fce use_of_english_错题总结答案另见

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《fce use_of_english_错题总结答案另见》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《fce use_of_english_错题总结答案另见(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、10 次 Use of Englishi 套题错题整理TEST11. Brad speaks English beter than his parents do.AS Brads parents dont _he does.2. Im sorry I didnt let you know I was gong to be late, Ann, said Jamie.APOLOGISED Jamie _ann know that he was going to be late.3. A heavy fall of snow prevented then from getting home tha

2、t night.ABLE They _home that night because of a heavy fall of snow. 4. Ursula was disappointed not to win the competition .CAME Not winning the competition _to Ursula.5. I paind far more money for my new computer that I expected to .SO I didnt expect _ money for my new compter. 6. Well have to stop

3、at a service station because theres very little petrol left in the car .OUT The car has _ so well have to stop at a service station .7. Samantha would love to have long , blong hair. WISHES Samantha _long, blonder hair. TEST21. Tania hasnt played volleyball for three years.SINCE It _Tania last playe

4、d volleyball.2. I dont usually wear a hat and so it feels strange.USED I am _a hat and so it feels strange. 3. Mark cant wait to use his new computer-games console.FORWARD Mark is _ his new computer-games console.4. I cant fit all my clothes into that tiny wardrobe .HOLD That tiny wardrobe is _all m

5、y clothes .TEST31. Its very hard for Alex to get up in the morning.TROUBLE Alex has _up in the morning .2. Lily is so good at swimming that she is gong to train for the Olympics. SUCH Lily _that she is going to train for the Olympics.3. One of us outght to go and meet the visitor at the airport .SHO

6、ULD The visitor _of us at the airport.4. I went to the dentists because I couldnt stand the toothache and longer. UP I couldnt _ the toothache any longer, so I went to the dentists .5. It was a difficult problem ,but eventually Martin solved it brilliantly.WITH Martin eventually _brilliant solution

7、to the problem.TEST41. Heidi stayed with a friend when she went to London.PUT A friend _when she went to London .2. The singer dislikes people asking for his autograph in the street. LIKE The singer _people ask him for his autograph in the street .3. I advised Kylie to enroll at gym ,which she did.A

8、DVICE Kylie _and enrolled at a gym4.I had no idea that a famous file star was born in the town .UNAWARE I _fact that a famous file star was born in the town. 5. Debbie wore a jumper because she thought it might be cold in the mountains. CASE Debbie wore a jumper _in the mountains . TEST51. Learning

9、to sew seemed a waste of time to Lisa.POINT Lisa couldnt _learning to sew .2. According to the gossip , the actress will be getting married soon. RUMOURED The actress _getting married soon. TEST6 1. Its a waste of time asking Peter to help because hes too busy .NO There is _Peter to help because hes

10、 too busy .2. Is it all right if I turn the television off ? MIND Would _the television off ? 3. Grace knows a lot about Web design, even though she has never studied it .Having Despite _, Grace knows a lot about Web design .4. Damon looked so funny in his brothers tracksuit that we had to laugh .HE

11、LP We _at Damon because he looked so sunny in his brothers tracksuit.TEST71. Although we though the minibus would be comfortable, we were mistaken.TURN The minibus did _as comfortable as we had expected .2. Susan warned Michael about the broken guitar string ,but he didnt listen to he .NOTICE Nichae

12、l _when Susan told him about the broken guitar string .3. The tour bus stopped frequently to let people admire the view. THAT The tour bus stopped frequently _admire the view. 4. Faye hadnt finished her dinner when Steve called her. STILL Faye _when Steve called her.5. Sandras sister can ski better

13、than she can .SKIER Sandra is _as her sister. 20 套 Use of Englishi Part4 错题整理第一套1. Is he expected return soon? BACK Is _soon? 2. Ive never spoken to him before .First Its the _spoken to him .3. He managed to break the world record after trying twice.Breaking He _world record after trying twice. 第二套1 Im sure it wasnt Jim who did it .Have It _Jim who did it .2. He propose some interesting ideas at the meeting .PUT He _at the meeting . 3 He was about to leave when the phone rang .Point He was _


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