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1、1摘 要当今世界,人们的生活方式完全围绕着方便自助的主题来发展,便利店恰恰成为了这个主题实现的一部分。现在无论是大规模还是小规模的便利店随处可见,潜移默化的在我们的生活中占据了不可或缺的地位。随着其他商业领域的发展,便利店仍然需要进一步的系统化、网络化,使其更加的与现代化世界接轨。所以使用数据库存储便利店的大量数据以及使用前台后台来管理便利店成为了商家的需求。便利店商品信息管理系统采用的是常用的 B/S 架构,开发语言采用的是 Java,数据库用到了便捷高效的 Mysql。在网站上进行进便利店的管理。一方面解除了时间与空间的束缚,另一方面避免管理便利店进货销售的数据。 便利店管理系统面对当前便

2、利店的进货销售库存管理工作,整个系统操作简便、界面友好、实用、安全,能够高效精确的完成进货、销售、库存管理的全过程。便利店的管理系统在通过高效而又严谨的信息记录与流通后将极大地提高了在货物的进出与收支方面的效率。同时正是因为利用了管理系统才能解放出更多的工作人员使其在其他的方面投入更多的精力。在便利店中肯定是需要很多货架去拜访商品,当商品的数量不是充足的时候就需要有员工来进行更换,所以对于这个方面我们还需要特地的为其准备一个便于直观看到的界面来提升系统的管理效率,也方便了前来消费的客户。只要是与网络连接就可以使用本程序,解决了数据信息交流的问题。关键词: 进货 库存 销售 便利店管理系统1AB

3、STRACTIn todays world, peoples lifestyle completely around the theme of self-help to develop convenient, convenience stores just become a part of this theme implementation. Now, whether large-scale or small-scale convenience stores everywhere, subtle occupy an indispensable role in our lives. With t

4、he development of other business areas, convenience stores still requires further systematic, network, making it more in line with the modern world. So the use of large amounts of data stored in a database and the use of convenience stores foreground to background to manage the convenience store has

5、 become a business requirement.Yi Bo convenience store management system uses a common B / S architecture, the development language used is Java, database and uses a convenient and efficient Mysql.Then into a convenience store on the site management.On the one hand to lift the shackles of time and s

6、pace, on the other hand to avoid the convenience store inventory management data. Convenience stores management system Invoicing management to face the current convenience store, the entire system is easy to operate, user-friendly, practical, safe and able to efficiently and accurately complete the

7、purchase, sales, inventory management of the whole process. Convenience store management system through efficient and rigorous information recording and circulation will greatly improve the efficiency and the balance of payments in respect of goods in and out of. At the same time it is because of th

8、e use of the management system in order to liberate more staff to make more efforts in other aspects. In the convenience store shelf definitely need to visit a lot of merchandise, when the number of goods is not enough when you need a staff to be replaced, so for this aspect we need to prepare speci

9、ally for its visually see an easy interface to enhance system management efficiency, but also convenient to the consumer customers. As long as the network connection, you can use this program to solve the data exchange problems.Key words: purchasing inventory sales convenience store management system1目 录引言 .1第一章系统分析 .11.1 需求分析 .11.2 业务流程图 .11.3 系统开发环境 .11.4 系统方案的可行性 .1第二章系统设计 .12.1 系统目标 .12.2 数据库的设计 .1第三章详细设计 .13.1 系统界面设计 .1第四章系统测试 .14.1 测试综述 .14.2 系统的单元测试 .14.3 系统的集成测试 .14.4 测试结论 .1结论 .1谢辞 .



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