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2、,儿童是个体与环境之间相互作用的结果。他认为 “有准备的环境”是教育的核心。它有两部分组成,物质环境与人文环境。杜威则指出,教育的本质是“教育即生活”与“学校即社会”的思想。他认为,教育是离不开社会生活情境的,并由此提出了“做中学”的教学思想,在教学中创设情境是必要的。苏霍姆林斯基也曾提出要将学生带入到大自然中,引导他们体验自然的美,利用这样一个真实的情境对学生进行教育。他指出“我力求做到在孩子整个童年时期,使周围世界与大自然始终都以鲜明形象、画面、概念与印象来给学生的思维提供养料。 ”在我国,教育家孔子曾提出“情境教学”的思想。 “不愤不启,不悱不发,举一隅不以三隅反,则不复也” 。教师不能

3、单纯给学生灌输知识,而是应该注重启发学生自己去思考,去琢磨,灵活运用知识。在讲授新课时,应该有提问启发开始,既能吸引学生的注意力,也能启发学生活跃思维。孟子也曾提出类似的思想:“君子深造之以道,欲其自得之也。自得之,则居之安,居之安则资之深,资之深则左右逢其源,故君子欲其自得之也” 。在学习时,教师要充分调动学生的积极性,让学生自己去寻求学习方法。情境教学模式有实施的必要。这种教学模式符合小学生容易被直观具体事物吸引的心理特点。在真实的场景中,学生可以自然地运用语言进行沟通交流,效果会比机械背诵课本范文好很多。二、情境模式的导入在教学过程中,一个适宜的教学情境可充分调动学生的积极思维,激发学生

4、学习的主动性。导入是教学过程的起始环节。好的开始是成功的一半,如果能在该环节刺激学生的情感,吸引学生的注意力,明确学习的目标,那么接下来的词汇教学就能够顺利地进行。为了使学生很快地进入良好的学习状态,笔者在教学中经常采用以下导入环节创设情境。1.图片呈现有一些话题是不易拿出实物展示的,例如译林版小学英语四年级下册 Unit 5 Seasons。在教授四季单词 spring,summer,autumn ,winter 时,没有办法同时真实地呈现四个季节的场景,所以笔者利用图片呈现季节的特征,让学生走入画中,感受季节的温度特征以及人们的日常活动。教师结合图片情境,边引导学生观察边介绍生词。2.讲述


6、愿学” ,培养了学生浓厚的兴趣与积极的心态,快乐的学习过程不仅使学生掌握了单词的拼写,还学会了词汇的运用与关联。总之,情境教学能够拉近学生与教师的距离,缩短生硬的知识与现实的差距。作为学习活动的组织者与指导者,教师要在情境创设环节多下功夫,实现高效课堂。Along with our country education system reform, more and more English teachers change the traditional teaching mode, mainly students of teaching methods. Evaluate students l

7、earning and teachers teaching standards, however, remain in the test the test phase. In order to efficiently present students learning achievement, teachers are often too attaches great importance to the spelling, and ignore the use of words. In vocabulary teaching, many teachers more take to the me

8、anings of the words simply told the students to recite, such as phonetics, semantics, using occasions value degree is not enough. This kind of teaching mode, the students will inevitably be when reciting misattribution phenomenon.A, situational teaching theory introductionSituational teaching model

9、in accordance with the teaching theory is teachers, according to the actual teaching practice, purposefully establishment situation, cause the emotional resonance of students, stimulate students interest in learning, to help students is easy to learn knowledge, to achieve the best learning effect.Mo

10、ntessori (Montessori), children is the result of the interaction between individual and environment. He thinks that the prepared environment is the core of education. It has two parts, the physical environment and humanistic environment. Dewey is pointed out that education is life is the nature of e

11、ducation and the thought of school is society. He believes that education is inseparable from the situation of the social life, and thus puts forward the teaching thought of learning by doing, in the teaching establishment situation is necessary. Su Huom linsky has also offered to the students into

12、nature, guides them to experience the beauty of nature, the use of such a real situation to carry on the education for students. He points out that I strive to do the whole childhood in children, make the world around us and nature is always with sharp image, images, concepts, and feed the impressio

13、n to the minds of students.In our country, educator Confucius has put forward the idea of situational teaching. Not angry not rev, not unable to express or explain oneself not hair, for corner not by three corner, is no longer. Teachers cannot simply give students knowledge, but should pay attention

14、 to inspire the student to think, to ponder, flexible use of knowledge. In the teaching of new class, there should be a question, can not only attract the students attention, also can inspire students active thinking. Mencius had offered a similar thought: the gentleman to further their studies in

15、a way, to its accumulated. Also accumulated, the ranks of Ann, Ann is endowment of the deep, deep pool of around, meet a source, so the gentleman to its accumulated. In learning, teachers should fully arouse the enthusiasm of students, let students themselves to seek ways to learn.Situational teachi

16、ng model necessary to implement. This kind of teaching model in conformity with the psychological characteristics of the pupils are easy to be intuitive specific things to attract. In a real-world scenario, students can naturally use language to communicate, the effect will be much better than rote memorization textbook model essay.Second, the import of situation modelIn the process of teaching, a proper teaching situation can fully m



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