租赁协议 英文

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《租赁协议 英文》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《租赁协议 英文(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 1 / 20租赁协议 英文房屋租赁协议 (中英文)LEASE AGREEMENT承租方/LESSEE: (以下简称为承租方/Hereinafter referred to as Lessee)出租方/LESSOR: (以下简称出租方/Hereinafter referred to as Lessor)以下合称为双方/Hereinafter referred to as the Parties双方在此同意/The Parties hereby reach the Agreement as follows:1、同意租赁/GRA

2、NT OF TENANCY在本租赁合同规定的条款和条件下,出租方同意出租,承租方同意承租 ,带有本合同附件一中所列之附属设施和电器的物业。 (以下简称“物业” )The Lessor shall let and lease and the Lessee shall hire and take lease from the Lessor the Property , equipped with the fixtures and appliances listed in Appendix 1, (hereinafter referred as the Property) , under the t

3、erms and conditions provided for in this Lease Agreement.与出租方的所有权和使用权有关的证明文件和租赁许精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 2 / 20可证在本合同附件二中列明。The relevant documents and permits regarding the Lessors right of use and ownership are attached in Appendix 2.2、 租赁期限/ TERM出租方与承租方一致同意合同租赁期为 12 个月,自2005 年 月日至年 月 日止

4、,如另一方没有违约行为,承租方和出租方中的任何一方都不得提前退租。Both the Lessor and the Lessee hereof agree that the lease period shall last for a period of twelve months from to Neither party of the Lessor and Lessee may early terminate this Agreement in case the other party abides by the Agreement.本合同期限届满后,如出租方仍继续出租物业的,承租方享有优先续

5、约并继续承租“物业”的权利,但必须在初始期满前壹(1)个月通知出租方。优先租期(初始期后的租期)内的租金由双方按照初始期到期时物业的市场租金价格另行约定。双方将签订含有续租条件和条款的租赁合同。Upon the expiration of the lease period the Lessee has a priority to extend the Lease Agreement with notifying the Lessor at least one (1) month 精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 3 / 20prior to the exp

6、iring date. The rent for the renewed period shall be decided by both Parties according to the current market rental value of the Property at that time and the Parties shall enter into a new agreement for the extended term.合同期内,出租方必须保证承租方为唯一的、合法的“物业”使用者。同时,未经出租方事先同意,承租方不得擅自将“物业”转租给任何第三人。For the whole

7、 duration of this Lease Agreement, the Lessor shall be responsible for ensuring the Lessees privilege of using the Property exclusively, and shall obtain the Leasing Permit on the said Property. At the same time, the Lessee shall not have the right to transfer or assign the Lease of Property or subl

8、ease the Property to any third party without the prior consent of the Lessor. The Property is for residential use only.承租方之雇员及/或承租方之联营或下属公司之雇员应将出租房屋用作住宅。说明常住人员 ,并依法及时到公安机关办理暂住证。若承租方需变更使用人,须提前通知出租方,并依法及时到公安机关办理暂住证。精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 4 / 20Employee of the Lessee and/or employee of the

9、 associate company or subsidiary company shall use the Property only for residential purpose. The lessee shall explain use people permanently, and go to the public security bureau to handle the temporary residence permit in time in accordance with the law. If the Lessee intends to change the occupan

10、t of the Property, the Lessee must keep the Lessor informed in go to the public security bureau to handle the temporary residence permit in time in accordance with the law3、 保证金/SECURITY DEPOSIT承租方须以向出租方支付保证金,为人民币 元整(RMB)The Lessee shall pay to the Lessor a Security Deposit of RMB ¥ .在本租赁协议届满或提前终止时,

11、出租方将检查“物业”是否存在因承租方的使用不当而造成的损坏。Upon expiration or early termination of this Lease, the Lessor shall inspect the Property for any damages resulting from the Lessees improper use.精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 5 / 20赔偿该损坏的费用(不包括正常的磨损及折旧) ,如果有,将按照双方达成的书面赔偿协议从保证金中予以扣除。于上述检查完毕之日或双方达成扣除金额(如有)的协议之日起拾伍(

12、15)天内,出租方应将该“保证金”以承租方当时支付给出租方的相同币种返还给承租方(不计利息)如出租方逾期归还保证金,则承租方有权按%每天的罚息率就迟延返还的保证金要求出租方支付罚息,直至出租方返还“保证金” 。After deducting compensation, in accordance with the written agreement on compensation entered into by the Parties, for the aforesaid losses (fair wear and tear excluded) and all the expenses pay

13、able by the Lessor, the Lessor shall, within fifteen (15) days following the date of inspection or the execution of the agreement on compensation, refund such Security Deposit to the Lessee (without interest) in the same currency as it was paid. For any delayed refund of Security Deposit, the Lessee

14、 has the right to charge an interest of % per day on the delayed payment, until the said Deposit is refunded.如“保证金”不足以赔偿因上述损坏而发生的费用,精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 6 / 20承租方应按双方就赔偿达成的书面协议补偿不足部分。In case the deposit is not enough to cover the cost of damages, the Lessee shall make up for the amoun

15、t uncovered according to the written agreement on compensation reached between the Parties.4、 租金支付/PAYMENT OF RENT(1)承租方应在本协议签署后十五(15)天内支付本协议第三条所规定之“保证金” 。The Lessee shall pay the Lessor, the Security Deposit referred to in Article 3 within fifteen (15) days after signing the Agreement.(2)承租方向出租方支付的月租金为人民币 (RMB) ,其中包括物业管理费,保安系统费,有线电视费 .The total monthly rent to be paid by the Lessee to the Lessor is RMB (RMB) The monthly rent is including the Management fee, security ala


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