we’re getting ready for spring festival

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《we’re getting ready for spring festival》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《we’re getting ready for spring festival(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 2 Spring FestivalUnit 1 Were getting ready for Spring Festival(Page8-Page9)一、教材分析(一)材的地位和作用本课是新目标英语七年级下册第 2 模块的第一单元,本模块以“were getting ready for Spring Festival”为中心话题,围绕着描述“ 现在正在进行的事情” 展开,学习和运用现在进行时态的疑问句和特殊疑问句,询问现在进行的事件,让学生学会谈论和分享现在正在发生的事件。本课教学内容与学生的实际生活密切相关,易于引发学生运用简单的英语进行交际和交流。通过这一环节的学习,加强学生

2、对现在进行时的句型的理解和运用。同时,通过一系列的学生之间的对话,练习,小组合作等,进一步提高学生的听、说、读、写的综合能力。(二)教学目标1.知识目标(1)To master some key wordsNoun: festival, dragon, lantern, floorVerb: clean, cook, learn, sweep, happen, help, readyPhrase: get ready for, sweep the floor, cook the meal, learn a dragon dance, make lanterns(2)To know someth

3、ing about Spring FestivalWhen is Spring Festival?(Spring Festival is the first day of the first lunar month.)Whats meaning of spring festival?(The Spring Festival is the longest and grandest of Chinas festivals, and its a family gathering day.)Whats the custom of Spring Festival?(Paste New Year coup

4、lets, set off some fireworks, pay a New Year call, clean house, and buy new clothes)(3)To master new sentencesWhat is Lingling doing?Shes getting ready for the Spring Festival.Is your mother working?Yes, she is. /No, she isnt.2.能力目标(1)To understand the conversation about the Spring Festival.(2)To re

5、cognize phrases and recognize short answers. (3)To talk about the Spring Festival with given information.3.德育目标(1)During the learning process, students can use the Present Continuous Tense to talk about activities happening now and exchange information with others. Meanwhile, it can promote exchange

6、s and enhance friendship and between students and teacher.(2)To strengthen students awareness about Chinese traditional festivals.(三)教学重点与难点1.重点(1)To master the key wordsSpring Festival, get ready for, learn, cook, learn, dragon dance, lantern, sweep, floor(2)To master the key structuresWhat is Ling

7、ling doing?Shes getting ready for the Spring Festival.Is your mother working?Yes, she is. /No, she isnt.2.难点To master the Present Continuous Yes/No Questions and Information Questions.二、教学对象分析(一)学情分析学生对本单元的活动内容有丰富的直接经验和感性认识,贴近学生的生活实际,学生便于理解,非常感兴趣;初一的学生对英语普遍感兴趣,但有很大的不稳定性,好奇心强,求知欲旺盛,已不满足教师对课文的简单重复和缺乏一


9、生积极参与到课堂教学中。(三)采用小组竞赛、学生间合作等方式,激起学生的竞争意识,合作精神。(四)课外知识延伸,通过结合本课以春节为主题,向他们介绍课外有关春节的知识,开阔学生视野。四、多媒体设计(一)为了增强课堂教学的直观性和趣味性,以便加大课堂的密度,提高教学效果,本节课主要以现代化电教手段多媒体辅助教学,贯穿整个教学过程。(二)课件流程如下:1.前三张图片是与春节有关,以引出春节前的准备活动。2.用一组彩图导入新词汇。如:clean the house, cook the meal, learn a dragon dance, make lanterns, sweep the floor

10、.学生通过结合生动的图片学习生词。3.在课件上展示 Part1 的图片和录音,把学生引导到课文的学习中来,学生一起分析图片,引出语法知识点,并完成 listen and check 的练习。4.展示 listen and read 的课文录音。5.在课件上展示课后 3 的练习题,是对于现在进行时的一般疑问句式的回答,可以使得答案更加直观,易见。6.在课件上展示课后 4 的练习题,是关于现在进行时的特殊疑问句型的回答。7.课文的重要知识点讲解,包括重点词汇和句型。8.给出 8 道与现在进行时有关的练习题,包括排列单词顺序,回答问题,转换句型,简单的中翻英。9.布置作业。五、教学过程Step1 L

11、eadin(一)利用一个简单的问题对全班同学进行随机的提问 T: Could you tell us, whats your favorite festival? (Childrens Day, National Day holiday, Christmas, Mid-autumn Festival, Mothers Day)课堂前几分钟学生还没进入学习状态,通过这个提问不仅可以为接下来对春节的学习奠定基调,同时也节日也是学生比较感兴趣的话题,能够吸引他们的注意力和学习兴趣。(二)拿出春节常用的一个物品“福”字。T: Could you tell me what it is? (Its a C

12、hinese character fu ,which means blessing)T: When and where it will be used? (In Spring Festival, posted on the door)“福”字是春节不可或缺的物品,也是生活中的常见物品,学生比较熟悉,并且能够对本堂课的学习内容形成初步印象。(三)对春节做一个简介.T: I will make a brief introduction to Spring Festival.(Date, origin, ended date.)简单的介绍,调动学生的记忆思维和背景知识,有利于教学活动的进行。(四)询

13、问学生在春节前通常会做些什么事情。T: What do you usually do before spring festival?为下面的单词学习做铺垫Step2 Presentation(一)向学生展示与课文词组相关的图片T: Now, I will show you some pictures to see what people usually do before Spring Festival.新单词:clean the house, cook the meal, learn a dragon dance, make lanterns, sweep the floor利用课件上的图片

14、,给学生展示新词汇,把学习知识放到生活环境中去,更能吸引学生的趣有效达到教学目的。(二)和学生一起分析课本图片的情景,引出现在进行时,然后带领学生朗读现在进行时的句子。T: Look at picture 1, what are the boys doing?The boys are learning a dragon dance.T: How about picture 2? What is the girl doing?The girl is making lanterns.T: Look at the woman, what is she doing?The woman is sweep

15、ing the floor.T: What is the grandma doing?The grandma is cooking the meal.T: How about this woman?The woman is cleaning the house.此前学生对现在进行时接触比较少,通过和他们一起分析图片,引导他们学习现在进行时,同时引发他们积极思考,并且在他们对图片内容遇到疑问时,能够及时地帮助他们解决疑问,在分析完句子后,带领他们朗读一遍,培养他们的语感。Step3. Practice(一)听录音,完成第一部分的 listen and check。T: Now listen to

16、 the record, and then finish “listen and check”.训练学生的听力,加深对新单词的记忆。Step4 Presentation(一)听第一遍录音,回答老师提出的问题,以及完成课后练习 3.T: Next, we will hear a short conversation between Lingling, Betty and Tony. Listen to it carefully, and then tell me, what are Lingling and her family doing? Ok, lets begin.通过听第一篇的录音,学生可以大概把握对话的主题以及内,训练学生的归纳能力。T: Could you tell us, what are Lingling and her family doing? (They are getting ready for Spring Festival.)(二)听第二遍录音,完成课后 Activity3


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