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1、大多数考生四六级考试中最大的障碍就是听力,经常会有六级班学员向我诉苦六级考几次都没过,仔细询问,它们中甚至很多是研究生,共同点是阅读考 200 多,可是听力却都不到 100 分,这就太难了。 想要听力考好,应试考试一定是有技巧的,不过那也是一种辅助作用。当你发现一个对话或者短文基本听懂的时候,无需技巧也可以做的不错。而应试考试特别好的 是它有范围,当你范围内的主要场景词明确之后,听起来就轻松了,加上一些解题技巧,正确率一定会很高的,这就是实力。大家一起来看真题中是如何考场景词的吧:, 首先就拿四六级考的最多的工作场景的某些场景词举例。 例 1:2005-12-10 (四级小对话)录音原文:M:

2、You know the electronics company is coming to our campus to recruit graduate students next week。W: Really? What day? Id like to talk to them and hand in my resume。Q: What does the woman want to do?正确选项:Apply for a job in the electronics company解析:resume 是工作场景当中一个非常常见的词,意思是简历,这个女士说要递交简历,简历是用来找工作的啊,所以

3、 resume 推出 apply for a job (申请一份工作),那显然这个题其实就考大家对简历这个场景词的熟悉度。例 2:2006-12-19(四级长对话)A) To make a business report to the woman。B) To be interviewed for a job in the womans company。C) To resign from his position in the womans company。D) To exchange stock market information with the woman。录音原文:W: Please

4、have a seat. Mr. Sanders. Ive received your resume last week and was very impressed。M: Thank you。解析:录音原文为这篇长对话的第一轮对话,其实只要大家听到这里女士话中提到的场景词 resume 就足够了,两个人对话,一个人提及另外一个人 的简历怎么怎么样,大家想这不就是在面试嘛。所以 resume 提示 be interviewed for a job (B 选项)为正确选项。例 3:2002-6-10 (四级小对话)录音原文:M: I spent so much time polishing my

5、 letter of application。W: Its worthwhile to make the effort. You know just how important it is to give a good impressionQ: what do we know about the man?正确选项:He wants to get a new position解析:这个题只要大家熟悉这个场景词组(letter of application)申请信,也就是求职信,大家就会明白一定是找工作,选项中的场景词 position 意思是职位 = post = job,所以答案就出来了。例

6、4:2011-12-15 (六级小对话)录音原文:W: Have you heard the news that James Meil has resigned his post as Prime minister? M: Well, I got it from the headlines this morning. Its reported that he made public his decision at the last cabinet meeting。Q: What do we learn about James Meil?正确选项:He has left his position

7、 in the government。解析:大家会发现这个题其实还是考察大家对场景词的熟悉度,只要大家听到resigned his post 就够了。resign 辞职= left, post = position 职位的意思,前面四级例题就提过,所以答案就可以直接选了。例 5:2010-12-15 (六级小对话)录音原文:M: I think your boss would be very upset when he gets your letter of resignation。W: that may be so. But in the letter, I just told him fr

8、ankly I could no longer live with his poor management and stupid decisions。Q: what do we learn about the woman?正确选项:She has made up her mind to resign。解析:这个题考的就是场景词组 letter of resignation (辞职信),只要大家熟悉这个词组并且听到,一定就能选对。,以上谈到工作场景大家可能还比较熟悉,下面拿一个大家可能并不重视的小单词来举例。 nuisance nju?s(?)ns 讨厌的人或东西(大家可以读音联想去记:读音像牛

9、神-牛鬼蛇神- 讨厌的人或东西)例 1:2008-6-13 (六级小对话)录音原文:M: I hear John left his cat in your care while hes on vacation abroad. How are you getting along with it?W: Well, it never comes when I call it. It spills its food and sheds all over the place. I cant wait till John gets back。Q: How does the woman find the c

10、at?正确选项:A real nuisance。分析:原文划线句说,猫把食物撒的到处都是,已经等不及让 John, 也就是它的主人赶紧把猫领走了。这不就说明这个女士被猫折磨的不行了,那答案就出来了。但关键大家必须先认识和熟悉 nuisance 这个词,对吧?例 2:08-12-24 (六级长对话)录音原文:W: Say? Hold on. Peter. I thought you said your organization was non-violent, what do you mean by harass?M: Well, we circle round and round the sh

11、ips and get in the way when they try to dump the drums of nuclear waste in the sea. We talk to the men and try to change, you know, yell at them to stop. We generally make ourselves as much of a nuisance as possible。Q: How does Green Peace try to stop people from dumping nuclear waste?正确选项:By harass

12、ing them。解析:这个题大家可以通过听到女士提到的 Harass (骚扰)原词做出来,如果没有听到的话,大家熟悉 nuisance,原文这句话说 通常我们尽可能让我们自己变成让他们讨厌的人,那选项提到不停骚扰他们肯定就是非常让人讨厌的啊,这样考虑也是可以做出来的。例 3: 2013-12-16 (六级短文听力 )录音原文:In America, white-tailed deer are more numerous than ever before, so abundant in fact that theyve become a suburban nuisance and a heal

13、th hazard。Q: What do we learn about white-tailed deer in North Haven?正确选项:They have become a headache to the community。解析:问题问通过文章对 North Haven 地区白尾鹿有什么了解,原文提到他们成为了郊区令人讨厌的动物,那不就是让人头疼的东西嘛,become a suburban nuisance = headache ,所以做对这个题的前提还是大家熟悉 nuisance 这个词。通过以上例题,希望大家能明白两件事情,首先场景词的积累是大家提高听力实力的捷径,大家需要好

14、好对待。其次,大家要明白真题的重复特点,一定好好做真题,反复做!大家明白场景词的重要性之后,场景词从哪儿来呢,有的老师会给大家用词频统计软件,机械性的统计词频,我个人觉得用处不大。比如词频统计软件统 计出来的高频词一定要背吗?可能是非常简单的词,根本不是考点,但是词频非常低的单词呢?就比如第一次出现 nuisance,大家可能说不用管,但是后来 这样的词还是会反复考察。以下是我给各位同学总结的四六级八大必备场景词汇,95%以上的词都是我从真题当中一个一个替大家挑出来的,经过反复整合分类的场景词,每个词 出现在哪年哪道题,考过几次我都有记录。我们不需要虚无缥缈的小聪明,我们需要的是看得见的实力加

15、绝对实用的技巧来早日通过、高分征服四六级。一。工作:【找工作,职位要求,解雇等】Paper(报纸),want ads (招聘广告),recruit( 招聘), hang out(挂出),advertisement, job vacancy = job opening(职位空缺) , position= post = job(职位), reputationappealing( 吸引人的)resume (简历)apply for (申请) , fill in = fill out(填写) ,application form (申请表)the letter of application = appl

16、ication letter job interview, candidate = applicant (求职者)short list(最终候选人名单), qualified (合格的) , slim(希望渺茫)hire , offer,employee , career,professiondegree(学位),education and experience,devotion and work efficiency, lively and inquiring mind, effective communication skills, the ability to work individually or as a part of the teamquit work= resign fire= lay off = dismiss(解雇), transfer(调任)g


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