习惯上用于have+n.+in doing sth的若干句式

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《习惯上用于have+n.+in doing sth的若干句式》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《习惯上用于have+n.+in doing sth的若干句式(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、习惯上用于 have+n.+in doing sth 的若干句式同学们大多比较熟悉 have difficulty in doing sth 这一句式,因为它不仅是一个常考句式,而且在写作中也是一个很有用的“高级结构”。但是,同学们知道除了 difficulty 之外,还有哪些名词也适用于这一结构吗?本文综合了“人教版”“译林版”“外研版”等多套高中英语教材,同时结合近几年的高考英语命题情况,为大家归纳了以下“have+n.+in doing sth”句式(其中的介词 in 可以省略),供同学们复习时参考。1. bother 麻烦,费事,费劲用于 have bother (in) doing

2、sth,表示“ 做某事费劲”。如:Did you have much bother (in) finding his office? 你是不是费了很大的劲才找到他的办公室?We had quite a lot of bother (in) getting here because of the fog. 因为有雾,我们费了很大的劲才到达这儿。比较其他相关结构:(1) 用于 save sb the bother of doing sth,意为“省得某人麻烦去做某事”,其中的 bother 后要接 of doing sth。如:I should have phoned the shop first

3、 and saved myself the bother of going there. 我本来应该先给商店打个电话的,这样也就省得我走一趟。(2) 用于 go to (all) the bother of doing sth,意为“费心做某事”“ 不怕麻烦做某事”。如:Im not going to the bother of writing again. She never writes back. 我不想费心再给她写信了,她从不回信的。2. difficulty 困难用于 have difficulty (in) doing sth,表示“做某事有困难”。如:I had the grea

4、test difficulty in persuading him. 为了说服他,我费了好大的力气。We have much difficulty (in) understanding what he says. 我们要理解他说的话有不少困难。该句型中的动词 have 有时可用 find, there be 换之。如:He finds little difficulty learning English. 他觉得学习英语没什么困难。There is much difficulty in finding his office. 费了很大的劲才找到他的办公室。3. fun 趣味,有趣用于 have

5、 fun (in) doing sth,表示“做某事有意思(有趣) ”。如:We had great fun comparing our baby pictures. 我们比较宝宝的照片觉得很有趣。We had fun riding our bicycles to the beach today. 我们今天骑自行车去海滨玩得很开心。该句型中的动词 have 有时可用 find, (there) be 换之。如:Theres no fun in spending the evening doing nothing. 晚上无事可干,很无聊。Theres no fun in spending the

6、 whole evening playing cards. 整个晚上打扑克牌没有意思。(LL)4. luck 运气用于 have luck (in) doing sth,表示“做某事时有运气(走运)。如:She had good luck in finding a new job quickly. 她很快便找到了一份新的工作,真幸运。He cursed his bad luck in arriving just after shed left. 他骂自己运气不好,他到达时她刚走。其中的动词 have 有时可用 (there) be 换之。如:Often there is an element

7、of luck in getting the right answer. 答对题目通常需要一点点运气。比较相关句型:So far I have had no luck with finding a job. 我找工作一直不走运。We had the luck to find good childcare quite quickly. 我们运气好,很快就找到了不错的托儿所。5. trouble 困难,麻烦用于 have trouble (in) doing sth,表示“做某事有困难”。如:He was having trouble hearing her. 他发现要听清楚她说话很困难。At f

8、irst she had a little trouble following the lectures. 起初她上课听讲有点困难。No, I dont know his numberI have quite enough trouble remembering my own. 不,我不知道他的号码,我光记自己的号码就够困难的了。I have some trouble in reading her handwriting. 我认她的笔迹有些困难。We had no trouble (in) finding his house. 我们没费吹灰之力就找到了他的家。6. a good time (与

9、 have 连用)玩得开心用于 have a good time (in) doing sth,表示“做某事很开心 ”。如: We had a good time (in) playing tennis. 我们打网球打得很开心。比较相关句型:Its a good time for buying to buy a house. 是买房子的好时机。7. a hard time (与 have 连用)过得很辛苦用于 have a hard time (in) doing sth,表示“ 做某事很辛苦 ”。如:I had a hard time finding you. 我找你费了好大劲。The tw

10、o friends had a hard time getting here. 两位朋友到这里来一路辛苦。I had a hard time (in) getting them to see the point. 我费了很大劲儿才让他们明白我的意思。8. job 工作;费力的事;任务用于 have a job (in) doing sth,表示“做某事有困难(很费力)”,与 have difficulty (in) doing sth 同义。如:We had quite a job finding your house. 我们费了很大的劲才找到你的家。Youll have a job conv

11、incing them that youre right. 要让他们信服你是对的还要费点劲。We were only given an hour to do the exam, and I had a job finishing the paper. 我们考试的时间只有一个小时,我好不容易才做完了卷子。其中的 job 有时可用 hard, difficult 修饰,其中的(in) doing sth 有时也可换成不定式。如:He had a hard job to make himself heard. 他好不容易才让别人听到他的声音。注意,下面一句中的 doing sth 为句子主语,其前不

12、能有介词 in:It was quite a job finding his flat. 找到他的寓所可不是件容易事。(句中的 finding也可换成 to find)比较相关结构:(1) 表示“做某事的工作(任务)”,其后可接 of doing sth。如:A food processor makes the job of preparing food a lot easier. 一个食品加工机使做饭容易了许多。Shes taken on the job of organizing the Christmas party. 她接受了筹办圣诞晚会的任务。(2) 用于 do make a goo

13、d job of doing sth(其中的 good 也可换成其他形容词),其意为“把某事做得好(不好等)”:She did a splendid job of decorating the house for the party. 她为了晚会把房子装饰得非常漂亮。She made a very good job of covering up the damage. 她非常老练地完成了掩盖损失的任务。其中的 of doing sth 有时也可换成 in doing sth(其中的 good 也可换成其他形容词),其意为“把某事干得好(不好等)”。如:The police did an adm

14、irable job in keeping the fans calm. 警察把球迷们的秩序整得很好,令人敬佩。(3) 有时可直接跟现在分词作定语。如:She got a temporary job stacking shelves. 她找到一份整理货架的临时工作。9. problem 困难用于 have a problem (in) doing sth,表示“做某事有困难”。如:Did you have any problems (= difficulties) getting here? 你到这儿来遇到困难了吗?若表示“做某事的困难”,则可后接 of doing sth。如:Most students face the problem of funding themselves while they are studying. 大多数学生在求学期间都会面临经济来源的问题。


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