句子翻译作业 被动语态

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《句子翻译作业 被动语态》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《句子翻译作业 被动语态(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1被动语态的译法练习I. Chinese-English1. 文章总算写完了。Finally I finished writing the article2. 这个剧本上演起来不如读起来效果好。The play reads better than it acts.3. 以后会明白他是不知情的。We will see that he is not informed.4. 茅屋为秋风所破。My Thatched Cottage Was Broken by the west Wind5. 所有的邮包都是由我寄出的。All parcels are sent by me.6. 不应对缺点加以掩饰。Sho

2、rtcomings should not be glossed over7. 若要信到,贴足邮票。If the letter arrives and put enough stamps8. 海水不可斗量。The sea cannot be measured with a bushel-great minds can not be fathomed.9. 战争夺走了她三个孩子的生命。War bereaved her of three children.10. 一定不要再搞一言堂了。Make sure we dont say.11. 人人都说中国地大、物博、人多。China is known as

3、 a country with vast territory, rich resources and a large population.12. 邮件是人工分检的。The mail is sorted out by hand.13. 大家被他那滑稽的表演给逗得哄堂大笑。Everyone was amused by his funny show to burst into laughter.214. 有些人得过且过,采取多一事不如少一事的态度,免得挨整。Some muddling along, taking an attitude of doing less so punished15. 要把

4、这件事从记忆中抹掉,当然谈何容易,但必须这样做。To erase it from memory, of course, is easier said than done, but it must be done16. 他生来并不是搞学问的,所以只得努力为之。He was not born of learning so he had to work hard for it.17. 人们预料,海内外企业协作性配合将出现较大、较灵活的发展。People expected that enterprise collaborative cooperation at home and abroad will

5、 be the development of a larger, more flexible.18. 计划能否顺利实施还受到客观条件的制约。Program can be successfully implemented by the objective conditions of restriction.19. “慢工出细活 ”这句话往往为那些磨洋工的人所利用。Soft fire makes sweet malt. this phrase is often used by people for those soldiering on20. 一切科技成就是建立在理性思维的基础上,没有理性思维就不

6、可能有科学。All scientific and technological achievements were built on the basis of rational thinking, not thinking there would be no science.II. English - Chinese1. The cars wouldnt start; the electrical system had been killed by water.汽车不能启动因为电力设备被水损坏了。2. The fact that their marriage may be on the rock

7、, or that their love affairs have been broken or even that they get out of bed on the wrong side is simply not a concern.他们之中也许有面临婚姻破裂,恋爱失败,或者碰到别的什么不顺心的事儿,但别人根本不管这些。3. Marxism was widespread in China long before liberation.3中国解放前就广为传播着马克思的思想。4. For her courage and her determined, patient work, as we

8、ll as for her fianl great discovery, Marie Curie is assured of a high place in history.居里夫人因为她的勇气,决心,耐心工作和伟大的发现奠定了她在历史上的重要地位。5. All these makes of bicycles are produced and processed by advanced technology and equipment to make them stylish, coloful, solid and light to handle.先进的技术和设备运用在所有的自行车制造过程中,

9、使得它们时尚,多彩,坚固,轻巧。6. The phrase has always been used a little pejoratively and even facetiously by the lower classes.这些词句带有一点儿诙谐和轻蔑常常是低等阶层所用的。7. In an old-fashioned store, gossip was always exchanged over the counter, and the shopkeeper was ofter the most well-informed person in the neighborhood.在老式的商

10、店里,总是顾客盈门,因为店主是消息最灵通的人。8. He was born in the eastern part of the United States in a middle-class family, but was sent to the west, where he might live in a more healthful climate.他出生在美国东部的一个中产阶级家庭,但他被送到了美国西部一个更健康的环境中。9. The 11th Party Congress was held in August 1997.1997 年 8 月举行了十一届的党代表大会。10. It ha

11、snt been made clear when the new road is to be opened to traffic.让新路开放运输是不明智的。11. It has not been discussed whether they will open the market to the third world.是否向第三世界国家开放市场的问题不用讨论。12. He is put in a certain place, has to carry out a certain task, but does not participate in the organization or man

12、agement of the work.他被安排在一个地方,执行一定任务,但从不参与组织和管理这份工作。13. Having been cruelly exploited by the capitalists, the Chinese workers led a 4dogs life.在资本家的残酷压迫下,工人们过着牛马不如的生活。14. This is the great object of this stage of your journey, the Falls, and it is an extraordinary thing that they should be so little

13、 known, for they are, by some way, the grandest spectacle that either the Blue or the White Nile has to offer.你这次旅行最大的看点是 Tisisat 瀑布,另外要特别须知的是,要带蓝白奈尔酒。15. To avoid the various foolish opinions to which mankind is prone, no superhuman genius is required.人们有时候很容易产生各种愚蠢的念头,想要避免这一点其实不需要有多么聪明.16. Followi

14、ng the lecture, a discussion was held.讲课后开了讨论会。17. Eventually, more as a last hope than with any real confidence in a result, a sub-committee was formed to try to reconcile differences between them.其他政府职能则由各个州来承担,各州都有自己的宪法和法律。18. And there has also been developed a solar stove to cook food.这里也发展了一项技

15、术就是用太阳能做饭。19. The park is very quite. Only deep in a secluded walkway can lovers be seen seeking for privacy.公园很安静,只有在静谧的走道,情侣们可以找到私密的空间。20. When the horse comes to the edge of a cliff, its too late to stop its galloping; when the bote reaches midstream, its too late to stop its leak.马到悬崖住蹄晚。船到江心补漏迟。


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