澳洲 中英在职证明

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《澳洲 中英在职证明》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《澳洲 中英在职证明(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、在 职 证 明尊敬的领事:兹证明 * 先生/女士在*公司担任*职务,任职*年,一直纪录良好。现 * 先生/女士将打算于 2013 年*月前往澳大利亚旅游/探望亲人*天,所有的费用将由其本人承担。我公司*保证他/她在旅游期间遵守当地法律法规,并准时回国。假期结束后将继续在 *公司 工作。请给予签证,为盼!负责人签名: 单位名称(盖章): 2013 年*月*日CERTIFICATIONTO: Whom It May Concern Date: April 1, 2012 Dear Sir or Madam:This is to certify that Mr./Ms. *(姓名) ,the *(

2、职务) , has been working here for * years with clear records. Now Mr./Ms. *(姓名) is permitted to take leave to visit Australia in 2013 . All the expense will be paid by himself/herself. We guarantee that he/she will abide by the local laws and back to China without overstaying. We thank you for your kind attention and consideration on his/her visa application.Contact Person: (负责人签名/盖章)Contact Telephone: (负责人联系电话) Yours sincerely


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