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1、Heat说明文档1 项目介绍1.1 什么是Heat?Heat是一套业务流程平台,旨在帮助用户更轻松地配置以OpenStack为基础的云体系。利用Heat应用程序,开发人员能够在程序中使用模板以实现资源的自动化部署。Heat能够启动应用、创建虚拟机并自动处理整个流程。它还拥有出色的跨平台兼容性,能够与Amazon Web Services业务流程平台CloudFormation相对接这意味着用户完全可以将AWS模板引入OpenStack环境当中。2 安装和配置2.1 Install the Orchestration service Install the Orchestration modul

2、e on the controller node: # yum install openstack-heat-api openstack-heat-engine openstack-heat-api- cfn 2.2 在配置文件中说明Orchestration服务存储的数据在数据库的位置,下面的例子使用MySQL数据库。# openstack-config -set /etc/heat/heat.conf DEFAULT sql_connection mysql:/heat:HEAT_DBPASScontroller/heat 以root身份和之前设置的密码登录,再创建一个名为heat的数据库

3、。# mysql -u root -p mysql CREATE DATABASE heat; mysql GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON heat.* TO heatlocalhost IDENTIFIED BY HEAT_DBPASS; mysql GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON heat.* TO heat% IDENTIFIED BY HEAT_DBPASS;2.3 创建heat服务表# heat-manage db_sync 2.4 创建一个heat用户,Orachestration服务能够对其进行身份服务授权,使用service tenant同时赋予

4、该用户管理员权限。# keystone user-create -name=heat -pass=HEAT_PASS -email=heatexample. com # keystone user-role-add -user=heat -tenant=service role=admin 2.5 编辑/etc/heat/heat.conf 文件,在keystone_authtoken 和ec2_authtoken 部分添加认证:keystone_authtoken auth_host = controller auth_port = 35357 auth_protocol = http au

5、th_uri = http:/controller:5000/v2.0 admin_tenant_name = service admin_user = heat admin_password = HEAT_PASS ec2_authtoken auth_uri = http:/controller:5000/v2.0 keystone_ec2_uri = http:/controller:5000/v2.0/ec2tokens 2.6 用身份服务去注册Heat和CloudFormation APIs以便其他openstack服务能找到这些APIs,注册这些服务并指点端点:# keystone

6、 service-create -name=heat -type=orchestration -description=Heat Orchestration API 2.6.1 使用返回给服务的id属性去创建端点:# keystone endpoint-create -service-id=the_service_id_above -publicurl=http:/controller:8004/v1/%(tenant_id)s -internalurl=http:/controller:8004/v1/%(tenant_id)s -adminurl=http:/controller:8004

7、/v1/%(tenant_id)s # keystone service-create -name=heat-cfn -type=cloudformation -description=Heat CloudFormation API 2.6.2 使用返回给服务的id去创建端点:# keystone endpoint-create -service-id=the_service_id_above -publicurl=http:/controller:8000/v1 -internalurl=http:/controller:8000/v1 -adminurl=http:/controller:

8、8000/v1 2.7 启动heat-api, heat-api-cfn 和 heat-engine 服务,同时配置他们使得在机器启动的时候这些服务也会启动。# service openstack-heat-api start # service openstack-heat-api-cfn start # service openstack-heat-engine start # chkconfig openstack-heat-api on # chkconfig openstack-heat-api-cfn on # chkconfig openstack-heat-engine on

9、2.8 验证Orchestration服务的安装为了验证Orchestration服务被正确安装和配置,确保所做的配置在openrc.sh是正确的,使用下面的命令:$ source 3 操作命令3.1 命令用法usage: heat -version -d -v -k -os-cacert -cert-file CERT_FILE -key-file KEY_FILE -ca-file CA_FILE-api-timeout API_TIMEOUT -os-username OS_USERNAME-os-password OS_PASSWORD -os-tenant-id

10、OS_TENANT_ID -os-tenant-name OS_TENANT_NAME -os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL-os-region-name OS_REGION_NAME -os-auth-token OS_AUTH_TOKEN-os-no-client-auth -heat-url HEAT_URL-heat-api-version HEAT_API_VERSION-os-service-type OS_SERVICE_TYPE-os-endpoint-type OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE -include-password.3.2 命令使用说明heat ac

11、tion-resume 重启或恢复栈heat action-suspend 挂起栈heat build-info获取建栈的信息heat event-list -r stack的事件列表heat event-show 描述stack的事件usage: heat output-list 显示可用的输出heat output-show 显示可用输出的值heat resource-list 显示某个stack资源的列表usage: heat resource-metadata 列出元数据资源heat resource-show 描述资源(例如一个wordperss的资源信息)heat resource

12、-signal -D -f 给资源发送信号heat resource-template -F 基于资源产生一个模板heat resource-type-list列出可用的资源类型heat resource-type-show 显示资源类型heat stack-abandon 放弃栈heat stack-adopt -f -e -u -o -c -t -a -r-P 使用栈heat stack-create -f -e -u -o -c -t -r-P 创建一个栈heat stack-delete .删除一个栈heat stack-list -s -f -l -m -g列出用户所有的栈heat

13、stack-preview -f -e -u -o -P 预览栈heat stack-show 描述栈heat stack-update -f -e -u -o -t -r -P 更新栈heat template-show 得到某个具体的栈的模板heat template-validate -u -f -e -o 3.3 验证模板参数命令可选参数-version显示版本信息-d, -debugDefaults to envHEATCLIENT_DEBUG. -v, -verbose打印更详细的输出-k, -insecureExplicitly allow the client to perfo

14、rm insecure SSL (https) requests. The servers certificate will not be verified against any certificate authorities. This option should be used with caution. -os-cacert Specify a CA bundle file to use in verifying a TLS (https) server certificate. Defaults to envOS_CACERT -cert-file CERT_FILEPath of

15、certificate file to use in SSL connection. This file can optionally be prepended with the private key. -key-file KEY_FILEPath of client key to use in SSL connection.This option is not necessary if your key is prepended to your cert file. -ca-file CA_FILEPath of CA SSL certificate(s) used to verify the remote servers certificate. Without this option the client looks for the default system CA certificates. -api-timeout API_TIMEOUTNumber of seconds to wait for an API



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