quantum mechanics量子力学

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《quantum mechanics量子力学》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《quantum mechanics量子力学(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、就在我们每天生活的现实世界里,隐藏着一个惊人的世界,在哪里,我们对宇宙的很多理解是错的Hidden in the real world where we live,there is a stunning world。At there,most of our understanding of the universe is wrong.尤其是对于微观领域,我们对这个世界的看法现在完全改变了,这要归功于这些奇怪而神秘的定律,让我们重新理解现实世界,这就是量子力学。quantum mechanicsEspecially in microcosmic field,we changed how we l

2、ooking at the world。It depends on those strange and mysterious laws。They let us understand the real world again。It is quantum mechanics一段时间以前我们还自以为非常了解行星如何环绕太阳旋转,棒球是如何呈弧线飞越天空,涟漪又是如何漫过池塘表面。这些现象规律都可以用古典力学的公式表达出来,一切似乎都合乎情理。A time ago we thought we knew very well about how the stars rotate around the su

3、n,how baseball fly across the sky, how waves diffuse the surface of the pond。These phenomenas can be expressed in classical mechanics.Everything seemed to be reasonable.你只需要做出一些改变,将视野缩小到最微小的尺度,也就是原子及粒子的层面,你会发现这个微观世界里的相关定律,显然与那些熟悉的宏观世界的定律截然不同。You just need some changing and narrow the field of vision

4、 to the smallest scale.It is the atomic and particle level。You will find the laws of this world is obviously different from the macroscopic world which we are familiar with。尼尔斯波尔提出原子中的电子只能在固定的轨道上运动,每次变换轨道是会放出或吸收特定波长的光线,这就是原子会产生特定色光的原因。所以我们在实验室中看到的是一条条清晰的红光或者绿光。Niels Bohr said that electrons can only

5、 move in a fixed orbit。Everytime when the electrons change their orbit they emit or absorb lights at a specific wavelength and this is why atoms product specific lights。So we can see the clear red or green light lines in laboratory。电子跃迁最惊人的是,电子会直接从这里跳到那里,似乎完全不用通过中间的间隙。也就是说电子只能在这里或者那里,不会出现在两处间的任何地方。T

6、he most amazing thing of electronic transition is that the electronic would jump from to there without passing the middle gap 。It means that the electronic must be here or there and not be the anywhere between two places。 但是波尔和同事的新观点,与公认的物理定律相冲突,不久后他与历史上一位伟大的物理学家有了一次正面交锋。爱因斯坦从来不怕新观念的挑战。问题就是,电子和波一样也可

7、以发生双缝干涉。但电子这种电子怎么会形成这种图案呢,But Bohr and colleagues new view conflicts with the accepted laws of physics。Soon he had a confrontation with a great physicist in history。Einstein was never afraid of new ideas and challenges。The question is that electrons can also occur with double slit interference like

8、waves。But the electrons, a kind of particles,how can this pattern be formed。粒子是粒子,波是波,粒子怎么会是波呢,除非你不认为它是粒子,认为你一直认为是一种粒子的东西是一种波。Particles are particles,waves are waves。How could particles be waves。 Unless you dont think they are particles and think what you thought as a kind of particles before is a k

9、ind of wave。但是粒子就像石头,波就像海浪,有人有一天告诉你石头是海浪,what?最终马克斯玻恩站了出来,说这是概率波。But particles are like stones and waves are like sea waves。One day someone tell you stones are waves,what?At last Max Born come with a new view that it is wave function。波恩认为各地方波动的大小代表着电子在这里出现的概率,电子多的地方不代表电子在这里聚集而是表示这里是电子最可能存在的地方,这种说法很奇

10、怪,也就是说电子本身是一种可能性的集合。Born thought that the size of each places wave means the probability of an electron at there。Many electrons does not mean that electrons gather here but mean that this is the most likely place for the electrons。This view is very strange that the electron itself is a collection of

11、 possibilities。 你不能问现在电子在哪,你只能问想找到电子,哪里是它们最可能出现的地方。无论如何,这种描述电子的新说法是正确的。它已经被验证了无数次。根据量子力学原理,与赌博一样,世界本身就是一场碰运气的游戏。You cant ask where is the electron。You just can ask if we want to find electron,where they are most likely to occur。In any case,this new version of the description is correct。It has been v

12、erified many times。According to quantum mechanics,like betting,the world itself is a game of luck。本质上这种理论认为,自然是建立在偶然性的基础上的,这与人直接的感官相悖,所以很多人一时难以接受。Essentially,this theory think that nature is built on the basis of chance。It is different from mens direct sense,so many people could not accept for a mom

13、ent。其中一位就是爱因斯坦,他难以相信现实世界的本质是由概率决定的,他说上帝不掷骰子,他不相信一件事可能又不可能发生。One is Einstein。He is hard to believe that the nature of the real world is determined by the probability。He said that God does not throw dice。He could not believe that a thing may and may not happen。但这种理论又可以精确预言原子和微小粒子群的行为,而且很快催生了许多重大发明,激光器

14、,晶体管,集成电路。But this theory can precisely predict the act of the atom and the particle swarm。And it soon gave birth to many great inventions,laser, transistor, integrated circuit但是量子理论还是很神秘,因为无法回答爱因斯坦的问题,观察决定结果,在观察一个粒子时,观察本身会使粒子有一个确定的状态。But quantum theory is still a mystery,because it can not answer E

15、insteins question that observation makes result。When observing a particle,the observation itself can make the particle have a certain state。但爱因斯坦认为不论观不观察,粒子都在确定的位置,但他也一再强调,量子力学并不是不正确,至少就目前来看只是不够完整。波尔回应说别告诉上帝他应该怎么做。But Einstein think that no matter observed or not,the particle is at a determined loca

16、tion。But he repeatedly stressed that quantum mechanics is not incorrect,just at least for now, its just not complete。Bohr respond that dont tell God what he should do.但爱因斯坦发现了量子力学中最奇怪最不合理最疯狂最奇怪的就是量子纠缠效应,两个粒子靠近时会彼此纠缠,之后它们就有了联系,最特别的是,量子力学理论认为即使你把这些粒子分开,它们还是会纠缠在一起,还是有联系,比如纠缠电子对绝对会拥有相反的自旋。Einstein found out the most curious,the most crazy,the most unreasonable,the most crazy and the most strange thing of quantum mechanics is quantum entanglement effect。When the



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