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1、城市规划 专业外语复习提纲专业词汇Urban planning 城市规划Industrial revolution 工业革命The built environment 建成环境Industrialization 工业化Immigrant 移民Housing 住房Sanitation 环境卫生、卫生设施Infrastructure 基础设施Residential district 居住区Greenbelt 绿化带Blue print 蓝图、设计图Urbanization 城市化Zoning 分区规划Post-war reconstruction 战后重建Land-use 土地使用、土地用途Dev

2、elopment strategy 发展战略Regional planning 区域规划National planning 国土规划Transportation planning 交通规划Urban conservation 城市古迹保护、旧城改造Public participation 公共参与Application 规划申请Enforcement 规划实施Urban design 城市设计Landscape 景观、景观设计Globalization 全球化Water supply 供水Sewage 下水道系统、下水道、污水Historic preservation 历史古迹保护Neighb

3、orhood planning 邻里规划、居住小区规划Planning policy guidance 规划政策指导(缩写为 PPG)Non-statutory 非法令的Legal 法定的Countryside 乡村、城市周边的乡村Commercial 商业的、贸易的Tourism 旅游业Regional planning guidance 区域规划指导(缩写为 RPG)Spatial framework 空间框架Retail 零售、零售业Development plans 发展规划Town and country plan act 城乡规划法则Structure plan 结构规划Local

4、 plan 地区规划Scale 规模、比例Relief feature 地形明显特征、地形要素Comprehensive plan 总体规划Precise plan 详细规划(与 detailed plan,physical plan 同意)Mass transit 大众交通运输Utility 公共事业Redevelopment 再开发、重建Circulation 交通、疏通Property 物业Shape and bulk 形状与体量Ordinance 法则、法定图则Density 密度Intensity 强度Sub-regional development strategy 次区域发展战略

5、Metropolitan 大城市的、都会区的Town planning board 城市规划委员会Town planning ordinance 城市规划条例World-class city 世界级城市Investment 投资Multinational firm 跨国公司Transnational communication 跨国通讯Headquarters 总部Facility 设施Multicultural 多元文化的Telecommunication 电信、长途通信Logistics 后勤学、后勤、物流组织Ware housing 仓储New international divisio

6、n of the labor 新的国际劳动力分配Capital 资本、资金Labor-intensive 劳动密集型Knowledge-intensive 知识密集型Suburban 郊外的、郊区的Urban sprawl 城市无序蔓延Rehabilitation 旧城复兴、复原Multiple lane 多车道的Office park 办公园Industry park 指工业园Multi-factory 多因素的、多因子的Mall 林荫道、购物商场、商业街Skyscraper 摩天大楼Dweller 居民Interaction among neighbors 邻里间的互动Sense of b

7、elonging 社区感觉、包括归属感、认同感Light rail 轻轨Garden city 花园城市Primary,secondary and tertiary 第一、第二、第三产业Multi-centered 多中心的Utopia 乌托邦Avenue 林荫路Amenity 游憩、休闲去处Inhabitant 居民、住户Urban village 都市村庄Human-scale 人体尺度Socio-psychological 社会心理的Livable 适宜居住的New urbanism 新城市主义Quality of life 生活品质Vibrant 有活力的Civic facilitie

8、s 市政设施Transect 横断面Biodiversity 生物物种多样性Ghetto 贫民窟(与 slum 同意)Ecosystem 生态系统Commuter 通勤者Equality and equity 公平和公正Environmental impact assessment 环境影响评估(缩写为 EIA)Proposal 提议、提案、计划Urban renewal 城市更新、城市重建Urban regeneration 城市再生Community development 社区发展The grass root 草根阶层、平民Sustainable community 可持续社区Socia

9、l justice 社会公正、社会正义Urban governance 城市管治People-based 以人为本Place-based 因地制宜Smart growth 精明增长Non-governmental organization(非政府组织、缩写为 NGO)Plural society 多元社会Democratic 民主的Urban form 城市形态Building form and massing 建筑物个体的体量外观与建筑群的组合Circulation and parking 交通流线与停车Pedestrian 步行、人行Signage 户外广告、路标Node 节点Land m

10、ark 地标Identity 标志、识别Three-dimensional 三维的Ecological 生态学的Artificial 人造的Townscape 城市风貌Micro-scale 微观尺度Population density 人口密度Public hearing and community board 公众听证和社区委员会Mental map 认知地图 Paths,edges,districts,nodes,and landmark 道路、边界、区域、节点和地标(凯文.林奇的城市意象五要素)Sidewalk 人行道Public space 公共空间Public realm 公共领域

11、Recreation 休养、娱乐Physical environment 物质环境、外在环境Community activity 公共活动Classicism 古典主义Modernist neo-classicist 现代新古典主义Postmodern architecture 后现代建筑Real estate development 房地产开发New pedestrianism 新步行主义Rapid transit 高速交通Streetscape 街景、街立面Urban morphology 城市形态学Urban grain 城市肌理、城市纹理Plan unit 规划单元Central bu

12、siness district 中央商务区(缩写为 CBD)Department store 百货公司Upscale shopping 大型购物中心Light manufacturer 轻工业、轻工制造业Shared space 共享空间Place making 场所营造Waterfront 滨水地区Commercial strip 商业街Free way 高速公路、快车道Context 背景、文脉、环境Parking lot 停车场Auto-oriented 以汽车为导向的Pedestrian-oriented 以步行为导向的Master plan 总平面图,总体规划Diversity 多样

13、性Habitat 栖息地Buffer 缓冲区Vegetation 植被、植物Soft landscape 软质景观Greenway 绿道Beautification 美化Aesthetic 审美的、美学的Visionary plan 远景规划Regional plan 区域规划Sustainable development 可持续发展New town 新城、卫星城Skyline 天际线短文翻译1. Urban planning has undergone a long evolution from ancient and is taking on new direction and follo

14、wing interesting trends. While still evolving , it is a well-established process. And in future it will go beyond the planning level to include implementation the complete and effective carrying out of the plans by the public and private sectors.As urban planning becomes increasingly concerned with

15、implementation within the context of a federated, democratic system, the successes are expected. Implementation is now the cutting edge for advances in urban planning, and it will serve as the area for the most interesting new development in the years ahead. Urban planners are moving beyond planning

16、 to implementation with the support and encouragement of both business and government. These are exciting times for urban planning.2. The comprehensive plan sets the basic policies for development of the city, the general relation between the various land usesresidential, commercial and industrial, and forms the framework of the urban structure. From time to time this general framework is translated into precise plans which specify the zoning


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