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1、12010 年高考英语第一轮复习-选修六Unit 1 Art一、语言要点I 单元要点预览(旨在让同学整体了解本单元要点)词语辨析1.possess/own/have 2. technique/technology 3. shadow/shade 1. consequence n.结果 consequent adj. 作为结果的,consequently adv. 从而, 因此2. possess v. 占有 , 拥有 possession n. 拥有, 占有, 所有3.faith n. 信任, 信念, faithful adj. 守信的, 忠实的,faithfully adv. 忠诚地, 如实

2、地4. technique n. 技术, 技巧, 方法,technician n. 技术员, 技师technology n. 工艺, 科技, 技术词形变化5.aggressive adj. 敢作敢为的, 侵略性的aggress v. 攻击 , 侵犯 aggression n. 进攻, 侵略重点单词1. faith n.信仰;信任;信心 2. aim n. 目标;目的;瞄准 vi.&vt.瞄准(向某方向)努力3. typical adj. 典型的, 象征性的4. adopt vt. 采用 , 收养5. convince vt. 使确信;使信服6. attempt n. 努力;尝试;企图 vt.尝

3、试;企图7. predict vt.预言;预告;预测词汇部分重点词组a great deal 大量 by coincidence 巧合地 on the other hand 另一方面in the flesh 活着的;本人 in (the) possession of 拥有(属于)in consequence 因此,结果 appeal to(对某人)有吸引力; 重点句子1. But it was evident that ideas were changing in the 13th century when painters like Giotto di Bondone began to pa

4、int religious scenes in a more realistic way.2. they tried to paint people and nature as they really were.3. among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists.重点语法 虚拟语气(I)(见语法专题)II 词语辨析 (旨在提供完形填空所需材料) 1). possess/own/have vt.占有, 拥有,【解释】possess 较为正式,强调对目

5、前拥有或占有的东西可以控制或支配。也用于表示具有某种才能,品质特点或性能等。own 强调所属关系2have 常用词,可指任何情况下的具有,包括物质的或精神的。【练习】选择 possess/own 或 have 并用其适当的形式填空1) We _ a dinner party on for tomorrow evening. 2) She _ herself of the unclaimed goods. 3) Daisy _ a chain of restaurants though still young. 拥有连锁餐厅4) we all like to attend Professor Z

6、hangs lecture because he _ great tact. Keys: 1) have 2) possessed 3) owns 4) possesses2). technique/technology n.技术【解释】technique 常指针对方法,技巧而言的 “技术”尤其指音乐,艺术,写作的技能 /。technology 常指工业或科学技术,是较为广泛的概念【练习】选择 technique 或 technology,并用其适当的形式填空1) Science and _ can strengthen a nation.2) The actor has the _ of a

7、musing the audience.3) The use of _ of metals brought a great fortune to the local people.Keys: 1) technology 2) technique 3) technology3) shadow/shade n.阴影【解释】shadow C 指人或东西在阳光或灯光下形成的影子。shade U 指任何遮住阳光得到的阴凉的地方。【练习】选择 shadow 或 shade 并用其适当的形式填空1) Sometimes people will get frightened by his own _ espe

8、cially at night. 2) After a long walk, they needed to find some _ and have a rest.Keys: 1) shadow 2) shadeIII 词性变化 (旨在提供语法填空所需材料)1. consequence n.结果 consequent adj. 作为结果的, consequently adv. 从而, 因此2. possess v. 占有 , 拥有 possession n. 拥有, 占有, 所有3.faith n. 信任, 信念, faithful adj. 守信的, 忠实的, faithfully adv.

9、 忠诚地, 如实地4. technique n. 技术, 技巧, 方法 , technician n. 技术员 , 技师 technology n. 工艺, 科技, 技术5.aggressive adj. 敢作敢为的 , 侵略性的 aggress v. 攻击 , 侵犯 aggression n. 进攻, 侵略6.prdict v. 预知, 预言, 预报 prediction n. 预言, 预报 predictive adj. 预言性的, 成为前兆的【练习】根据句子结构,用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空1) Sometimes we are _ by the desire to be rich a

10、nd do everything we could to make the dream come true, but finally we will find out that the _ of wealth may not necessarily bring happiness.(possess)2) The bad weather and the _ confusion of traffic made it impossible for schools to operate as usual. _, most of the students were taken back home by

11、their parents.(consequence)3) The man rushed into the managers office _ and asked for a refund.(aggress)4) An automotive _ coming from U.S.A is ready to help us in science and _ .(technique)35) A _ employee would not like to leave his boss though the company had been bankrupted.(faith)6) With the de

12、velopment of meteorology (气象学), people make it _to know the weather in advance.(predict)keys:1) possessed; possession 2) consequent; Consequently 3) aggressively 4) technician; technology 5)faithful 6) predictiveIV 重点词汇 (旨在提供综合运用所需材料)1. faith n.信仰;信任;信心重点用法have faith in sb./sth.对某人/某事有信心lose faith i

13、n 不再信任,对失去信心be faithful to sb. sth. 忠实于某人某事faithful adj.忠实的faithfully adv.忠实地典例1) Having faith in the masses is the requirement by government.相信群众是对政府的要求。2) Under no circumstance shall we lost faith in the future.在任何情况下,我们都不该对未来失去信心。练习 汉译英 1) 他对我的能力很有信心。_2) 虽然只是一个小挫折,却让露丝对成功失去了信心。_Keys: 1)He has fai

14、th in my ability. 2) Though its only a small frustration, it made Rose lose faith in success.2. aim n. 目标;目的;瞄准 vi.&vt.瞄准(向某方向)努力重点用法take aim (at) 瞄准aim at 向 瞄准;旨在,针对;志在aim high 胸 怀大志; 力争上游典例1) What is your aim in life?你生活的目的是什么 ?2) He aimed the gun at the enemy officer他用枪瞄准了敌军官。3) Our factory must

15、aim at developing new models of machines我们的工厂必须致力于研制新型机械。练习根据句子的意思在横线上填人适当的词或词组。 1) This anti-smoking campaign mainly_ (针对)young teenagers2) The hunter_ (瞄准)the lion and fired 3) He _ (力求) at accuracy. 4) He could not _ (瞄准)straight. 5) He is leading a life without _(目标,方向).4Keys:1)aims at 2)aimed at 3) aimed 4) aim 5) aims3. typical adj. 典型的, 象征性的; 不出所料;特有的重点用法be typical of是 代表; 象征典例1) Xianglin shao is


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