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1、 毕业论文The Language Characteristics and Translation Strategy of English Ads学 院: 外国语学院英语赵韶珍 0610271033专 业:姓 名:指导老师:吴文梅学 号:职 称:讲师中国珠海二一年五月北京理工大学珠海学院 2010 届本科生毕业论文I北京理工大学珠海学院毕业论文诚信承诺书本人郑重承诺:我所呈交的毕业论文 The Language Characteristics and Translation Strategy of English Ads 是在指导教师的指导下,独立开展研究取得的成果,文中引用他人的观点和材料,

2、均在文后按顺序列出其参考文献,设计使用的数据真实可靠。承诺人签名: 日期:2010 年 5 月 10 日北京理工大学珠海学院 2010 届本科生毕业论文IThe Language Characteristics and Translation Strategy ofEnglish AdvertisementsABSTRACTWith the influence of globalization, it seems that advertisements have touched us at any corner and on any occasion, which really reveal

3、the integration between advertisements and life. Certainly, English advertisements have been showing their charm to us and we nearly cannot deny them, because they are not only possessed of considerable commercial value, but also much language study value. In view of three aspects, that is, word, sy

4、ntax and rhetoric, this essay will give details about the translation strategy by vivid examples. Keywords: English Advertisements, Language Characteristics, Translation Strategies 北京理工大学珠海学院 2010 届本科生毕业论文I广告英语的语言特点和翻译策略摘 要在全球化浪潮的推动下,广告无处不在,无时不有。真可谓是广告生活化,生活广告化。而广告英语正从普通英语中凸显自己的个性,它不仅具有很高的商业价值,更具有一定

5、的语言研究价值。本文主要从广告英语的词汇、句法、修辞三个方面的语言特点,并结合实例分析广告英语的翻译策略。关键词: 广告英语 语言特点 翻译策略 北京理工大学珠海学院 2010 届本科生毕业论文ICONTENTSABSTRACT.摘要 .1. Introduction.2. Language Characteristics of English Advertisements .12.1 What are English Advertisements .12.2 Language Characteristics of English Advertisements .12.2.1 The Aspe

6、ct of Word. .22.2.2 The Aspect of Syntax.32.2.3 The Aspect of Rhetoric . Personification . Simile and Metaphor. Pun .83. Translation Strategies of English Advertisements.113.1 Literal Translation.113.2 Free Translation.123.3 Transliteration.14北京理工大学珠海学院 2010 届本科生毕业论文I3.3.1 Pu

7、re Transliteration.143.3.2 Semantic Transliteration .143.3.3 Semantic Half Transliteration.143.4 Transformation .153.4.1 Different Viewpoints.153.4.2 Virtual and Non-virtual Translation.153.4.3 Substitution for Image.164. Conclusion .16Bibliography .17Acknowledgements.18北京理工大学珠海学院 2010 届本科生毕业论文IIntr

8、oductionWith the wave of globalization approaching, advertisements have brought us great benefits from every aspect, which add more vigor to our life and work. Especially, English advertisements have outstood from the common ones, and they are possessed of their own features. It is very obvious that

9、 English advertisements have influenced us so much that we are eager to study more about them. They give the advertisement producers much benefit, and render customers pleasant and willing to enjoy them, which is the charm of advertisements. In order to find the essence of them, people have to learn

10、 more about English advertisements. After all, we have entered a new globalizing century, and nobody hopes to be sifted out from the new trend because of the blank knowledge of English advertisements.Then, what are the exact features and how should we have a perfect translation of them? In this thes

11、is, English advertisements have been distinguished from the aspects of language characteristics, and we should translate them in a special way to make them more attractive and persuasive. As for the translation, people should not be confined to the so-called equivalence of language forms, but take more profound factors into consideration, such as cultural difference, individual habit, and specific occasion and so on. There is no denying that English advertisements have been playing more significant role in peoples life and work, so it is full of great importance for us to know more abou



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