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1、Allusions Unit11.delphic 暧昧的、隐晦的,意义不明的2.Olympian 威严的,奥林匹克竞赛的,奥林匹克选手3.Martial 军事的,军战的 尚武的4.Nemesis 克星,报应 (复仇女神,涅墨西斯)5.Titanic 巨大的6.Iridescent 色彩斑斓的,彩虹色的 ,闪光的(Iris 彩虹女神)7.a disciple/daughter/son of Momus 插科打诨的人 ,滑稽的人8.Mnemonics 记忆术 Unit 21. Junoesque 高贵优美的,端庄的2. Argus-eyed 警惕的,目光尖锐的3. Satyr/satyriasis

2、 好色之徒,性欲极强的男人4. Mercurial 反复无常的,水银的 灵活的,易变的5. Hermetic 密封的,不透气的 Unit 41. Prometheus2. Chaotic 混沌的 ,混乱的3. Promethean 独创性的,赋予生命的,有生机的4. Pandoras Box 灾难之盒含义:to open Pandoras box means to create evil that cannot be undone.来源:Pandoras box involves a mythological story in which the a box was given to a hu

3、man who was warned never to open the box, but his curiosity made him open it resulting in a disaster. Unit 51. arachnid 蛛型钢动物2. Palladium 守护神3. Aegis 保护,支持,庇护 Unit 61.Dionysiac 酒神,肉欲方面的,本能方面的,耽于声色,放荡,狂欢2.Bacchant/bacchic 酒神节3.Bacchante酒神巴克斯的女祭司,酗酒的女人4.The Dionysian Mysteries 酒神的奥秘,宗教狂热性 Unit 71.Mida

4、s/asss ears 掩饰不了的秘密,浅薄的,一知半解的2.Midas/the golden touch 点石成金3.Cut the Gordian knot 外行的评判Layman judge Unit 81.cereal 谷物2.Aureole 光环,光轮3.Briarean 百手巨人,多手的 Unit 91.charons boat/ferry摆渡的船夫的船/轮渡2.Give/throw a sop to Cerberus给/ 抛出一个息事宁人的甜头3.The Elysian fields 极乐世界4.Cross the Styx过鬼门关,死5.Be haunted by furies

5、 of 被.的冤魂纠缠 Unit 101.panic 恐慌2.Sylvan/sylvatic森林的 ,栖息于森林的3.Fauna and flora动植物4.Zephyr 和风,西风5.Aurora australis/borealis南极光,北极光 Unit 121. swan song (最后杰作;绝笔)2. black swan (比喻罕见之人/ 物;“凤毛麟角”)3. win / gain/reap (ones) Laurels (获得荣誉,赢得声望)4. look to ones Laurels (爱惜名声,保持记录)5. Rest/repose/retire/sit(back) o

6、n ones Laurels (坐享清福,光吃老本)6. A Nobel /Poet Laureate; The Laureate(桂冠诗人)7.pythonic预言的,神谕的,大蟒似得 Unit 131.cupidity 贪财,贪心2.Psychic 精神的,超自然的 通灵的或有特异功能的人3.Erotic 性爱的 ,好色之徒,恋爱诗4.Nectareous 神酒似得,甘美的 Unit 141. Aphrodites girdle:2. aphrodisiac frudizik:n. a drug or other agent that stimulates sexual desire一种药

7、物或其他代理,刺激性欲adj. exciting sexual desire激动人心的性欲3. venereal viniril / venery venri性病,性欲4. veneration venren: n. 尊敬 崇拜5. adonis: n. any handsome young man。任何一个英俊的年轻人 Pygmalion effect皮格玛利翁效应 Unit 181. atlantean: adj. exceedingly strong(像)巨人阿特拉斯的,力大无比的2. gorgonize: vt. 使吓呆 3. mount ones Pegasus: (humor) w

8、rite a poem(幽默)写一首诗4.a chimera in ones brain不可能实现的想法,在大脑中产生的一种妄想Unite 201.the choice of Heracles:进退两难2. accomplishments of Heracles:tremendous deeds(需要做出超人的努力才得完成的业绩)3.Herculean effort: 巨大/艰巨的努力含义:A Herculean effort is to say that one is strong, vigorous and determined in their attempt to achieve a

9、result, as in a Herculean task.来源:Driven mad by Hera, Heracles slew his own children. To expiate the crime, Heracles was required to carry out ten labors set by his archenemy, Eurystheus. Heracles accomplished these tasks, but Eurystheus did not accept 2 tasks.Then he set two more tasks, which Herac

10、les performed successfully, bringing the total number of tasks up to twelve.eg. He completed the translation of this monumental work with a Herculean effort. 他历尽心血终于完成了这一大套的翻译作品。4.hydra-headed: a. 多头的,多分支的,多中心的5. The Augean Stable肮脏的地方含义:an extremely dirty place; a job so dirty and so huge that no-o

11、ne can hope to succeed at it来源: Augeas, whose name means bright, was king of Elis and father of Epicaste. He is best known for his stables, which housed the single greatest number of cattle in the country and had never been cleaned until the time of the great hero Heracles. The fifth Labour of Herac

12、les was to clean the Augean stables6.cleanse the Augean stables: 彻底清除积弊,进行重大改革7. Amazons: tall strong athletic woman; female warriors高强烈运动的女人,女战士8. Cerberus: a grim, watchful keeper, house-porter, guardian, etc. (冥府看门狗; 凶恶的看门人)9. the Shirt of Nessus / Tunic of Nessus / Nessus-robe / Nessus shirt: a

13、source of misfortune from which there is no escape (涅索斯的衣服;使人致命的礼物)10. Pillars of Heracles: 达赫拉克勒斯石柱 ,今直布罗陀海峡 Unit 211. The Procrustean bed / the bed of Procrustes强迫一致brutal and unreasonable policy (喻指狭小的框框,强求一致的政策/制度)含义:when something is Procrustean, different lengths or sizes or properties are fit

14、ted to an arbitrary standard.来源: Procrustes was a rogue smith and bandit from Attica who physically attacked people by stretching them or cutting off their legs, so as to force them to fit the size of an iron bed.2. daedal: complex and ingenious in design or function (巧妙的,复杂的,千变万化的 )3. with the ambi

15、tion of Theseus: to cherish great aspirations and lofty ideals (宏图远略)4. the Golden Fleecetreasures obtained after innumerous hardships (历尽千辛万苦才觅得的宝物)5. Argonauts / Argonautaecourageous navigator or adventurer (泛指勇敢无畏的航海家、冒险家)6. Sow dragons teeth挑起纠纷provoke war by spreading dispute; or cultivate warr

16、iors or monster “龙齿” 喻指相互争斗的根源;“ 播种龙齿” 比喻(1)挑起纠纷,引起战争;(2) 培养一批武士或怪物含义:the dragons teeth, once planted, would grow into fully armed warriors.龙的牙齿,一旦种植,将成长为全面武装战士。来源:In Greek myth,dragons teeth feature prominently in the legends of the Phoenician prince Cadmus and Jasons quest for the Golden Fleece .7. Circe(赛丝)witch, sorceress, enchantress who charmed men (喻指善于引诱男人的女人。善用巫术将男人变成猪,曾百


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