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1、第一单元:Vocabulary Study:1.permanent 2.had assembled 3.discharging 4.meekly 5.apprentice 6.partiality 7.obscure 8.exalted 9.intruding 10cordially 11ambition 12.gallantlyCLOZE:BDCAB ADABB DBDAA CCDCB、Translation:1.他想当足球明星的梦想随着时间的推移慢慢消退了。His dream of becoming a footble star faded out as timewent by .2一架波

2、音 747 飞机没有升到足够的高度以飞越那座高山,转瞬间一头撞向大山爆炸了。机上无人生还。A Boeiay/Boeing 747 aircraft didnt gain enough height to climb the mountain.In a twinking ,it crash into the mountain and blew up .No one survied in the accident.3.学生们可以很容易地获得图书馆的资源,所以他们应该充分的利用好图书馆。Student have easy access to the resource in the libracy.

3、so they are supposed to make the best of it .4.当时世界上最豪华的游轮泰坦尼克号在她前往美国的途中撞到了冰山,结果轮船沉没在大西洋中,成百上千的人死于这场海难。Titanic,the most luxurious ship in the world at the time .hit an icebery when she was under the way to the USA.Consequently, the ship sank into Atlantic Ocean and thousands of people died in this s

4、hipwreck.5每年夏天,游客们都涌向这一著名的海滩。来此享受日光浴的游客们像沙丁鱼一样挤满了海滩。Every summer, all the tourists pour into this famous beach ,they packed like sardines on the beach to enjoy the sunshine.6.他们曾经到圣路易斯去过一次,对于那里的新奇食物稍微知道一个大概,可是现在他们的光荣时代已成过去了。他们从此自知没趣,再也不说话了,而且每逢这个毫不留情的机匠走过来的时候,他们就知道赶快躲开。They have been to ST louis onc

5、e and have a vague konwledge of its wonderful food ,but the day of their glory is over now ,they laspse into a humble silence and learn to disappear when the ruthless lindneer approches.第二单元:Vocabulary Study1.advocated2.extravagant3.vulnerable4.guru5.potential6.dispel7.shunned8.acclaimed9.enthusiast

6、s10.stave off11.attendant 12.eventuredCLOZE: CBDAD CDBAC BBCCD ABCAC.Translation:1.有些网络专家认为因特网可以防止战争、减少污染,还能克服种种形式的不平等。Some cyber gurus claim that internet will precent wars reduce pollution and combat various of inquality.2.不可否认,因特网可以增进交流,但它却无法消除战争,因为战争的爆发并不仅仅是由于不同种族间缺乏充分理解而引起的。Although,internet ca

7、n undernible fosters communication, It will not put an end to wars . since wars are by no means cause by the failure of different people to understand each other equlty.3.只有当网上的活动能够真正取代现实世界中的行为时,因特网才能帮助节约能源,减少污染。The internet can help reduce energy comsumption and pollution ,only if doing things onli

8、ne replace realworld activies.4.穷人不用因特网并不是因为他们买不起,而是因为他们缺乏必要的技能来有效的利用它,所以提高老百姓的文化水平要比给他们提供上网机会更有意义。The poor are not shunning the internet because they cannot affort it the problem is that they lack the skills to exploit it efficiently, therefore, it make more sense to improve universal literacy than

9、 universal.5.因为有了因特网,在不同国家从事类似工作的人们之间收入上的不平等减少了,但是贫穷国家中从事信息产业的人们与他们最贫穷的同胞之间在收入上的差距却拉大了。Thanks to internet ,income inequality between people doing similar jods in different countries has been reduced. however, the inequality between information works in poor countries and their porrest compatroits ha

10、s been increased.6.如果人类的本性始终固执地保持不变,不管科技预言家是什么,人类的发明也绝不能克服其自身的缺陷。If human nature remains stablely changed ,desipte the claim of technologist predict ,humanity cannot simply incent away its failing.第三单元:Vocabulary Study1.sank 2.clear 3.rainfall 4.drought 5.Flowering 6.loose 7.pores 8.graze 9.spine 10

11、.trapped 11.venture 12.fertileCLOSE: CBDAB DBCCA ACDAC CADABTranslation:1.许多研究表明沙漠中的空气太干燥了,几乎没有任何湿气。Many stuies indicate that thedesert air is so dry that it contains any moisture.2.虽然根据法律每个英国儿童从 5 岁到 16 岁都必须上学,但 1%的儿童到小学毕业时仍不会阅读。Although the children form age 5 to 16 must go to school in Britain ac

12、cording to the laws ,about 1%of the children still can not read when they have primary school.3.听到这个消息后,我知道在两个星期之内,我又会坐立不安。After heared the news ,I knew i fell vestless again within a fornight .4.我们一直认为要回答这个问题,就必须更仔细地查清这些事实。We think unanimouly to answer the question ,we must look more closely at the

13、 faces.5.在全世界范围内,各级政府正采取有效措施控制环境污染。Though out the world, goverment at all levels are taking effectively measures to prevent environment pollution.6.有些人认为考试中应采用客观题,如多项选择;也有人不同意这种观点,认为这种考试会对学生的学习产生不良影响。Some people think that the objective items ,such as multiple choices, should be used for an examatio

14、n, others donot agree, because they believe that this kind test has some bad effect on students leaning.第四单元Vocabulary Study 1.Physical 2.accumulation 3.diversity 4.precipitated 5.muscular 6.pathological 7.symptomatic 8.vigorous 9.psychologically 10.Anxiety 11.restored 12.refreshedCLOSE: ACDCB BCCBD

15、 CDCBA ADCDBTranslation:1.我发现在办公室里坐了一天之后,晚上沿着静静的湖边散散步会令人神清气爽。I find that walking along the quiet lake can provide refreshment form a day is sedentary jod.2.锻炼和放松自己通常被认为是治疗疲劳症的有效方法。Exercising and relexing youself is often prescribed as an effective cure for fatigue.3.你的活动量越小,机体老化的过程就越快,你就越容易面临生理和心理方面

16、的种种问题。The less active you are ,the faster aging process accelerates and the more vulnerable you became to physical and psychological problems.4.即使你坚持节食,你也不可能减到你所希望的那种身材的程度。Even if you keep up dieting, you cannot reduce to the point where you achieve the kind of body-shaping you want.5.人们认为他有一个幸福的晚年,因为在这期间他除了睡觉、吃饭几乎什么事情都不做。但他却常常感到疲惫和 心 情 压抑 。People thought he had happy late years during which time he did little but slept and ate, yet he was often tired and depressed.6.过 去 , 人 们


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