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1、1四级模拟试题二十一51. It _ ancient history books that tell us that paper came into use in China long before it appeared in the western world.A. are B. were C. was D. is52. He is my best friend, my second half, _.A. as it was B. as it is C. as it were D. as it being53. You must have gone to see that fantasti

2、c film last week, _?A. did you B. didnt you C. have you D. havent you54. For there _ successful communication, there must be attentiveness and involvement in the discussion itself by all present.A. to be B. being C. have been D. is55. I dont have a job. I would find one but I _ no time. A. didnt hav

3、e B. had had C. have D. had56. The project requires more labor than _ because it is extremely difficult.A. being put in B. to be put in C. has been put in D. have been put in57. The ease _ the fish can be collected from the shore has almost resulted in its extinction.A. for which B. in which C. of w

4、hich D. with which58. _ I have traveled, I have never seen anyone equal her in thoroughness, whatever the 2job.A. Much as B. Much that C. Much more D. Much often59. She recollected _ Mr. Darcy formerly _ of as a very proud, ill-natured boy.A. hearing; spokenB. hearing; speaking C. to hear; spokenD.

5、to hear; speak60. Which of the following does NOT express partial negation?A. All stone isnt hard. B. I didnt take both of them. C. None of the answers are right. D. I dont know everything about her.61. The lecturer was a tall and thin man, named George. Oh, it _ Dr. George because he is short and f

6、at.A. should not be B. cant have been C. must not have been D. wouldnt be62. Complete the following two sentences with appropriate prepositions.To my joy, I found that my daughter had a good eye _ understated fashion.In the experiment, we kept a watchful eye _ the development and recorded every deta

7、il.A. with; on B. to; for C. for; at D. for; on63. The presence or absence of water has a direct _ on the possibility of life on other planets.A. bearing B. relationship C. connection D. association64. Film is a(n) _ because the moving pictures seen on the screen are not moving at all.A. allusion B.

8、 delusion C. illusion D. disillusion365. Happiness seems to _ many things that each person _ differently, such as income, education, work and relationships.A. consist in; weighs B. consist in; appraise C. consist of; weighs D. consist of; appraise 66. What we see and hear may _ quickly in short-term

9、 memory, but what we smell is sent directly to long-term memory.A. pale B. fade C. droop D. decline67. In areas given over to grazing lands for cattle and sheep, virtually all the major native grass have been replaced by _ species.A. strange B. different C. foreign D. alien68. _ body language, such

10、as a nervous shifting of ones eyes or the subconscious drumming of ones fingers might convey an emotion of which someone is not even aware.A. Involuntary B. Invariable C. Invalidly D. Evolutionary69. Benjamin Franklin, one of the most _ of the US founding fathers, was a famous statesman, successful

11、businessman, avid philosopher and prolific inventor.A. venous B. vendable C. venerated D. respectful70. Compared especially with the works of other 20th century writers, Ernest Hemingways novels are _ and readable.A. brief B. concise C. short D. curt71. What is the correct translation of the followi

12、ng sentences?When everybody is somebody, then nobody is anybody, he said. All of a sudden I tumbled to it.4A. “如果人人都是重要人物的话,那么就哪一个都不是重要人物了。 ”他说道。我听后茅塞顿开。B. “要是人人都是人才,那么就没有人是蠢材了。 ”他说,我终于立刻明白这个道理了。C. “要是人人都是普通一员,那么就没有人当领导了。 ”他说,我听后一下子就明白了。D. “如果人人都有钱,那么就没有人是穷人了。 ”他说。对此,我听后马上表示保留意见。72. What is the corr

13、ect translation of the following sentence?One minute too late is no more in time than half an hour is.A. 迟到一分钟不比迟到半小时更及时些。B. 迟到一分钟不可与迟到半小时相提并论。C. 迟到一分钟与迟到半个小时都为不准时。D. 迟到一分钟比迟到半小时要强一些。73. Complete the following two sentences with appropriate verbs.A servant or two or three _ to accompany them.Many a

14、man _ made sacrifices for the cause of the revolution.A. is; has B. is; have C. are; has D. are; have74. My grandma and I had a very close relationship with each other and she was _ a seniority _ a friend to me.A. more; than B. not so much; as C. rather; than D. not; nor75. In the forest, we often s

15、ee some moths or other insects _ dead leaves to protect themselves.A. stimulate B. simulate C. disguise D. mask76. Theory is valuable _ it can provide a direction for practice.A. with that B. for that C. in that D. on that77. But he could take only one of them _ because the boat was very small.5A. a

16、t a time B. at one time C. at the time D. at times78. Elizabeth played _ and her daughter played _.A. mouth organ; erhu B. the mouth organ; erhu C. mouth organ; erhu D. the mouth organ; the erhu79. I bumped into my former classmate Sarah once last year; _, Ive never heard of her until her death.A. therefore B. thereof


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