i) 1-5 CBADB 6-10 ADCDC(ii) 1 F 2T 3 F 4F 5T

14、 6 T 7F 8T 9T 10TII Vocabulary Study (i) 1. acid 2. shaded 3. knock-on 4. Drain 5 banks 6 spacing7 band 8 needles 9 filter 10 altitudes 11 variable 12 organismII (ii) Page1441. assessments 2. variations 3. likely 4. Formerly 5 subsequent 6 felled7 virtually 8 numerous9 stable 10 fertile 11 that decade 12 counterpartII (iii)1in 2 through 3 to 4 to 5 about



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