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1、2016 年“三八”妇女节英文祝福语4 2016 年“三八” 妇女节英祝福语ishing a ver Happ ens Da t the st aazing en I n pright tz36n祝这个我所认识的最棒的女人妇女节快乐!If u uld see it fr ees u uld n u are ne ge f a an!如果你能读懂我的眼,你会发现自己是多么出色的一个女人!ust anted t than u fr btt f heart fr all things u d! Happ ens Da! Tz36n真想发自内心地感谢你为我所做的一切!妇女节快乐! n ens da h

2、at an I ish fr, but the ver best fr u! Happ ens Da! Tz36n在妇女节,我忠心地祝你一切都好!节日快乐!A beautiful an is a diand, a gd an is a treasure一个美丽的女人是一颗钻石,一个好的女人是一个宝库。Sending u ishes t sa u blss up the rld arund e! Happ ens Da!祝福你,是你照亮了我周围的世界!妇女节快乐!Arss the iles es this ish fr e t sa u are speial!相隔千里传给你我的祝福:你与众不同!

3、Happ ens Da t the ne h has stlen heart!祝愿那个偷走我心的女人妇女节快乐! u are as seet inside as ut Hpe ur da is as seet as u are!你的好由内而外,祝你的生活也能像甜美可爱的本人一样甜甜蜜蜜!u an d alst anthing u put ur ind t u an si the deepest ean and lib the highest pea Be a dtr r fl a plane u an fae adversit and still al tall u are strng, be

4、autiful, passinate and uh re than rds uld ever sa! Tda is urs and s is ever ther da Happ ens Da!你可以做任何想做的事!你可以在最深的海洋里畅游,也可以攀岩最高峰;你可以成为一名医生,也可以驾驶飞机在蓝天翱翔。面对逆境,你可以屡败屡战!你很强大、美丽、慈悲,好得无以名状!今天是你的日子,其他任何日子也属于你!妇女节快乐!N atter fr hih angle I l at u, u appear t be an angel and ens Da is the perfet t sa: I a s l

5、u t have u in life无论我从那个角度看你,你都是一个天使。乘妇女节绝佳的机会告诉你:生命中有你真好! tz36nA beautiful an, a great friend and a nderful ther u are all this t e and uh re I feel s lu and prud t have a lie u美丽的女人、伟大的朋友、慈爱的母亲,对于我您是这三者,而且远远不止。我感到无比的幸运和骄傲,能够拥有您这样的母亲! tz36nans nae is nt fr the ea, strng is the nae f a an! n atter h

6、ih an uld nt resist Tz36n女人的名字不是弱者,女人的名字是强者!不管是哪一类男人都抵挡不住。Attrative beautiful an des nt depend n the, but b their beautiful, inluding anners, anners, speeh, and anners as ell as insight有吸引力的女人并不全靠她们的美丽,而是靠她们的漂亮,包括风度、仪态、言谈、举止以及见识。hat lies behind us and hat lies befre us are tin atters pared t hat lie

7、s ithin us u are an inspiratin t e在我们身后和面前的小事,相比存在于我们之间的都微不足道。你总能启迪我。Thrugh the ears, I have shared s uh ith u, bth bitter and seet u have been suh a frt t e, helping e in ever a, and all I anna sa tda is: Sis, I treasure u lse t heart这些年,我和你分享了如此多的酸甜苦辣。你是我的安慰,在方方面面给予我帮助。今天我想说的是:亲爱的姐姐/妹妹,我把你珍藏在内心最深处

8、。Fr all the ties uve brught a sile and ade das see brighter Fr sharing ups and dns ith e and aing burdens lighter Fr ding the aring things that ae a speial friend ur friendship is a I ish it never ends! Happ ens Da!你总是带给我微笑,为我的生活增添光明。和我分享人生的起起落落,为我分忧解难。关怀我,成为我特别的朋友。你的友谊带给我快乐,希望它永远长存!妇女节快乐! The rld b

