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1、Choice of modeThe choice of mode for long distance travel is heavily dependent on the sensitivity of the traveler with respect to time and cost.By and large,business travel is time sensitive,vacation travel is price sensitive,and travel for personal reasons may be either time sensitive or cost sensi

2、tive,or both.长距离旅行方式的选择在很大程度上取决于旅行者对时间和价格反应的灵敏程度。一般来说,商业性旅行对时间反应更灵敏,节假日旅行对价格反应更灵敏,由于私事(个人原因)旅行则对时间或价格的反应都灵敏。The basic attributes of each mode are schedule, speed, cost, service offered,and perceptions regarding the service offered.每种方式的特性取决于所提供服务的时间速度、价格、服务质量和给人们的感受。Schedule and speed prescribe the

3、ability of the mode to serve passengers at the times they want and the speed they require; for example, a same-day round trip from Chicago to New York can beaccomplished by air only.时间性和速度性要求旅客所采用的运输方式能提供给乘客想要的速度和时间。 比如, 从芝加哥到纽约只有乘飞机可以在同一天内完成往返旅行Cost is a major consideration for most passengers. Rai

4、l and bus are least expensive,with private or rented car following, and air travel coming last as the most expensive means of travel. Advance purchase the supersaver fares may reduce the air transporation cost substantiaIIy.价格是大多数旅客考虑的一个重要因素, 乘坐火车和公兵汽车是最便宜的, 自己开车和租用车辆位于其次, 乘坐飞机是旅行方式中最贵的方式. 以前购买特惠机票可

5、以大量减少乘飞机出行的费用。For example, in January 1992, the supersaver Honolulu to Washington, D.C.round-trip fare was around $800, the fulleconomy class fare was around $1800,and the first class was around $3600.例如, 1992 年 1 月份, 从火奴鲁鲁到华盛顿往返旅行的的特惠机票大约只有 800 美元, 全价是是 1800 美元, 头等仓大约 3600 美元.The destination point

6、may restrict the mode choice set, or it may require the use of more than one long-distance transportation mode. In the Honolulu to Washington, D.C. example, the on|y practical way to travel is by air.出行目的地可能会限制出行方式的选择,它可能需要利用 一种以上的长距离运输方式.从火奴鲁鲁到华盛顿的这个例子中, 最实用的出行方式就是乘飞机。Service is also an important f

7、actor. Travel by private or rented car offers the convenience of having a car available at all time. This may be of great importance to some travelers (e.g. , personal salespeople). Bus or rail offers few amenities on board, while airlines offer a wide variety of services on board(drinks,meals, musi

8、c, and screen entertainment).服务也是一个重要因素。自己开车或租车出行在任何时间内都可享受到有车的便利。这对于一些旅行者来说或许是非常重要的(比如,售货员) 。公共汽车或火车几乎提供不了那种怡人的感觉。而乘坐定期航班就可以享受到多种服务(喝免费饮料、免费午餐、听音乐、看娱乐表演) 。Perceptions of passengers regarding the overall service offered by a mode compared with other modes (e.g., auto versus bus or rail), or among pr

9、oviders of the same mode (e.g. ,American versus United Airlines, Avis versus Hertz Car Rental) affect the choice of modes and providers.乘客对运输方式的感受取决于这种运输方式挺提供的所有服务与另一方式所提供的服务的相互比较(比如,把乘坐小汽车与乘坐大汽车相比较,乘坐小汽车与乘火车相比较) ,或将同一运输方式各自提供的服务进行比较(比如,将美国航线与联合航线相比较,将欧洲汽车租凭巨头 Avis 与全球最大的汽车租凭公司赫兹相比较) ,这些都会影响运输方式的选择。

10、In terms of fast service, the competitiveness of modes can be judgedby their ability to provide minimum overall travel time from origin to destination on a door-to-door basis (i.e., from the office in town A to the meeting place in town B or from !he house in town X to the hotel room in town Y).在快速服

11、务方面,运输方式的竞争在门到门服务的基础取决于所提供起讫点之间的最小出行时间的能力, (比如,从 A 市办公室到 B 市会场,或从住宅地 X 市道旅馆所在地 Y 市所花费的最小时间) 。All modes except private auto and rented or company car provide terminal-to-terminal service. There are several time-consuming components before and after the main haul as well as in the terminals.除过私人小轿车与租用

12、车辆及公司汽东之外,历有的运输方式都提供起点到终点的全线运输服务。在除过车站多耗费的时间之外. 主要运输前后也还有若干耗费时间的部分。For rail transportation, these time components are times to get to the origin terminal, to wait for train and to board, to travel from terminal to terminal (main haul),to |eave the train and walk to exit from the platform, and to get

13、 to the destination.对铁路运输而言, 时问组成有: 到达起点站的时间 、等车时间、 上车时间、 旅途中从起点到终点乘车时间(就是主要运程所花的时间 )、 下车和从站台走到车站出口的时间、 到达目的地的时间。Similarly, the respective time components by air are times to get to the terminal, to check in, to walk to gate, and to wait, to board and to wait until takeoff, main haul,to land, to ali

14、ght and walk to luggage claim, to wait for luggage, to walk to exit terminal, to get to destination.同样, 乘飞机的各个时间组成部分有: 到达机场的时间、 检票时间 、 到达登机入口的时间、等待时间、 登机时间、 等待直到飞机起飞的时间、飞行时间 、着陆时间、下飞机和到达行李提取处的时间、 等侯行李时同、 走出机场出站站口时间、 到达目的地时间。It is normal to expect that a two-hour trip( terminal-to-terminal) by air sh

15、ould take at least 4 hours from origin to destination. Considering the door-to-door time frame, it is likely that several modes may offer competitive service. By and large, auto would be the fastest mode for trip up to 100 miles (about 160 km)long, high-speed rail running at 200 miles per hour (320

16、km/h) is most competitive for distance between 100 to 500 miles(160 to 800 km),通常情况下乘飞机从站到站要 2 小时的旅程,从出发地到达目的地至少要花费 4 小时的时间。鉴于门到门服务的时间性,各种运输方式都会提供相互竞争的服务。一般来说,旅程100 英里(大约 160 公里)的距离小汽车是最快的。距离 100 到 500 英里(也就是 160 公里到 800 公里)的路程,快速火车是最有竞争性的,这种火车时速可达到每小时 200 英里(320 公里/小时) 。and air transportation is fastest for trips exceeding 500 miles (over 800 km) .Regular rail and bus are not competitive for any trip distance with respect to minimum travel time. But they possess competition advantage



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