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1、专业英语四级阅卷(2009 年 5 月 11 日起至 5 月 21 日,上海外国语大学逸夫图书馆。)PART VI WRITING 45 MINISECTION A COMPOSITION 35 MINTourism is a booming business in China. However, some people worry that too many tourists may bring harm to the environment, while others dont think so. What is your opinion? Write on ANSWER SHEET TH

2、REE a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:Will Tourism Bring Harm to the Environment?You are to write in three parts.In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your opinion.In the last part, bring what you ha

3、ve written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.SECTION B NOTE-WRITING 10 MINWrite on ANSWER SHEET THREE a note of about 50-60 words based on the follow

4、ing situation:Lily, your roommate, is looking for a part-time job in the coming summer vacation. You saw an ad for a private English tutor for a schoolboy. Write her a note, telling her what the job is and strongly recommending it to her.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and a

5、ppropriatenessI. 评分标准:1. 作文题目“Will Tourism Bring Harm to the Environment?”作文总分 15 分,其中:内容占 7 分:0.511.522.533.544.555.566.57语言占 6 分:0.511.522.533.544.555.56写作规范占 2 分:0.511.52(指卷面、标点等)2. note-writing 总分 10,其中:格式占 2 分(日期、称呼)内容占 2 分(两点:看到有关信息、极力推荐,各一分)语言占 6 分 (拼写、语法、语体得体等)II. 存在的问题:1. 部分离题现象比较严重( 题目: Wi

6、ll Tourism Bring Harm to the Environment?)文章主要写 tourism 的好处,而不谈与环境的关系。文章主要写保护环境的重要性,而不谈 tourism 与保护环境的关系。文章即写发展 tourism 的好处也写发展 tourism 的弊端,最后得出发展 tourism 利大于弊,或者是既要发展 tourism 又要保护环境。谈到 tourism 对环境造成污染,但着重说明如何解决 tourism 造成的污染,如:政府应该制订法律法规约束人们的行为、提高人们的素质、唤醒人们的环保意识。/或者谈到 tourism对环境的破坏,但着重分析为什么,如:人们素质低

7、、地方政府追求眼前利益2. 思辨能力有待提高在论证 tourism 不会对环境造成污染,许多学生是这样论证的:People come to appreciate the beautiful scenery, not to pollute the environment, so they will not pollute.或:It is ourselves not tourism that bring harm.或:They throw rubbish, but I pick up, so tourism brings no harm to the environment.或:人们去旅游就要带吃

8、的、喝的。吃喝完就要扔掉,吃喝完还要上厕所,而厕所的数量有限,人们在树林里随地小便。所以会造成污染。学生的语言能力有待提高单词的拼写错误十分严重,如垃圾(rubbish)的拼写有:rabbish, rabbit, baggage 等。语法错误多,如 Tourism bring harm to the environment. Tourism dont bring harm to the environment. 会运用的词汇太少,一篇文章中几乎没有几个亮丽的词或句子。语言比较生硬。III. 样卷A:Score 13.5Nowadays, traveling has become an incr

9、easingly popular choice for most people to spend their holidays. While tourism contributes more to the economic development around the area, it also brings much harm to the natural environment. Countless examples of deteriorating environment are drawing our attention.The destruction of environment s

10、tarts from the construction of tourist resort. Roads and pathes are built to put the tourist close to nature. Hotels emerge to accommodate tourists who want to experience the real nature. In the process, the natural circulation is disturbed and the living conditions of the animals and plants are sur

11、ely to be affected.Tourists are another source of pollution to the environment. Tourist buses carrying hundreds of pollution-makers emit great amount of waste gases into resort, which decreases the quality of the air. Rubbish from tourists may also affect the soil and water which are vital to the su

12、stainment of the whole environment.When economic development is achieved at the expense of environment destruction, no real value is created. Under the perspective of sustainable development, tourism should be environmentally friendly. The government in areas of tourist resort should take precausion

13、 to stop the deterioration and limit the harm to the least extent. B. Score 10.5With the rapid development of economy and advancement of transportation, people nowadays are provided with more possibilities and choices to spend their holidays. Tourism, therefore, enjoys increasing popularity among Ch

14、inese people. However, the booming industry has brought a series of problems to the environment, which in my opinion, severely damage the natural balance. First of all, as the number of tourists grow quickly, many natural spots can no longer accommodate those visitors. For example, last year when I

15、visited Yulang mountain in Li Jiang, I found that the grassland was nearly occupied by tourists sitting on it, chatting and having picnic. And many of them left gabbage behind when they left. This was definitely a terrible damage to the originally weak environment. Secondly, the growing noises cause

16、d by the tourists may largely disturb the peacefulness of the nature and the lives of wild animals. It was reported by a newspaper that due to the increasing tourists, some swans in Qing Hai Lake can not give birth to their children.To sum up, the booming tourism may bring a lot of negative effects to the environment. And we should try to develop tourism and protect the environment at the same time.C. Score 9.5As the rapid development of marke


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