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1、石油系统职称英语复习题 大庆石油学院外语学院 安丽娜1提示:练习题中有下划线的词或词组也要给予重视。Lesson 1 English Is a Crazy Language1. English muffins werent invented in England _d_ French fries in France.A. while B. not C. either D. nor2. Sweetmeats are candies _d_ sweetbread, which arent sweet, are meat.A. what B. as C. which D. while3. We ta

2、ke English for _c_.A. ground B. great C. granted D. grant4. But if we explore its _d_, we find that quicksand can work slowly.A. parade B. paraphrases C. paragraphs D. Paradoxes5. Did you make _c_ to Tom for his loss?A. mend B. mind C. amends D. amend6. You can _b_ through the annals of history.A. c

3、ombine B. comb C. tomb D. combat 7. If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of _c_of them, what do you call it?A. one but all B. all only one C. all but one D. all besides one8. Sometimes I think all the English speakers should _d_ to an asylum for verbally insane.A. be permitted B. be omit

4、ted C. vomited D. be committed9. How can the _c_ be hot as hell one day and cold as hell another?A. climate B. whether C weather D. climb10. You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language _d_ your house can burn up as it burns down.A. what B. about which C. of which D. in which11. My alarm cl

5、ock _b_ at 6 every morning.A. goes on B. goes off C. gets up D. gets out答案:1D 2D 3C 4 D 5 C 6 B 7C 8D 9C 10 D 11BLesson 2 All I Learned in Kindergarten1. When you go out into the world, watch for traffic, hold hands and _a_ together.A. stick B. stuck C. strike D. struck2. Put things back _c_ you fou

6、nd them.A. what B. while C. where D. which3. Goldfish and hamsters all die. _d_.A. So do us B. So we do C. So are we D. So do we4. Think of what a better world _b_ if we all had cookies and milk about 3 oclock every afternoon.A. would it be B. it would be C. will it be D. it going to be5. It would b

7、e a better world if we all _a_ with our blankets for a nap.A. lay down B. laid down C. lain down D. lied down6. No matter how old you are, when you go out into the world, it _d_ to hold hands and stick together.A. would better B. had better C. be better D. is better答案:1A 2C 3D 4B 5A 6D石油系统职称英语复习题 大庆

8、石油学院外语学院 安丽娜2Lesson 3 On Mobile Office1. Mobile office is the mutual product of _b_, scientific, and social progress.A. economy B. economic C. economics D. ecology2. it has become a solution that provide users with _a_, prompt, reliable and reasonably priced communications and office faculty.A. conv

9、enient B. convention C. concert D. convert3. Using mobile office and WAP technology, people can do their work via _b_ such as mobile phone and palm computer.A. terms B. terminals C. criminal D. techniques4MIP is an important network support technology to _b_Mobile office.A. accompany B. accomplish C

10、. company D. compare5. When your clients need you to make some urgent modifications on your work and you are not carrying _c_ documents, what can you do?A. relation B. relative C. relevant D. relativity6. Nevertheless, we believe that with technical progress, Mobile office will make your career _c_.

11、A. impacted B. unimportant C. unimpeded D. impatient7. Even enterprises production efficiency will be immensely _d_.A. risen B. rose C. arisen D raised答案:1B 2A 3B 4B 5C 6C 7DLesson 4 How to Explore a City1. Are you spending two days _b_ Tokyo?A. on B. in C. with D. of2. These tips will help you make

12、 the _c_ of any urban adventure.A. more B. much C. most D. mostly3. _c_ can also be a good source of information.A. Frogs B. Blocks C. Blogs D. Blood4. They will help you explore the city _a_.A. on foot B. on feet C. by foot D. with feet5. Visit the citys tourism office, which will provide other _a_

13、 information.A. valuable B. value C. valuation D valueless6. Many cities have _b_ that most tourists dont know about.A. measures B. treasures C. treaty D. tissue7. Some of the best things that a city has to offer can be found _c_ mistake.A. because B. in C. by D. on8. If youre not afraid to get _a_,

14、 youll see more.A. lost B. lose C. loosen D. loss答案:1B 2C 3C 4A 5A 6B 7C 8ALesson 5 Can Money Buy Happiness1. Many of us dream _b_ thousands and thousands of dollars to spend on anything we desire.A. to have B. of having C. having of D. to having2. We spend hours _d_ building a business.石油系统职称英语复习题 大庆石油学院外语学院 安丽娜3A. on B. by C. with D. /3. _c_ having some money does have an impact on our level of happiness, having a lot of money does not.A. When B. Who C. While D. Which4. People _d_ income is about US$50000 a year


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