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1、甲方(出租方):Land Lord:法定联系地址:租 约 TENANCY AGREEMENT Legal Contact Address: 帐户:Account Name:银行名称:Bank Name:地址:Address:帐号:Account No.:电子邮件地址: E-mail Address: 电话:Phone No.:传真:Fax No.:乙方(承租方): Tenant: 居住人:Residence:地址: Address: 电子邮件地址:E-mail Address: 电话:Phone No.:传真:Fax No.:付款通知递达部门:Payment notice deliver to

2、: 1 Contract: 联系人: Contact: 电话: Tele: 传真: Fax: 经协商一致,甲、乙方于 2010 年 9 月_ 日,双方一致就以下各项条款达成协议。This agreement is made on the day of 2010 between the landlord (hereinafter referred to as Party A) and the tenant (hereinafter referred to as Party B) whereby it is hereby mutually agreed by and between the sai

3、d parties hereto as follows:一、租赁标的租赁标 :Tenancy:甲方同意将 及其设备(如附件所列家具及電器以下簡稱租賃房屋)在良好状态下租给乙方供其指定的員工及其家屬居住使用。该房屋建筑面积使用面积 为_192_平方米 ,房屋类型为_住宅_,结构为_钢筋混凝土_。签订本合同前,甲方有义务向乙方出示房地产权证,编号:_,并告知乙方该房屋已未设定抵押。Party A hereby agrees to lease District, Shanghai and the fixtures, fittings and equipment therein is cleaned

4、and in tenantable conditions to Party B. The property is sqm as . Before sign this Agreement, Party A shall show Party B Property Certificate, No. , and with mortgage. 二、租賃期 :Term of Tenancy:2.1 租赁期为2 年,自2010 年10 月10 日起至 2012 年10 月9 日止。该租赁期自2010 年10月10日至2011年10月9日为固定期,2011年10 月10日至2012 年10月9 日为非固定期。

5、非固定期内,乙方可以在任何时候提前二个月通知甲方的前提下终止合同而不承担违约责任,即乙方最早可于 2011 年 8月10日提出退租,并于 2011 年10月9日正式退租。若通知期不足二个月的,则乙方需补足通知期不足天数的租金作为赔偿。乙方可按2.2条使用押金。但乙方需将全部因乙方租客实际使用而产生的水、电、燃气等杂费及电话费付清。2 Contract:The above property is hereby leased for a term of two year, commencing on and expiring on . Its the free term, Party B can

6、early terminate the contract by serving Party A one month prior notice without bearing any liability of the breach, that means Party B can earliest issue the termination notice to Party A on and then terminate the contract formally on . In case the notifying period is less than one month, Party B sh

7、all make up the rental for the insufficient days of the notifying period as the compensation. Then, Party B can deal the deposit as item2.2. Party A shall return Party B the rest of the security deposit (if has, without interest) within ten working days after Party B payoff all water, gas, electrici

8、ty and telephone fees as tenant actual use. 如有免租期:甲方同意在本租赁协议经双方签署后,于 年 月 日前将该房产交于乙方租客居住,乙方不用承担自交房日至 200 年 月 日期间的房屋租金,但乙方须承担在此期间因租客实际使用而产生的水、电、燃气、电话费用。After the Agreement signed by both parties, Party A agree to handover the Property to Party B to live before . Party B wont bear the rent from the del

9、ivery date till ; but shall pay the utility fees like water, gas, electricity and telephone fees occurred by the actual use of Party Bs tenant during the term. 2.2 在租期结束前二一个月,乙方可用一个月押金抵做租金,同时在合同结束时,乙方须付清因乙方租客实际使用而产生的全部水,电,燃气等杂费及电话费。Two months prior to the expiration of the lease term, Party B can us

10、e the security deposit to counteract the rentals. Meanwhile, Party B shall pay off water, gas, electricity and telephone fees occasioned by the actual use of Party Bs tenant at the expiration of the contract. 2.3 二年租期届满,甲方有权收回全部租賃房屋、,乙方亦应如期交还;乙方如要求续租,且在本合同期满日前二个月将续租意图以书面方式通知甲方,则乙方有权按当时同地段同等级的服务公寓的市场

11、租金续租。续租协议的条款和条件除租金和租赁期限外将与本合同的条款与条件完全相同。双方应诚意协商确认当时的市场租金。On expiry of this lease, Party A has the right to take back the leased property (including all the furniture, fittings and equipment listed in Appendix II)in full, and Party B must deliver the leased property on the date of expiry. If Party B

12、wishes to extend the lease, Party B shall have the priority to renew the lease with one-month advance written notice to Party A. The revised rental shall be negotiated between the two parties. 三、租金 :Rent:3.1 租金每月为人民币 (大写: 元整),包括物业管理费,房租发票,有线、(开通国际、国内长途电话(由乙方自行申請),高速带宽配无线路由器),小区内会所家庭会员卡(一对夫妻及两个小孩),将全

13、屋窗帘清洗干净等;甲方每年提供RMB7,000给乙方自行处理卫星电视事宜。The rent is RMB35,500 per month, including management fee; invoice, cable and satellite TV using fee, IDD line,ADSL installation fee and the membership card fee. 32 甲方在每月付租金日(前一個月10日)之前二十日向乙方发出付款通知(發票提前交付) ,及开具上海市 房屋租赁发票。乙方在收到付款通知书及上海市房屋租赁发票后,应在每月的第壹天之前, 將租金汇入指定帐

14、户。Party B shall make payment on the monthly basis. Party A shall deliver the debit note and issue Shanghai Property Lease Tax Invoice to Party B twenty working days prior to the payment date of every month, receiving which Party B should arrange to remit the rental to the designated account within t

15、wenty working days. 3.3 本租约签订后的第一个月租金, 乙方应于签约后 10 个工作日内或9/25之前(因為收到押金後才做業),两 者较早之日全额到付给甲方。Shirely: 3.3 條依原條文,不修改Part B shall pay the rent for first month in full within 10 working days after signing of the Agreement. 3.4 與2.3條文合併The rent cannot be adjusted without agreement with both parts during the term of this Tenancy Agreement(from to ). 四、押金 :Deposit:4.1 自本租约签订之日起 10 个工作日之内或9/25之以前,两者


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