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1、 八年级英语下册复习 Unit6-Unit10单元短语 Unit 61.收集贝壳/ 邮票 collect shells/stamps为慈善募捐 collect/raise money for charity2.滑冰马拉松 skating marathon3.你第一双滑冰鞋 your first pair of skates4.募捐 raise money5.整整五小时 the whole five hours=all the five hours6.三年半 three and a half yearsThree years and a half7.填充动物玩具 stuffed animals8

2、.谢谢你送给我的 thanks for sending me9.用光 run out of10.在我十七岁生日时on my seventeenth birthday11.顺便说一下 by the way在某人回家的路上 on ones way home12.最常见的 the most common13.送某人某物 send sb sth14.才艺表演 a talent show15.额外的英语课 extra Englsih class16.我的爱好是收集古币My hobby is to collect old coins17.自由话题 free topic18.想起 think of19.著名

3、人物 famous characters20.黑龙江省会the capital of Heilongjiang Province21.具有丰富多彩的历史 with a colorful history22.欧洲的影响 European influence23.具有俄罗斯风格 be in Russian style24.家史 family history25.事实 in fact26.受到的欢迎 be welcomed by27.宋朝皇帝 the Song Emperor28.西方历史 western history29.越越 the+比较级,the +比较级30.确信 sb + be cert

4、ain that/to do31.在远方工作 work far away32.一双新鞋 a new pair=a new pair of shoesUnit 71.介意做某事 mind doing sth2.调小/大 turn down/up3.洗餐具 do/wash the dishes4.从里出来 get out of5.立即 right away/at once6.一会儿 in a minute7.在开会 be at the meeting8.完成这些工作 finish these tasks9.在厨房里 in the kitchen10.帮某人做某事 help sb do/with s

5、th11.抱怨 complain about sth12.做一些海报 make some posters没问题 No problem13.给你拿错了食品 bring you the wrong food14.某物坏了 sth doesnt work=sth is broken=There is something wrong with sth 15.恼怒 get annoyed16.排队等候 wait in line17.长时间的电话聊天 have a long telephone conversation18.到处跟着我 follow me around19.回到 go back to20.

6、一直 all the time21.碰巧发生在某人身上 happen to sb22.试着不做某事 try not to do sth23.插队 cut in line24.有点晚 a bit late25.定购食物 order food26.压低你的声音 keep your voice down27.讲英语的国家 an English-speaking country28.社会行为 social behavior29.与某人站的近 stand close to sb30.亚洲国家 Asian country31.在各种条件下 in all situations32.即使 even if33.

7、当众 in public34.小心 take care to do sth35.熄灭香烟 put out the cigarette36.被批评 be criticized37.扔垃圾 drop litter38.捡起 pick up39.表现礼貌 behave politely40.依靠 depend on41.地方报纸 local newspaperUnit 81.我应该给她买什么呢? What should I get her ?2.做一顿特别的饭 make a special meal3.你自己的选择 your own choices4.大腹便便的猪 a pot-bellied pig

8、5.好伙伴 good company6.带某人出去 take sb out to do7.睡着 fall asleep8.半途中 half way9.树上的一片叶子 a leaf from a tree10.赠送 give away11.公园长椅 park bench12.试着做某事 try to do sth13.通过不同的方式 in different ways14.来自于中国各地 from across China15.在舞台上 on stage16.各种年龄层 all age groups17.鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb to do sth18.取得进步 make pro

9、gress19.好好照顾 look afterwell= take good care of、20.从中得到乐趣 have fun with sth21.讲本族语的人 native speakers22.使某要对某事感兴趣make sb interested in23.一次英语演讲比赛 an English speech contest24.对感兴趣 take an interest in doingUnit 9 1.一个太空博物院 a space museum2.一个游乐场 an amusement park3.水上乐园 water park4.曾经到过某个地方 have been to5.

10、到某个地方去了 have gone to6.呆在某个地方 have been in7.既不 也不;两者都不 neither nor8.听说 hear of9.迪斯尼人物 Disney character迪斯尼巡游 Disney Cruise10.主题公园 a theme park11.当然 of course12.一个讲英语国家 an English-speaking country13.旅行全世界 travel around the world14.四处走动 walk around15.总是一直 all the time16.交换生 exchange student17.兜风 take a

11、ride18.在船上 on board19.走不同的路线 take different routes20.以结束 end up with/doing sth 21.空中服务员 a flight attendant22.导游 a tour guide23.最重要的要求 the most important requirement象这样的 such as24.考虑 think about25.胜于,而不是 rather than26.在东南亚 in Southeast Asia27.度假 take a holiday28.在一方面 on the one hand29.在另一方面 on the ot

12、her hand30.超过 多余 more than31.四分之三 three quarters32.三分之一 one third33.做某事有困难 have some problem doing34.不管 还是; whether or35开始上课 start to take /taking lessons36.在白天 during the daytime37.在更自然的环境里 in a more natural environment38.全年 all year round39.提高我的听力技能 improve my listening skills40.靠近 be close to离很远 be far from Unit 10 1.闲聊 small talk2.我忘 了带我的伞 I forget my umbrella3.我把伞忘在学校了 I left my umbrella at school.4.到中午为止 by noon5.第 15路公交车停在这 The NO.15 bus stops here.6.浏览,查找 look through7.使拥挤 crowd(V), crowded(adj)拥挤的8.向某人道别 say goodbye to sb9.排队等候 wait in line10



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