9、eause f had the an, but appears partiularlbeautiful! The regards are nl the shrt several lines, is atuall a thitrue eaning! ishes the arh Eighth t be ful, is frever ungattrativel!世界因为有了女人,而显得分外美丽!问候只是短短的几行,却是一个浓浓的真意!祝三八节快乐,永远年轻漂亮!ill nt have the sun, the flers nt t pen; Has nt liedthen nt having hap

10、piness; Des nt have the an als nt t lve; ithutthe ther, als ill nt have the pet, als ill nt have the her TheInternatinal ring ens Da is ful! pright tz36n没有太阳,花朵不会开放;没有爱便没有幸福; 没有女人也就没有爱;没有母亲,既不会有诗人,也不会有英雄。妇女节快乐!hat is arrgant? ! hat is dest? Installs! hat isdiligent and thrift? Digs ut! hat is Fengxi

11、an? Sill! hat is intelligent?Bls! hat beautiful an? u! The beautiful an hlida is ful!什么是骄傲?牛呗 !什么是谦虚? 装呗! 什么是勤俭?抠呗!什么是奉贤?傻呗!什么是聪明? 吹呗!什么美女?你呗!美女节日快乐!As sn as delivers u t tie the rse, flirts t expressnes ideas depends upn it Delivers u a peah blss, a hange in nesfrtune fr bad t gd depends entirel n

12、it Delivers u a pallid tgather, hundred ears gd and unt n it After delivering u bl fellied bean urd t finish eating, laughed arh Eighth ful 送你一束玫瑰,传情达意依靠它。送你一只桃花,时运转全靠它。送你一扎白合,百年好和指望它。送你一碗豆腐花吃完之后笑哈哈。三八节快乐 tz36n1000 rses give u, ants u t lve itself ell; 1000paper ranes give u, lets the rr be far aa f

13、r u! 1000 asendentsgive u, lets the gd lu revlve u! The Internatinal ring ens Dais ful!一千朵玫瑰给你,要你好好爱自己;一千只纸鹤给你,让烦恼远离你!一千颗幸运星给你,让好运围绕着你! 妇女节快乐!The Internatinal ring ens Da delivers u thefeinine eeping in gd health la: 1 happ, faing e hen lng hangs thesiling fae; 2 areful, pletes atter hih ever I nfes

14、sed; 3 intiate,frever plaes e first Has reebered?妇女节送你女性养生法:1 开心,面对我时长挂笑容;2 细心,做好每一我交代的事;3 贴心,永远把我放在第一位。记住了吗? pright tz36nDnt let ur bus life full f u, dnt let ur spae, dnt let little things ust ur tie, dnt let urself nt panting 38 ens da tda, reeber t rest, tae are f urself 别让忙碌充满你的生活,别让工作占据你的空间,别让

15、琐事排满你的时间,别让自己没有喘气的时间。今天三八妇女节,记得多休息,照顾好自己。Is als the arh Eighth, delivers u ten atties irnBils the pt nutritin sup, aes up the aliu the bld tni Puts a neears vaatin again, the ages gives in the sae ld a hat questin alshas, ls fr green ade prstitute 又是三八节,送你十斤铁。熬锅营养汤,补钙又补血。再放一年假,工资照样给。还有啥疑问,去找翠花姐。ens

16、da, I ish u a real “rih” en, spirit rih: n refletins, ptiisti, heerful, lve riher: ften has a seet, nfident self; rih: and drea pan, taes sle harge f Have a happ ens da!妇女节到了,祝你成为真正的“富” 女,精神富:不顾影自怜,乐观开朗;爱情富:常拥有甜蜜,自信自我;事业富:与梦想做伴,独挡一面。祝妇女节快乐!shulder is nt ver perhaps brad, but vers the indand rain suffiientl fr u; ar is nt ver perhaps perful, but anals supprt blue s fr u The Internatinal ring ens Da is ful!也许我的肩膀不够宽广,但足以为你遮挡风雨;也许我的



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