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1、 带式输送机Blet conveyor 安装使用说明书Installation and operation instruction青岛永昌泰机械设备有限公司一、 带式输送机安装说明书Belt conveyor installation instruction1. 带式输送机安装标高,均以图纸为准。Belt conveyor installation length are with drawings2. 在设备安装中如发现套用图纸或土建图纸所注标高与工艺布置图不一致时需核对其标高。It is necessary to check its standard height when that of

2、drawings or buiders work drawing are not the same with Process arrangement in process of installation.3. 带式输送机安装、调整、试运行等内容除按本说明书要求进行外、设备安装手图及厂家图纸说明书和技术要求带式输送机施工及验收技术规范进行 施工和验收。对主要设备应建立施工、验收记录。Belt conveyor in installation, adjustment, commissioning, etc according to the content in addition to the sp

3、ecifications, equipment installation hand diagram and drawings specifications and technical requirements of the manufacturer of the belt conveyor technology standard construction and acceptance of construction and acceptance. For major equipment shall establish construction and acceptance record.4.

4、带式输送机安装前,应对土建施工的建筑物的各层标高、基础、埋件及预留孔洞等进行全面检查,确认符合有关的质量验收标准后方可进行安装。It had better check completely standard height、foundation、built-in and reserve holes of every floor of the building befor installation of belt conveyor, and installation is feasible after confirming that comply with the relevant quality

5、 acceptance standard .5. 所有零部件(包括外协件)必须经检验合格,配套件、外购件等必须有合格证书方可进行安装。All components (including outsourcing) must be passed the inspection, fittings, purchased components must be qualified certificate for installation.二、 带式输送机安装的技术要求及验收的质量标准.Belt conveyor installation technology requirements and accept

6、ance standards of quality.1. 驱动装置 Actuating device1.1 传动滚筒中心线与减速器输出轴中心线同轴度误差应不大于 0.1mm.Error from transmission roller center line and reducer output shaft centerline the coaxial tolerance should not be more than 0.1 mm.1.2 减速器输入轴中心线与电动机轴中心线同轴度误差应不大于 0.1mm.Error from reducer input shaft centerline an

7、d motor shaft centerline the coaxial tolerance should not be more than 0.1 mm.1.3 联轴器两半体安装时,其端面跳动及径向跳动的允许误差应不大于下表所列数值. when installing Coupling half body, allowed error of the ending beat and radial beat shall not be more than that are listed in the following table.检验项目Inspection items柱销联轴器Dowel pin

8、 shaft coupling梅花联轴器plum blossom coupling端面跳动 ending beat 0.050.1 0.1径向跳动 radial beat 0.050.1 0.15注:按圆周测定 4 点以上,有范围的数据下限为目标值,上限及无范围的数据均为允许值.Note: by circumferential determination, above 4 points range of data to target, the lower limit and no range of data are allowable values.1.4 传动装置支架的水平度0.1mm/n,

9、 用水准仪测量.Leveless of transmission device stents 0.1mm/n,measured by suveryors level.1.5 带式输送机的逆止器安装应注意起逆止方向,用手盘动减速器的输出轴应能自由转动一周.Installation for non-return ejector of belt conveyor should pay attention to the non-return direction, with the hand shaft reducer output shaft should be able to freely turn

10、 for one week.2. 托辊排列基本原则 The basic principle of roller arrangement2.1 均以带式输送机布置图中要求为准.All are based on requirements from arrangement plan of belt converyor.2.2 弧段上下托辊在布置图中的排列尺寸均以上下架面为基准.Size in arrangement plan of fluctuation roller from arc section are based on fluctuation frame face.3. 机架 Frame o

11、f machine3.1 安装传动滚筒、改向滚筒、增面滚筒及张紧装置滚筒轴承座的两个对应平面应在同一平面内,其平面度、轴承座孔间距的误差和对角线长度应不超过下表规定.The two corresponding plane of installing transmission roller, redirection roller, increase surface roller and tension device roller bearing should in the same plane,and the error of planeness, housings hole spacingan

12、d diagonal length shall not exceed the regulations below.检验项目Inspection items简 图Skecth允许误差Allowed error对应平面平面度corresponding plane1.0mm对应孔间距 WThe corresponding hole spacingW1.0mm对应孔对角线间距差|x-y|Distinction for diagonals of Corresponding hole|x-y|YX|x-y|3.0mm3.2 Car type tension device walk track instal

13、lation allows error press table regulations. 检验项目Inspection items简 图Skecth允许误差Allowed errors轨距 Wtrack gaugeW1.5mm轨顶高差 h hW/6003.3 带式输送机头架,尾架,中间架,驱动装置架等应校正平值.中间架的直线度误差应不大于1/1000.Belt conveyer frame, tail frame, middle frame, and actuating device etc should be corrected according to average value. The

14、 middle rack of flat straightness error should not be more than 1/1000.4. 整机的安装质量标准 The installation quality standards of machine允许误差表:检验项目Inspection items简 图Skecth允许误差Allowed errors滚筒垂直度Verticality of roller bDD(mm) b(mm)1000 1.0检验项目Inspection items简 图Skecth允许误差Allowed errors滚筒水平度Levelness of rolle

15、rD(mm) b(mm)1000 1.0滚筒中心线偏离Roller center deviationA滚 筒 中 心 线 带 式 输 送 机 中 心 线 A5mm支腿内间距Interval in ground jack W2.0mm架面高差Height difference of framehh600/W上托辊孔roller hole upon 对角线差Difference of diagonal倍 托 辊 间 距XY |x-y|2mm每 50m 一个测点托辊横向中心线偏离Deviation of Roller transverse center lineD D3mm检验项目Inspectio

16、n items简 图skecth允许误差Allowed errors托辊上表面高度差Height difference of upper surface of rollerh21检 验 钢 丝 绳 Two adjacent|h1-h2|2mm每 100m|h1-h2|5mm胶带中心线蛇形度Tape the centerline serpents degreeseLL100m 时e20mmL=100-300m 时e30mm5. 输送带 conveying belt5.1 输送带胶接前应仔细对照每条带式输送机布置图中的规格,如上下胶层厚度、层数、芯层材料、用途要求、强度等.Before conveyingbelt cementing,it should compare specifications in arrangement plan of every belt conve



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