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1、1广东省 2017-2018学年七年级英语上学期第一次月考试题一汉译英 (10 分)1.早上好_ 2.你好吗?_3.我很好_ 4.早晨_5.中午好_ 6.喂_7.晚上好_ 8.谢谢_9.很高兴见到你_ 10.你叫什么名字?_ 二单项选择。 (20 分)( )11.老师说:“Good afternoon ,class !” 学生应说_ !A. Hello B. Good afternoon , sir ! C. Thank you D. Hi( )12.-Hello !-_A.Hello ! B.Im Li Hua . C.Whats your name ? D.Thank you .( )13

2、.-Whats your name ?-_A.Im fine . B.My name is Li Hua . C.Hello ! D. How are you ?( )14.-Good morning ,class !-_A.Im fine . B. Thank you ! C.Hello ! D. Good morning , teacher !( )15.晚饭后,你散步时遇到了你的一个朋友,你应说_来打招呼。A Good morning ! B.Good afternoon ! C.Good evening ! D.Good night ( )16.-How are you ?-Im fi

3、ne ,thanks. How are you ?-_A.How do you do ? B.How are you ?C.Oh, good ! D.Im OK .( )17.当你想问对方的身体状况时,应说:“_” 。AHow are you ? B.Hello C.Whats your name ? D.Good morning 2( )18.-What is _name ?-Mary.A.him B.his C.her D.hers( )19.下面与 B发音没有相同之处的是_。A.Cc B.Ff C.Dd D.Gg( )20.-Hi , My names Emma .-_.A.Hi,Im

4、Li Tao. B.Hello. C.Hi D.Good afternoon( )21.现在上是下午 1点钟,你该如何向别人问候?_.A.Good morning B.Good afternoon C.Good evening D.Good night ( )22.现在是晚上 7点钟,你该如何向别人问候 ?_ _.A.Good morning B.Good afternoon C.Good evening D. Good night( )23.“How is your mother?”“_.”A.Im fine ,thank you B.She is well ,thanksC.He is f

5、ine ,thanks D.They are well ,thank you ( )24.-How_ you ?- I _ fine ,thanks.A.are ;is B.are; am ;am ; is ( )25.打电话时,打招呼常用:_。A.Good morning ! B.Goodbye .C.Hello ! D.Who are you ?( )26.-_.-Fine ,thanks.A.How do you do ? B.Hello!( )27.-Hello,Miss Gao!Nice to meet you .-_.A.Nice to meet you ,to

6、o. B.How are you ?C.Fine, thank you . D.Im fine,too.( )28.-How are you ,Han Meimei ?3-_.A.OK B.good C.a teacher D.Tom( )29.-Can you spell it in English ?-_,I cant.A.Yes B.Sorry C.Excuse me D.Not( )30.Mr .Wang ,_,my English teacher,Miss Green.A.its B.this is D.this 三.补全对话. 从所给的选项中选出恰当的一项补全对话。 (1

7、0 分)Jack: Good afternoon, Dale! Dale: _21_, Jack!Jack: _22_ today? Dale: _23_. And you?Jack: Im OK, thanks. Whats this in English?Dale: Oh. _24_ a pencil. Its my pencil.Jack: Spell it, please. Dale: P-E-N-C-I-L.Jack: _25_? Dale: Its red.Jack: Thank you. Dale: Thats OK.( ) 31. A. Good morning B. Good

8、 afternoon C. How are you?D.Good evening( ) 32. A. How are you B. Hello C. How old are you D. How do you do?( ) 33. A. Im 13 B. Im fine, thanks C. Thanks D. Not bad.( ) 34. A. It B. This C. Its D.That( ) 35. A. What color is it B. Whats this C. How are you D. Whats that四.阅读理解 (10 分)ALook at this . I

9、ts a pencil case. Its orange. Its my pencil case. Whats in it? Look, this is a pen. Its black. This is a pencil. Its red And this is a ruler. Its green. This is an eraser. Its blue and white. My pencil case is big and nice . I like it.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( )36.My pen is black.4( )37.This is an orange

10、pencil case .Its small and nice.( )38.There is a pen,a pencil,a ruler,and an eraser in it.( )39.My eraser is blue and black.( )40.I like my case.B五选用正确的冠词填空。 (5 分)41. Look! _ little dog is under my desk.The dog is my uncles.42. Can you give me _ apple?43. There is _ “I” and the “T” in the word “it”.

11、44. _ girl in red is my sister.45. _ moon turns around the earth(地球).六、句式考查。(20 分)A.句式变换。46. This is a black pen.(对划线部分提问)_ _ this?47. Its an orange ruler.(改为同义句)The ruler _ _.48. This is my pencil.(一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_ this _ pencil?No, _ _.49. These are my books. (一般疑问句,并作 肯定回答)_ these _ books?Yes, _ _.

12、50. This is my eraser. (改为一般疑问句)_ this _ eraser?51. Is that his baseball? (作否定回答)_, it _.52. His phone number is 8235-0285. (对划线部分提问)5_ _ phone number?53. I am Tony. (改为同义句)_ _ is Tony.七连词成句(10 分)54. that, is, pen, my _?55. number; ID card; 666-5655; is; my _.56. family, Black, is, name, his _.57. your, lost, found, is, in, and, case, the, watch _.58. her,last, what, name, is _?八.写作(15 分)你早晨在学校门前遇到 Jack Brown,你问他姓和名字及电话号码,你和他聊天,写不少于 5句话,对话。_



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