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1、体验式英语教育先锋美联英语与身体有关的英文词汇和短语ARM 臂 The car cost him an arm and a leg. 买这辆车他可花了血本。Shes my right arm. 她是我的得力助手。He was strong-armed into doing it. 他被迫这么做的。No ones twisting your arm to do it! 没人强迫你这么做!They always walk arm in arm down the street. 他们常常手挽手地沿街走BACK 背Get off my back! 别再来烦我了!I dont like her. She

2、 always gets my back up. 我不喜欢她。她总是惹我生气。(此用语原指动物,常用于描述猫发怒。)Shell give the shirt of her back for her friends. 她帮助朋友不遗余力。She turned her back on me when I needed her. 我需要她帮助时,她拒绝了我。This time, Ill give you the work for free. You scratch my back, Ill scratch yours. 这一次我把这个作品赠送给你,你帮助我,我也帮助你。BONE 骨Lets get

3、down to the bare bone essentials. 我们来讨论一下正经事吧。I have a bone to pick with you. 我对你有点意见。I need to bone up on my English. 我得好好学英语。This work is bone-breaking! 这项工作很辛苦!Shes a real bonehead. 她真是个大傻瓜。Wake up, lazy bones! 醒醒吧,懒骨头!She made no bones about telling him to leave. 她直截了当地让他走了。Hes nothing but skin

4、and bones. 他骨瘦如柴。BRAIN 脑Shes a real bean brain. 她真是个大笨蛋。Shes such a birdbrain! 她是个大傻瓜!Shes very brainy. 她很聪明。Since youre an expert, would you mind if I pick your brain for half an hour? 你是专家,那你是否介意给我半个小时,让我向你讨教一些问题?Hes such a scatterbrain. 他这人真没头脑。/ Shes so scatterbrained! 她体验式英语教育先锋美联英语太浮躁了!CHEEK 面

5、颊she said it tongue in cheek. 她说的是风凉话。Her mother turned the other cheek when she took the cookie. 她拿饼干时,她妈妈装作没看见。EAR 耳朵So what happened? Im all ears. 发生了什么?我正洗耳恭听呢。She bent my ear for an entire hour. 她缠住我足足谈了一个小时。“My fathers a lot smarter than yours!” “Go blow it out of your ear!” “我爸比你爸帅多了!” “胡扯!”S

6、he can really chew your ear off. 她能说得让你耳朵都起老茧。The pages of this book are all dog-eared. 这本书的书页都卷起来了。She has an ear for music. 她具有音乐方面的天赋。I heard an earful of gossip today. 我今天听到不少闲话。He has all the earmarks of being a thief. 他天生一副贼相。Stop explaining. Its all falling on deaf ears. 别解释了,没人会听的。Keep your

7、ear to the ground! 听仔细了!She talked my ear off for a whole hour. 她唠叨了整整一个小时,真烦!ELBOW 肘,肘部The stain will come off. It just takes some elbow grease. 污渍是可以洗掉的,不过要费点劲。We had to elbow our way through the crowd. 我们得从人群中挤过去。I can hardly move. Give me some elbow room. 我差不多动不了了,给我让点地方吧。When I went to Hollywoo

8、d, I rubbed elbows with all the movie stars. 我去好莱坞时,和所有这些电影明星都有过接触。EYE 眼睛an eye for an eye 以眼还眼,以牙还牙She has such bedroom eyes. 她有一双性感的眼睛。Shes a real eye-catcher. 她非常引人注目。She has an eye for art. 她对艺术很有鉴赏力。When I first met her, she eyed me up and down. 我第一次见到她时,被她上下打量了一番。That sculpture is an eyesore.

9、那座雕塑不好看。I guess my eyes are bigger than my stomach. 我觉得饭菜点得太多了,我是眼馋肚饱呀。Hey, four-eyes! 嘿,四眼妹!Id give my eyetooth to look like her. 我愿意不惜一切地模仿她。Where did you get that black eye? 你在哪儿被打得鼻青脸肿的?体验式英语教育先锋美联英语Thats green-eyed monster talking. 那是处于妒忌才说的话。“She told me she speaks ten languages。 ” “In a pigs

10、eye!” “她告诉我她会说十种语言。 ”“吹牛!”I have to stay here and keep an eye on my little sister. 我得留在这儿照看小妹。We always see eye to eye. 我们总是看法一致。I think I need to get some shuteye. 我想我得合一会儿眼了FINGER 手指 Theres a lot of finger-pointing throughout this case. 这件事上大家总是互相指责。She never lifts a finger. 她从来都懒得抬一抬手指。I think yo

11、u just put your finger on it. 我想,你终于发现事情的真相了。When he drove past me, he gave me the finger. 他开车从我身边经过时,朝我做了个下流动作。Hell do anything I want. I have him wrapped around my little finger. 我要他做什么,他就做什么,全听我的摆布。FOOT 脚,足A fter she lost her job, it took her a while to get back on her feet. 失业后, 她过了一段才振作起来。Just

12、when I was about to ask him for a raise, I got cold feet. 就在准备向他提出加薪的那一刻,我突然胆怯了。Now that shes divorced, shes footloose. 既然离婚了,她也就自由了。We dont have to pay anything. He said he would foot the entire bill. 我们不必付账,他说全由他埋单。She kept playing footsie with him under the table. 她一直和他在桌下偷偷碰脚调情。You didnt get the

13、 job yet, but at least its a foot in the door. 虽然没得到那份工作,但至少你已经迈出了第一步。I dont know what my job entails. Im still getting my feet wet. 我不太清楚自己的职责范围,我还在逐步熟悉的阶段。The poor guy has one foot in the grave. 这可怜的家伙离死不远了。We have to put our foot down on that. 我们必须阻止那件事。Stop pussy-footing around. What do you want

14、? 别兜圈子了。你想干什么啊?Shes always been quick on her feet. 她总是能很快想出办法。体验式英语教育先锋美联英语She swept him off his feet as soon as they met. 他们一见面,她就把他给迷住了。He threw himself at her feet. 他完全拜倒在她的脚下。She always gets under my feet. 她总是碍我的事。(亦作:to get underfoot,如:She always gets underfoot. 她总碍我的事。)We got off on the wrong

15、foot, but now were friends. 我们一开始关系很僵,但现在是朋友了。GUTS 内脏;肠子She busted a gut laughing. 她肚子都笑疼了。Youre starting to get a gut. 你开始发福了。My gut reaction to her wasnt good. 我对她的第一印象不好。He doesnt have the guts to call her. 他没胆量打电话给她。/ I respect you. You have guts. 我敬佩你,你真有胆量。Shes very gutsy. 她非常勇敢。I hate her gut

16、s! 我对她恨之入骨!She spilled her guts to me. 她向我吐露了心事。He threw his guts up after drinking those two beers. 他喝了那两瓶啤酒,几乎把肠子都吐了出来。HAIR 头发What a hair-raising story! 多恐怖的故事啊!That must have been hairy! 那一定很惊险!She finally let her hair down in front of us. 她终于在我们面前变得无拘无束了。My little brother keeps getting in my hair. 我那小弟总是惹我发火。HAND 手Whats the issue at hand? 现在有什么急事?Can you give me a hand with this? 这事你能帮我吗? / That was a great performance! L


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