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2、入的了解我国相关房地产上市公司的财务现状,也能够更客观、更实际的对我国相关房地产上市公司的财务现状进行分析和评价,找出我国房地产上市公司在财务报表方面主要存在的问题,通过制定相应的改进策略,以期提高我国相关房地产上市公司的财务状况。关键字:房地产企业、上市公司、财务管理、财务报表AbstractAbstract:With the development of market economy, on one hand to promote the rapid development of our enterprises; it also makes the competition between

3、the enterprise environment is intensified. Under this background, the modern business management and organization forms of constant change, make the enterprise financial activities is very complex, to gain a deeper understanding of our country the financial activity of the enterprise, must be target

4、ed to carry out various financial analysis, business management and decision-making provide a basis. Although our countrys financial analysis is developing very quickly, also have very rich theoretical and empirical research to explore, but the real estate industry listed companies research is not m

5、uch, because the real estate industry listed company has its own operating characteristics as well as this year, Chinas real estate market is extremely active, it is necessary to be listed real estate companies and financial analysis combines, to carry out the relevant analysis and research work. Th

6、is paper mainly uses the relevant financial statements analysis method to our country real estate listed company financial statement analysis, and thus more in-depth understanding of Chinas real estate of listed companys financial situation, can more objective, more practical in real estate listed c

7、ompanys financial situation analysis and evaluation, find out our country listed real estate company in the financial statements with respect to the main existing problems, through the development of the corresponding improvement strategies, in order to improve our country real estate of financial s

8、tatus of listed companies. Keyword:Real estate enterprises, listed companies, financial management, financial statements 目录一、房地产行业财务报表分析的意义 .4(一)相关概念 .41.房地产行业简介 .42.财务报表 .43.财务报表分析 .5(二)房地产行业财务报表分析的意义 .51.理论意义 .52.实践意义 .5二、房地产上市公司财务报表分析现状及存在问题 .6(一)房地产上市公司财务报表分析现状 .6(二)问题 .71.财务信息的客观性与真实性 .72.财务报表分

9、析方法的局限 .73.财务报表分析人员的局限性 .74.财务指标方面 .8三、原因 .10(一)市场环境 .10(二)行业竞争 .10(三)管理模式 .11四、对策建议 .11(一)加强财务报表的审计,完善会计信息的披露 .11(二)完善财务分析体系 .12(三)提高财务报表分析人员的综合素质和水平 .13(四)加强财务管理,改进财务比例 .13(五)提高企业财务能力,加强风险控制 .14五、案例分析(以宜华地产与保利地产对比分析为例) .14(一)公司背景简介 .141.宜华地产 .142.保利地产 .15(二)案例具体情况 .151.宜华地产与保利地产偿债能力分析 .152.宜华地产与保利

10、地产营运能力分析 .153.宜华地产与保利地产盈利能力分析 .164.宜华地产与保利地产趋势分析 .165.宜华地产与保利地产综合分析 .17(三)案例剖析及启示 .171.偿债能力方面 .172.营运能力方面 .183.盈利能力方面 .184.趋势方面 .185.综合方面 .19六、结束语 .19一、房地产行业财务报表分析的意义(一)相关概念1.房地产行业简介在我国,狭义的房地产主要是指基于土地以及地上与地下的各种相关的建筑物,广义的房地产主要是指可以作为财产的房地产以及附属各种权益以及经营活动的总称。所以,房地产行业是包括土地资源开发,建筑物、房屋的建设、维修、买卖、租赁、抵押,以及相关土地使用权的转让等综合型的产业。房地产行业的基本职能和作用就是组织实施房地产开发,并为房地产相关消费等提供各种服务。我国房地产行业的发展主要还是始于 1979 年的经济体制改革,具体而言,我国房地产行业的发展可以按照发展类型以及发展速度的不同划分为以下三个阶段:第一阶段(1979 年-1991 年):在此阶段,我国开始了城镇化租房制度方面的改革,国务院制订了城镇国有土地使用权出让和转让暂行条例以及外商投资开发经营成片土地暂行管理办法等管理制度,我国的房地长市场开始成长,也促进了我国房地产行业的发展;第二阶段(1992 年-1997 年):在此阶段,我国的房地产市场初步形成和成熟,使我国



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