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1、网上购物中消费者的风险感知及行为研究内容摘要随着互联网的普及,B2C 的电子商务模式越来流行,成为便捷的购物方式。但调查表明,真正从网上购物的消费者还是少数,主要是认为网上购物的风险过大。因此全面了解消费者对网上购物的感知风险己经成为理解网络环境中消费者行为,促进消费者网上购物的关键。本研究在文献分析的基础上,采用归纳、演绎、比较的理论研究方法对选题进行探讨。从消费者角度,探讨了其对网上购物感知风险情况,以及这种风险感知对其行为的影响。传统店内购物环境下,消费者的感知风险有 6 个纬度,即财务风险、功能风险、身体风险、心理风险、社会风险以及时间风险。在网络环境下,虽然同样有这几种风险,但是被赋

2、予了新的内涵。对网上购物消费者的感知风险来源进行了深入分析,发现: 在网上购物时,消费者与商家缺乏面对面交流,消费者不能亲身观察要购买的商品,交易过程中物流、信息流与资金流的不同步,这些都提升了消费者在线购买的风险感知。接着,分析了消费者网上购物风险感知的影响因素。本研究构建了消费者感知风险影响因素的一般模式,分别为消费者因素、产品因素、商家因素及与购买相关的其他因素。在网上购物环境中就表现为:消费者因素、产品因素、网上商家因素及电子交易系统因素。最后,对风险环境下消费者网上购物的行为进行研究。消费者面临风险,总是自觉不自觉地采取风险减少行为,以期规避各种可能的风险。具体体现在整个购买决策过程

3、中,尤其是信息搜寻行为、品牌选择行为更是与消费者感知到的风险情况密切相关。研究发现,当消费者风险感知较高,又缺乏内部信息时,就会增加外部信息搜寻的量,同时更加偏好从个人来源获取信息,比如口头传播和意见领袖;消费者也会通过选择名牌、对某个品牌保持忠诚或重复购买某个熟悉品牌来减少风险。关键词:网上购物; 感知风险;信息搜寻; 品牌选择; 口头传播:品牌忠诚.AbstractWith the popularization of Internet, more and more companies began to do retailbusiness online, however, there are

4、 still few consumers taking online shopping as themain purchasing way. A lot of studies have indicated that consumer perceived risk hasstopped consumer from online shopping. So its crucial to fully understand consumersperceived risk in online shopping for understanding consumer online behavior anden

5、courage them to adopt online purchasing.Through literature analysis (induction, deduction and comparison), this studyexplores consumer perceived risk in online shopping and consumer behavior.In traditional in-store shopping environment, there are six types of perceived risk,financial risk, performan

6、ce risk, physical risk, psychological risk, social risk and timerisk. There are also these types of perceived risk in online shopping, however perceivedrisks in online shopping have some different meanings. Analyzing deeply the source ofonline risk, we find that the lack of face-to-face interaction,

7、 the inability to inspect goodsand services prior to purchase, and the asynchronous exchange of goods, money andinformation all contribute to the perceived risk of purchasing online.Afterwards, this paper analyses influences on the perceived risk of purchasingonline. This study presents a general mo

8、de of influences on the perceived risk, thesefactors are consumer, product, the vendor and other factors. When consumers purchaseonline, these factors are consumer, product, the online vendor and the electronic system.At last, this paper discusses the consumer purchasing online behaviors. Whenconsum

9、ers perceive risk, they always avoid risk unconsciously. In the purchasingdecision process, especially the information search and brand choice behavior are relatedto the perceived risk closely. The result demonstrates that consumers need more externalinformation search, when they perceive higher ris

10、k and lack internal information.Moreover, they prefer personal sources, such as word of mouth and opinion leader.Consumers also reduce risk by selecting famous brand, brand loyalty or repeatingselection of familiar brands.Key words: online shopping; perceived risk; information search; brand choice;word of mouth; brand loyalty.目 录内容摘要 .1ABSTRACT.1前言 .31网上购物中消费者感知风险概述 .51.1 基础概念与理论 .51.1.1 风险 .51.1.2 感知 .51.1.3 感知价值 .51.2 感知风险理论在网上购物中的应用 .81.2.1 网上购物感知风险的概念 .81.2.2 网上购物感知风险类型及表现要素 .91.2.3 网上购物感知风险来源探究 .112网上购物中消费者感知风险的影响因素分析 .122.1 消费者因素 .132.1.1 人口统计特征 .132.1.2 个性


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