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1、向党的九十华诞献礼汇报演出中英文主持词向党的九十华诞献礼汇报演出中英文主持词主持人:颜x、皮x、严x、吴x、符x、常x、刘x、邹x中文:尊敬的领导,亲爱的来宾。英文:女士们,先生们。合:上午/下午好。符:带着丰收的憧憬,迎着十月的阳光;刘:带着毕业的豪情,怀着幸福的渴望;常:灿烂的笑容和祖国的花朵一起绽放;邹:嘹亮的歌声同欢庆的锣鼓一起敲响。颜:with a vision of the harvest, against the October sunshine吴:with a vision of the better life in the future, with desire for ha

2、ppiness符:九十年前的一天,一个伟大的政党庄严宣告成立;九十年前的一天,一面火红的旗帜迎风冉冉升起刘:历史的纪念碑,凝聚着先辈英烈执着的求索;辉煌的交响乐,奏响了共和国壮丽的凯歌严:niy years ago,a great party was set up stately皮:niy years ago,a red flag was risen up slowly常:今天我们在即将毕业的难忘时刻欢聚一起,庆祝您的90华诞邹:用我们最美好的歌声,表达我们最深厚的感情符:用最优美的舞蹈,跳出我们心中的喜悦吴:Today,we get together to celebrate our gre

3、at partys niy year old birthday皮:By using our best songs to express our most profound feelings严;By using the most beautiful dance to express our profound joys合:下面我们宣布晚会,现在开始。(退场,四人留下)符:有一支歌,能够传唱神州90年而经久不衰;有一支歌,几代人同唱都充满着深情。刘:90年来,一个真理,经历了历史的考验,经受了人民的检验,也被中国社会的发展所证明,这就是只有共产党才能救中国!皮:There is a song,sun

4、g on 90 years,There is a song ,sung for several generations。严:For 90 years ,the truth has experienced the text of history, has withstood the text of the people,has also been proved by developmentof Chinese society,That is only the Chinese munist party can save china合:没有共产党就没有新中国!符:请全体观众跟我们一起放声高唱,没有共

5、产党就没有新中国吴:Please all audience to join us sing the song loudlyNo Communist No new China刘:指挥,寻x老师;钢琴伴奏,辛x老师;伴舞,校艺术团。皮;祖国篇(2人上场)邹: 我们的演出从第一篇章祖国篇开始。请欣赏大合唱花儿与少年。吴: Our show began from the first chapter of the motherland. Please enjoy the chorus of Flowers and youth. Lets wele!(2人上场)符:金秋十月,彩霞万里,那是华夏儿女对伟大祖

6、国的美好祝愿。今夜,让我们唱一曲颂歌,祝福您的美好吉祥,让我们迎着美好的朝阳走向灿烂的明天!下面请欣赏第一个节目,由旅管二十九班带来的舞蹈吉祥。颜: In Octoberofgood wishes at the night ofstars, let us sing a carol, wish you good luck, let us greet the bright sun into a brighter tomorrow! please enjoy the next show, performed by class twenty nine , luck.校园篇(四人上场)邹:九月,一个激情

7、释放的季节,九月,一个活力挥洒的年月。常:每当晨光出现,姑娘们开始歌唱!麓山脚下,湘江之滨,竞男女院年轻的姑娘们正在努力追求美,尽情创造美,无限展现美!颜: September, a season of passion, September, a month of dynamic 严:When the dawn is approaching ,the girls are singing at the foot of the YueLu mountain ,which along the banks of Xiang River ,we are trying to seek the beauty

8、, create the beauty and show the beauty!邹:九月,年轻的我们掩饰不住心中的喜悦,在即将毕业之际,迫不及待地想要放飞我们年轻的心常:第二篇章校园篇,请欣赏由学前教育一班带来的歌舞表演我要飞,让我们一同用热情来感染这火红的九月。颜: The second chapter: .please enjoy the dance performances :I want to flyWele!(诗朗诵,2人上场)常:几年的竞男磨练,我们变得成熟了,我们即将飞向社会的广阔天地,去施展我们的聪明才智,回报祖国人民对我们的关心,回报老师对我们的辛勤教育,请欣赏诗朗诵别了,我

9、的竞男。皮: a few years in JingNan,we bee more mature, we will go into the society to display our talents,to return our youth and blood。please enjoy poetry reading - Farewell, our jingnan腾飞篇(四人上场)齐:朋友们,祖国在腾飞,校园在腾飞。刘:回顾历史,我们为祖国骄傲符:脚踏实地,祖国因我们欣慰刘:展望未来,我们与祖国共腾飞吴:Looking back the history, we are proud of our

10、motherland颜:Step by step ,motherland is gratified with us吴:Looking into the distance, we are flying together with our motherland符:今天,我们正欢聚一堂,轻歌曼舞,尽情表达我们对祖国的自豪之情刘:明天,我们将整装待发,扬帆起航,为建设祖国奉献我们的青春和热血。颜:Today, we are gathered here, singing and dancing, to express our pride for the country吴:Tomorrow , we wi

11、ll set out for the building our motherland ,devoting our youth and blood符:看,吐鲁番的姑娘们正在葡萄架下舞动、旋转着刘:第三篇章腾飞篇,请欣赏由旅管三十班带来的舞蹈璇璇 璇。颜:Look, the girls of Turpan are dancing toward us。Please enjoy the dance of class thirty whirling, 结 尾符:九十年春秋创伟业,同心同德向未来刘:让历史记住今天,让时间检验明天!常:怀揣美好的憧憬谱写崭新的乐章邹:以勇敢的挑战成就辉煌的伟业符:让崇高的使

12、命铸就和谐的未来颜: niy ofhard work , one heart and mind to the future吴: letswrite a new vision carrying a beautiful piece of music严: Let noble mission cast harmonious future刘:虽然我们无法阻拦时间的流逝,但我们可以主宰自己的命运皮:Although we can not stop time pass by, but we can dominate our mood常:在这充满喜庆的日子里,让美好的祝福串成一皮:首动人的诗、开启一片温馨的心

13、灵邹:艳丽的鲜花祝您节日愉快,闪动的烛光祝您平安如意严:In these delighted days, wishes from bottom of our heart ,make up a blessing poem颜:Gorgeous flowers wish you happy, Flashing lights wish you peaceful刘:亲爱的朋友们,我们的晚会即将接近尾声,今天将会永远地留在我们绚烂的记忆里。吴;Ladies and gentleman , the party will be finished I think the memory of the night

14、will print into our mind 常:最后让我们深深地祝福我们伟大的党、我们的祖国繁荣富强邹:祝福我们的竞男蓬勃发展符:祝福我们的未来灿烂辉煌皮;At last, Lets bless our nation strong!严:Bless our college flourishing!颜:Bless our future brilliant!齐:让我们二十年后再相会。今天的晚会到此结束。朋友们,再见!皮: we are honored together here to share the joy and happiness with all of you严: we also w

15、ant to spread this joy and happiness all round the country颜: September, we can not conceal the joy in our heart, in the uping graduation, eager to fly in free skyto our motherland, the people concerned, and to our teacher ,we shall吴; Let history remember today, lettime test tomorrow!严: By brave challenge we obtainthe brilliant achievements 5



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