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1、The tower of Babel(通天塔,巴别塔)常用来喻指空想的计划,陷入混乱而无法 完成的事情 Huge crowds of people 人山人海Work hard, and youll make progress every day. 好好学习,天天向上Ill punish you! 给你点颜色瞧瞧。Burst with joy 心花怒放Soul mate 红颜知己Achillesheel 唯一的致命弱点Golden Triangle 金三角(经济区名)The more is concealed, the more is revealed 此地无银三百两special econom

2、ic zone 经济特区one country, two system 一国两制 a black sheep 害群之马fish in troubled waters 混水摸鱼 a white lie 善意的谎言chain reaction 连锁反应 a baby kisser政客the apple of ones eye 掌上明珠 China policy 对华政策English disease 软骨病 Greek gift 害人的礼品crocodile tears 鳄鱼的眼泪armed to the teeth 武装到牙齿ISDN: Integrated service digital ne

3、twork 综合业务数字网TCP/IP: Transmission control protocol/ Internet protocol 传输控制协议/因特网协议DNS: Domain name system 域名系统FTP: File transfer protocol 文件传输协议HTTP: hyper-text transmission protocol 超文本传输协议HTML: hyper-text mark-up language 超文本标识语言LAN: ocal area network 局域网 WLAN: wireless local area network 无线局域网VPN

4、: virtual private network 虚拟专用网WAP: wireless access protocol 无线接入协议GSM: global system for mobile communications 全球移动通信系统GPRS: general packet radio service 通用分组无线业务WCDMA: wideband code division multiple access 宽带码分多址SIM: subscriber identity module 用户标识模块MT: mobile terminal 移动终端 bandwidth 带宽 cordless

5、telephone 无绳电话 virtual assistant 虚拟助手 smart phone 智能手机 flash memory 闪存 liquid crystal display 液晶显示屏 optical fiber 光纤 real time 实时 Single Side Band 单边带调制 Dual Tone Multi-Frequency 双音多频Dual Technology Sensor 双鉴传感器Tri Technology Sensor 三鉴传感器Multiple Users 多用户Multiple Access 多址接入 TDMA (Time division mul

6、tiple access) 时分多址CDMA (code division multiple access) 码分多址 FDMA (frequency division multiple access) 频分多址portable computer 便携式电脑mobile telephone 移动电话Local Communication Network 本地通信网Local Exchange 本地交换网chemical analysis 化学分析imaging techniques 成像技术light-absorbing dye 吸光染料Be in the balance 主意未定, (成败未

7、决)Hang in the balance 事情未定Hold in the balance 悬置未定Hold the balance 掌握决定权Commerce, foreign trade, banking, insurance, securities, telecommunications, tourism and intermediary services should be gradually opened to the outside world.我们要逐步推进商业、外贸、金融、保险、证券、电信、旅游和中介服务等领域的对外开放。Computer languages may range

8、 from detailed low level close to that immediately understood by the particular computer, to the sophisticated high level which can be rendered automatically acceptable to a wide range of computer. 计算机语言有低级的也有高级的。前者比较繁琐,接近于特定计算机直接能懂的语言; 后者比较复杂,使用范围广,能自动为多种计算机所接受。We hope Mr. White will not forget him

9、self, gone are the days when a representative of a large country in UN. may do whatever he likes.我们希望怀特先生不要忘乎所以,在联合国里一个大国代表可以为所欲为的日子已经一去不复返了。We hope that our most respected Secretary General will not forget himself, his poor health is known to everybody.我们希望最可敬的秘书长先生不要过于操劳,要多多保重,他的健康状况欠佳是众所周知的。A CCD

10、 camera on a small telescope, combined with cheap, powerful image-analysis shareware, can measure magnitudes of much fainter stars much more accurately than can be done by eye. (from Alan MacRobert: The lure of variable stars)给一架小型望远镜上的 CCD 摄像机装上价廉而功能强大的图像分析共享软件,就可以测量弱得多的星星的星等,而且要比人眼测量地准确得多Sometimes

11、 the communications would be seriously disturbed by solar spots.通信有时受到太阳黑子严重的干扰。The source program is written by the programmer.源程序可被程序员编写。Some type of data conversion equipment is required to change the digital machine signals to a form suitable for transmission over these facilities.为了把数字化机器信号变换为适

12、合在这些设备中传输的信号形式,需要使用某种类型的数据变换设备Typically, both the modulator and demodulator section of the converter are combined into a two-way data transmitter receiver, commonly called a data modern or data set.一般而言,数据转换部分的调制和解调部分组合成收发两路信号,我们通常称之为数据调制解调器或数据传输机。Astronomy is often called the one remaining science

13、where amateurs can still contribute to the front-line professional research. When someone asks how, the first example always cited is variable stars.我们常说,现在业余爱好者能进行前沿专业研究的学科只剩下天文学了。 当问及那些业余爱好者如何进行研究时,所举的第一个例子就是变星。IFiber optics was already a well-established commercial technology when the famous pape

14、r by Kao and Hockham, suggesting the use of low-loss optical fibers for communication, appeared in 1966.1996 年 Kao 和 Hockham 发表了那篇著名的论文,建议将低损耗光纤用于通信,此时光纤光学已发展为一项很实用的技术了。Any communication system which can provide customers with means to communicate from any place, at any time and at any distance give

15、s social and economic advantages.在任何地点、任何时间和任何距离上向用户提供通信手段的通信系统都会给社会带来经济效益。All we need to do now is put it into Chinese, with the post modifier put before the key word.第一个方面是科学家和技术专家们所发明的机器,产品,以及所开发的应用知识体系的应A major application of rectifier is in power-supply circuits, which convert conventional 115v, 60 Hz ac line voltages to d



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