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1、CANRIG 顶驱操作基本程序 Page - 1 - of 8 2/6/2018CANRIG 顶驱基本操作程序 2006-5-27Drilling Connection Sequence一、钻进连立柱1. Drill down the joint of pipe, bringing the Top Drive as close to the floor as possible by retracting the Back-Up Wrench and elevator Link Tilt to the over-drill position (70 degrees toward the hing

2、e side of the elevators). For safety, keep the elevators as closeto the floor as possible and keep personnel from standing below retracted elevators.See “Pipe Handler Care and Usage”. 1 随一柱钻杆钻进,回收备钳,下放顶驱,钻进至吊卡接近钻台时,摆臂摆至过钻位置(后背至最高位置)继续钻进至尽量贴近转盘面。安全考虑,下放吊卡尽量贴近至钻台,提醒人员不要站在后背吊卡的下方。2. Raise the pipe off

3、bottom and set the slips. 2 上提钻杆,坐卡瓦。3. Stop circulation and close the Upper Well Control Valve (UWCV, remotely activatedfrom the Top Drive console).3 停泵,关IBOP(内防喷器)。4. Lower the Back-Up Wrench (BUW) over the pipe tool joint and close the BUW Gripper.4 下放备钳至钻杆接箍上,打紧备钳。5. Break out and spin out of th

4、e pipe using Torque Reverse and Spin Reverse functions.5 卸扣,旋扣。Open the BUW Gripper.6. 打开备钳。连接井架上的立柱:1) 上提顶驱至二层台。2)前摆摆臂靠近二层台。3)井架工推一柱钻杆到吊卡中,扣吊卡。连接鼠洞中的单根:1)后背摆臂(吊卡开口朝向井口位置),对准鼠洞中的单根,扣吊卡。 摆臂可用于扣吊卡。2)上提单根出鼠洞。7. Move the link tilt back to center using the FLOAT setting. Use Extend/Retract featurefor min

5、or adjustments.7 摆臂归位至中位,使用前摆/回收前后调整。8. Continue to hoist the Top Drive until the pin of the pipe to be added is above the box of the pipe in the slips.8 继续上提顶驱,待接钻杆的公扣在卡瓦中的钻杆母扣之上。9. Lower the Top Drive to stab the pipe into the drill string at the floor. Turn on SpinMaintenance. Continue to lower t

6、o stab the Top Drive saver sub into the box of the pipeCANRIG 顶驱操作基本程序 Page - 2 - of 8 2/6/2018being added. Lower the BUW fully for this operation to provide a stabbing guide.9 下放顶驱,钻杆对扣,顶驱主轴保持旋扣位置,继续下放顶驱,顶驱的保护接头插入待接钻杆的母扣中,完全下放备钳,为插入对口起扶正作用。10. After stabbing, continue to lower approximately 6 inche

7、s. This will allow the floating quillto compensate for the thread advance.10 插入对扣后,继续下放顶驱约 6英尺(152mm),以允许可伸缩的主轴补偿上扣距离。11. Use a back-up tong on the pipe in the slips if there is insufficient string weight for theslips to hold the make-up torque.11 若管柱重量不足以承受上扣扭矩时,在卡瓦之上,使用大钳作备钳。12. Spin in and make-u

8、p both connections simultaneously using the Top Drive. The torquecan be pre-set at the Top Drive console. Raise the BUW Gripper to its highest position.12 正转旋扣,上扣(两处的连接一起上扣),上扣扭矩可在司钻控制台上提前设置,上提备钳至最高位置。 13. Open the Mud Saver Valve or LWCV if used as a Mud Saver.13 开上井控阀(IBOP)。14. Commence circulatio

9、n, hoist to allow removal of the slips, lower to bottom and proceedto drill.14 开泵循环,上提顶驱,提卡瓦,下钻,开始此柱钻杆的钻进。15. The elevators may be optionally opened and the link tilt retracted slightly while drilling.15 钻进时,可打开吊卡,略微后摆摆臂。(防止吊卡与钻杆的摩擦)二、Drilling Surface Holes with Collars1. Put a collar in the mouseho

10、le, install a Drill-Through Pick-Up sub (DTPU sub) andtorque as required with the tongs. Pick up the collar in the elevators and stab it into thecollar in the table. Stab in the Top Drive and make-up both connections to the limit ofthe saver sub connection. Torque the floor connection to the require

11、d torque withtongs.1 将钻铤放入鼠洞中,装上钻进提升接头(DTPU短接),大钳上扣至标准扭矩,上提钻铤,与井内的钻铤对扣,随后,顶驱保护接头与待接的钻铤对扣,上扣至保护接头的扭矩上限值,钻台上使用大钳钻铤上扣至标准值。If the drill collar is too large for the mousehole, then install the DTPU sub and pick it out of the V-door ramp with the elevators.如果因钻铤太大不能放入鼠洞,装上DTPU短接,在坡道上扣吊卡上提。三、Tripping Seque

12、nce: Into Hole起下钻:下钻1. Tripping procedures are essentially conventional unless tight hole is encountered.1 起下钻程序基本上是相同的,除非卡钻。2. Lower the drill string with the elevators and set the slips.2 下钻井管柱,座卡瓦。3. Open the elevators, retract Link Tilt slightly and hoist the Top Drive to the racking boardCANRIG

13、 顶驱操作基本程序 Page - 3 - of 8 2/6/2018position.3 打开吊卡,略微后摆摆臂,上提顶驱至二层台。4. Extend the link tilt. Keep the pipe handler at the desired orientation to tilt the links to thedesired pipe presentation point at the racking board. Pipe handler orientation iscontrolled at the Top Drive console. Maximum link ti lt

14、 angle is pre-set to avoid anypossibility of the elevators hitting the racking board.4 前摆摆臂,保持旋转头的方向便于架工扣吊卡,最大的前摆角度已经提前设定好,不会碰二层台。5. The derrickman positions a stand of drill pipe and closes the elevators. This step isapproximately the same as conventional non-Top Drive tripping except that the link

15、s aretilted toward the racking board, which reduces derrickman effort and improves safety.Power elevators are optional.5 同没有顶驱相同,架工推一柱钻杆至吊卡,随后扣吊卡,顶驱前摆吊卡极大地减少了架工的劳动强度并增加了作业的安全性。6. Move the link tilt back to center using the FLOAT setting.6 操作摆臂“ 归位”旋钮,摆臂至中位。7. Continue to hoist the Top Drive until th

16、e pin of the pipe being added is above the box ofthe pipe in the slips.7 继续上提顶驱,待接钻杆的公扣在卡瓦中的钻杆母扣之上。8. Lower the Top Drive to stab the pipe at the floor.8 下放顶驱,钻杆对扣。9. Spin in and make-up the connection using the floor handling tools.9 用钻台上的旋扣钳旋扣,并用大钳上扣至标准扭矩。10. Hoist the drill string and open the slips.1



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