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1、优秀文档,值得收藏!优秀文档,值得下载!1 错误题 1:-Whats this in English? -_an orange orange.A. This is B.Thiss C. It D. Its错误原因分析:错误率高,有 this 引导的问句中,为了避免重复,往往用 it来代替它。答语中只有表语,缺乏主语和系动词,故选 D.2. 错误题 2: His a boy.错误原因分析: 学生不了解主格代词与物主代词的差别,仅依据汉字信息“他”使用英语词汇。改正: Hes a boy.3. 错误题 3:Look at, this is my room.错误原因分析:look 与 look at

2、 混淆, 不了解 at 何时使用.改正:Look! This is my room.4错误题 4: The baseball on the dresser.错误原因分析:这类错误尤其多见于含介词短语的英语句子,主要原因是学生受汉语表达影响,如“棒球在梳妆台上” ,忽略了英语句子中的谓语动词。改正:The baseball is on the dressser.5错误题 5: His books are in backpack.错误原因分析:学生习惯于汉语思维,即使使用冠词也拘泥于翻译“一(个.) ”或“这(些) 、那(些) ”,没有使用冠词的意识。改正:His books are in the

3、 backpack.6错误题.6:The desks is new. The chairs is green.错误原因分析:汉语中主谓没有数的变化,初学英语的学生往往忽视英语中主谓在人称和数量上的一致性。改正: The desks are new. The chairs are green.7错误题 7:I found this a set of keys in the found and lost case.错误原因分析:指示代词和不定冠词混淆,对词组的熟悉程度不够,this 和 a 放在一起,缺乏语言习惯。改正: I found this set of keys in the found

4、and lost case.8错误题.8:He watch_(watch) TV at home.错误原因分析:对第三人称单数不熟悉。改正: He watches TV at home.9 错误题.9:Please bring this dictionary to Mr Brown.错误原因分析:英语中 bring 是带来,靠近说话人,而 take 是带走,远离说话人。优秀文档,值得收藏!优秀文档,值得下载!改正:Please take this dictionary to Mr Brown.10错误题.10:Please call at Jim.错误原因分析:call sb. 或 Call

5、sb.at + 电话号码,打电话给某人。改正: Please call Jim. / Please call Jim at 2978541.11错误题.11:My name is Wangtao.错误原因分析:学生对中文姓名的拼读不了解,姓名只是汉语拼音,但姓氏和名字的第一个字母序大写。改正: My name is Wang Tao.12错误题 12:Thank of you photo of your family.错误原因分析:对 thanks 与 thank you 的区别还有词组 thank for 的用法。人称代词 you 和指示代词 your 的区分。改正: Thanks for

6、your photo of your family.13错误题.13:Is this you pencil case?错误原因分析:学生不了解主格代词与物主代词的差别,仅依据汉字信息“你”使用英语词汇。改正: Is this your pencil case?14错误题.14: Sorry, is this your eraser?错误原因分析:不能区分 sorry 和 excuse me.Sorry 向别人道歉时用。Excuse me 打扰别人时用。改正: Excuse me, is this youe eraser?15错误题.15:_ (this) rulers are white.错误

7、原因分析:错误率高,大部分学生写 the。改正: These rulers are white.16错误题.16:Please_bring_(拿走) these boxes to the teachers room.错误原因分析:bring 和 take 是反义词,感念混淆。改正: Please_take_(拿走 ) these boxes to the teachers room.17错误题.17:My father name is. My mother name is.错误原因分析:中英文混淆,按中文习惯来做英文题。改正: My fathers name is. My mothers na

8、me is.My father is. My mother is.18错误题 18:Look!This is a nice photo_ my family.A.of B. in C. on D.to 选 B 学生较多。错误原因分析:未掌握 a photo of 一张.的照片改正: 应选 A优秀文档,值得收藏!优秀文档,值得下载!19错误题.19:He has three watchs.错误原因分析:对可数名词的单数变复数的规则掌握不全。以 s,x,sh,ch 结尾的加-es.改正: He has three watchs.20错误题 20:That isnt my computer game

9、.(变复数形式)错误原因分析:学生要么 isnt 不变,要么 game 忘了加-s改正: Those arent my computer games.21. 错误题 21:运动俱乐部: sport club错误原因分析:平时对词汇的细节不注意而导致错误。改正: sports club22. 错误题 22: Do your cousin have a tennis racket?错误原因分析:不能区分 you 和 your,故错误。改正: Does your cousin have a tennis racket?23. 错误题 23: We go to school everyday.错误原因

10、分析:everyday 是形容词,意为日常的,而 every day 则是每天、天天之意。改正: We go to school every day.24. 错误题 24:I like play soccer ball.错误原因分析:由于学生小学学过 like,应是 like dong, 球类运动的抽象与具体,作为运动,应为 soccer。改正: I like playing soccer.25. 错误题 25:There is a f in the word football.错误原因分析:英文字母单独使用时,如其第一个发音是元音时,其前面的不定冠词应该用 an 而不是 a.改正: There is an f in the word football. 26. 错误题 26:Gina _dont has_(not have)a tennis ball.错误原因分析:关于实义动词的否定形式以及第三人称单数混淆。改正:Gina _doesnt have_(not have)a tennis ball.



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