超强托福考试复习资料-jerry 口语练习题参考

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1、新 TOEFL 口语考试六道题答题要点回顾 - JERRYTASK 11. 一个主题句, 三点理由, 其中一点举例 2. 举例越具体越好 3. 题目分话题准备, 每类话题准备一个 45 秒回答(录音) TASK 2 1. 主题句表明倾向性, 两点理由充分陈述 2. 其中一点理由加上 A/B 的优缺点比较 3. 结尾的 Conclusion sentence 不强求 TASK 3 1. 针对问题活用三段式的模版, 可以从模版第二段开始 2. 阅读段落和听力段落描述时间比例约为 1:2 3. 半数问题可能只针对听力段落提问, 回答可不提阅读段落 TASK 4 1. 用两三句话概括阅读段落大意, 重

2、点在听力段落描述 2. 阅读段落中有提到, 但没有在听力段落中提到的信息, 答题时可以不说 3. 半数问题可能只针对听力段落提问, 回答可不提阅读段落, 引用概念即可 TASK 5 1. 前半部分问题的描述尽量使用模版, 节约时间 2. 前半部分陈述问题+描述方案时做到条理清晰, 描述准确 3. 描述个人倾向意见时不强求两条理由, 一条充分描述即可TASK 61. 描述清楚起因,结果和主要特征最重要 2. 两个例子或试验分别进行描述, 说完一个再说另一个 3. 尽量不要遗漏重要信息, 同时注意不要张冠李戴1. 描述人物: 1) What are the characteristics of a

3、 good friend? Use reasons and examples to support your responses. 答题要点: 重要的是描述出 2-3 个优点 , 并加上举例. 类似题目: *What are the characteristics of a good neighbor/parent/teacher/classmate/roommate? * Describe the characteristics that make a person successful 2) Which person has helped you the most to get where

4、 you are today, and how has he or she helped you? 答题要点: 重要的是描述出 2-3 件事情, 越具体越好 类似题目: * What person who is alive today would you most like to meet? * Describe a person you admire most and explain why you admire this person? * What famous person would you like to visit for one hour and why? * Describe

5、 a person who has influenced you in an important way. Explain why this person has had an effect on your life. 2. 描述地点: Describe a place where you go for rest and relaxation. Explain why it is a good place for you to relax. 答题要点: 描述出 3 点左右的理由, 如 beautiful scenery, shopping facilities, employment oppo

6、rtunities, easy transportation 类似题目: * If you could live anywhere, where would you live? * Which place in your hometown would you like to take visitors to see and why? * Choose a place you go to often that is important to you and explain why it is important. * What foreign country would you like to

7、visit? Choose a country and explain why you would like to go there. * Describe one thing you would like to improve about your hometown. 3. 描述节日 What is your favorite holiday? Use reasons and details to support your response. 答题要点: 描述出喜欢的理由 , 如 relax, travel, family reunion, get-together 类似题目: * What

8、 is your favorite day of the year? * Describe an event such as a holiday or other occasion that you enjoy celebrating and explain why the event is significant to you, 4. 描述工作 If you can have any job in the world, what would it be? 答题要点: 从几条类似理由中找出容易的描述点,如: Challenging job, decent salary, social stat

9、us, good reputation, chances for promotions, travel 类似题目: What would be your dream job? 5. 描述事件: What event in your life made you very happy? 答题要点: 通过具体例子描述出这件事情的重要性, 可选择描述大学录取, 获得重要奖励, 难忘旅行等 , 同时要考虑如果题目让你描述不好的事情时怎么说 类似题目: * Describe the most impressive event in your life. * What important lesson ha

10、ve you learned in your life? 6. 描述体育运动: What is your favorite game? Describe the game and explain why you like to play it. 答题要点: 万能理由五选一: Exercise, relax, make friends, make money, team work, team spirit 类似题目: * What is your favorite sport? * What new skill would you like to learn? * What do you do

11、in your spare time? * Explain what you do to relieve stress and why you do it. 7. 描述食物 What is your favorite food? 答题要点: 从几条类似理由中选择描述 : Delicious, nutritious, not expensive, easy to get/prepare, different choices 8. 描述物品: Describe an object that is very special in your life 答题要点: 为什么特殊, 可以选择描述生日礼物,

12、考入大学 /大学毕业的奖品, 重要荣誉/奖品等 9. 描述学习 * Why you are preparing to take TOEFL? * What do you like/dislike most about learning English? 10. 描述人生规划 What would you like to be professionally in ten years? Use details to support your responses. 其它值得准备的题目: * What is your favorite book? * What is your favorite mov

13、ie?新 TOEFL 口语考试第二题练习精选 - Jerry 整理( 仅供参考) 校园生活( 学习类话题) 1. Do you prefer to take essay exams or multiple-choice exams? 2. Do you prefer to take essay exams or oral presentations? 3. Would you prefer to take the TOEFL test or a math test? 4. Would you prefer to write a paper by yourself or with a group

14、? 5. Sometimes students have to write paper. Sometimes they have to give oral presentations. Which activity do you think is better for students and why? Includes details and examples in your explanation 6. Some people prefer to study a little in many subjects, while others prefer to study a single s

15、ubject in depth. Which do you prefer and why? 7. Some students study for classes individually. Others study in groups. Which method of studying do you think is better for students and why? 8. In some schools, teachers decide what classes students must take. Other schools allow students to select the

16、ir own classes. Which system do you think is better and why? 9. If your teacher makes a mistake, is it better to correct the teacher or ignore the mistake? 10. Do you prefer to be in a large class or a small class? 校园生活( 非学习类话题) 1. Some people get up early in the morning and go to bed early at night. Others get up late in the morning and stay up until late at night. Whic


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