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1、高考总复习:主语从句及宾语从句 1 / 7巩固练习一、单项选择1. Is _ Qinghai-Tibet Railway plays an important role in Chinas railway history the topic that you are coming to?A. what B. it C. this D. that2. Stage fright is a common example of _ educators call a “lack of confidence among students. A. that B. what C. which D. whose

2、3. Tom eagerly finished up _ was left of the chicken pie. A. what B. which C. that D. as4. It gives his life a flying start _ he has gone abroad for further education. A. what B. when C. that D. how5.Im afraid I have to give it up.Remember _ sticks to his work will succeed one day. A. who B. anyone

3、C. whoever D. no matter who6. The whole family were worried about Jane because no one was aware _ she had gone.A. that where B. of the place which C. of what D. of where7. What surprised me a lot was that he didnt know _ the difference between “tell and “ask” lay. A. what B. that C. where D. which8.

4、what should 1 wear to attend his wedding party?Dress _ you like. A. what B. however C. whatever D. how9. When I got to the checkout counter, I realized I didnt have enough money, so I kept _ I really needed and left the rest. A. what B. which C. that D. this10. When you rewrite the paragraph, I advi

5、se you to leave out _ is thought unnecessary or misleading. A. what B. that C. these D. which11. Having arrived at the earthquake-stricken area, we were led to _ the homeless people lived. A. what B. in which C. that D. where12. It makes little difference to me _ we go or stay. A. whether B. where C

6、. that D. how13. At the evening party the host said _ was able to solve the riddle could get a nice present as a reward. A. whoever B. who C. no matter who D. whomever14. Please remind me he said he was going. I may be in time to see him off. A. where B. when C. how D. what二、完形填空My workplace is very

7、 diverse(多语言的), and as a matter of fact, my company ranks in the top 10 among the most diverse companies in America. With this being the 1 , a lot of time we run into situations where there is a 2 barrier. Last week while I was 3 , one of my coworkers twisted her wrist while lifting something 高考总复习:

8、主语从句及宾语从句 2 / 7too 4 for her. She speaks little English and my Spanish needs much practice. But we have never had a problem in 5 . When I ran into her shortly after her 6 . I took a look. With me being an athlete, I knew simple first aid was what she 7 . With little understanding of what I was doing

9、, she 8 that I meant to help. So she handed me her arm and I 9 it up before she left to see her 10 . Today she came up to me while I was getting my breakfast and without a word. she 11 me. When I asked her about the affection, she simply said, “ 12 you for taking care of my arm when I got 13 . ” She

10、 went on to tell me that her doctor told her putting ice on her injury was a(n) 14 thing. As she was telling me this, I saw how my random(随意的) act of 15 had had an impact on her. With me just taking a(n) 16 minute out of my day to help her, I made a(n) 17 . I was thankful to have such a(n) 18 becaus

11、e you see, this lady has served me breakfast every day for the last four years and I had never 19 more than greetings and breakfast orders with her. You 20 know what a difference a simple act of kindness makes to a person. 1. A. agreement B. tradition C. appointment D. case2. A. trade B. sound C. la

12、nguage D. culture3. A. on holiday B. at work C. on business D. in debt4. A. hot B. hard C. valuable D. heavy5. A. communicating B. managing C. improving D. pronouncing6. A. disease B. injury C. mistake D. failure7. A. supplied B. accepted C. needed D. realized8. A. believed B. proved C. admitted D.

13、declared9. A. picked B. wrapped C. gave D. fixed10. A. employer B. conductor C. neighbor D. doctor11. A. rewarded B. supported C. hugged D. protected12. A. Prepare B. Thank C. Repay D. Forgive13. A. hurt B. lost C. fired D. trapped14. A. strange B. easy C. good D. difficult15. A. pleasure B. humor C

14、. interest D. kindness16. A. new B. extra C. exact D. different17. A. friend B. date C. attempt D. test18. A. moment B. habit C. expression D. rule19. A. ordered B. practiced C. exchanged D. repeated20. A also B still C. sometimes D. never 三、阅读理解Dear Cynthia Lord, It often seems to me that nobody un

15、derstands my problems, I am the only one in the world who has difficulties, and I am trapped in a cement box with no way out. Reading your book Rules helped me look at these situations in a different light. Just like Catherine in Rules, I have a sibling with autism(自闭症). Just like Catherine, for pretty much all of my life, I have had to face therapy sessions(心理疗法), sacrifices,



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